In 1961 the Initiative Group which has begun movements on to consecration of people Divine was organized.  1961 ãîäó îðãàíèçîâàëàñü Èíèöèàòèâíà Ãðóïïà, êîòîðà ïîëîæèëà íà÷àëî äâèæåíè ïî î÷èùåíèþ è îñâùåíèþ íàðîäà Áîæüåãî.
Many heard, how November, fifth, 2002, have accepted in Spokane, WA delegation STS EHB, led by its chairman. It was judged also to me as the originator of those events, to describe all under the order, you, venerable Theophilus... That you have judged... Ìíîãèå ñëûøàëè, êàê ïòîãî íîáð 2002 ãîäà, ïðèíëè â Ñïîêåíå äåëåãàöèþ ÑÖ ÅÕÁ, âî ãëàâå ñ å¸ ïðåäñåäàòåëåì. Ðàññóäèëîñü è ìíå, êàê âèíîâíèêó òåõ ñîáûòèé, îïèñàòü âñå ïî ïîðäêó, òåáå, äîñòîïî÷òåííûé Ôåîôèë... ÷òîáû òû ñàì ðàññóäèë...
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