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Christ Changes the world ministries

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Introdution by Founder&Director Rev.Amjad Niamat


Amjad Niamat was born at Lahore, Pakistan in 1972. He joined Campus Crusade for Christ in 1992 and worked with them for four years. Later on he joined Gujranwala Theological Seminary, Gujranwala Pakistan for three years. , passage of time, he established the Interdenominational ministry named "Christ Changes The World Ministries". In the ministries many brothers and sisters are whole heartedly engaged themselves having full of the holy spirit for accomplishment of the Lord's great commissions and for the dissemination of His kingdom, which have following aims and objectives.


He belonged to a nominal Christian family, who never worshipped the true God but evil spirits. Following the footsteps of his family, he too never went to Church and read the Holy Bible. Then a spirit of death started work in his family and four family members became the victim of death-spirit. Then one night; all of a sudden Mr. Amjad Niamat woke up seeing a nightmare, in this dream; spirit of death spoke to him warning and informing him of his turn to be the next victim. In this tension and despair, after a few days the Lord Jesus spoke to Mr. Amjad Niamat "be on your guard, don't fear and don't loose heart I am with you". Lord Jesus was holding a white dress (gown) in his hand and gave this to Mr. Amjad saying, " Put off your old self and wear this dress of righteousness. Serve me and all of your troubles and problems will be vanished away. As for as spirit of death is concerned that will be no more at work in your family". Mr. Amjad in his ignorance did not know the meanings of that dream, then in 1992, he shared this dream with a pastor who belonged to Campus Crusade for Christ. That Pastor explained him everything and led him to Christ. On 19th March 1992, he confessed his sins and made a commitment to the Lord Jesus accepting Him his savior and Lord of his life and devoted himself for the fulfillment of great commission. As soon as he did this, the past dark situation of sorrow and grief started changing into happiness and prosperity and by the passage of time the whole situation and scene was changed. Praised and glory to the living God. Hallelujah.

Vision of Ministries.

Amjad Niamat saw a vision in 1995. He saw himself standing in the valley surrounded by high mountains. At the same time any supernatural power lifted him up. He started to walk with that supernatural power slowly and gradually. Suddenly he looked down on Earth where he saw weak and dead cows. That supernatural power asked Amjad Niamat to forward his hands toward those weak and dead cows. Amjad Niamat followed the instructions and did the same as he touched them. Then the dead cows became alive even the weak cows became healthy and fat and walking. Interpreting the dream God said, " I have chosen you for my ministry so that you may proclaim my name in the whole world and the people who are dead due to sin might receive my Word. So that they might be set free from sin, death, grave, law and from the slavery of Satan to receive an eternal life as inheritance. Amjad Niamat receiving the vision started working on it by organizing the ministry named "Christ Changes the World Ministries". Till now God is using his servant by the fullness of the Holy Spirit to proclaim salvation to many people and to extend His own kingdom amongst the people. Ministry Objectives 1. Evangelism Evangelism through conventions, crusades, seminars to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ. 2. Literature ministry Literature ministry in Pakistan: There is a very small quantity of literature on biblical teaching is available and we plan to spread the wholesome teaching material in Pakistani Church to make good and fruitful disciples. 3. Bible School To equip and prepare the disciple of Christ for great Commission and to create the awareness of the five fold ministry: 4. Library To establish a 5000 books library which will consist of commentaries, biographies of the men of God including men of the Bible, so that every one who is in search of Truth could benefit from this library. 5. Audio / Cassettes ministry Audio/cassettes, messages / songs for un-educated people who are unable to read the Bible and songs. 6. Sunday school ministry We would like to emphasize on this important and foundational work to prepare the young one of our nation to be the great worrier and minister of God. 7. Community development Program For the uplift of our poor people in back ward arrears by giving them training of small industries in accordance with their situations. 8. Prayer ministry Aims and objectives ofthe ministries.Fulfilment the great commission Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation,to make the word of God known to all and to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and Extention of the Kingdom of God,to make disciple and prepare them for God,to establish and run commiunity development programe.

Statement of faith, building project for office


1.There is but one God, and He alone is to be worshipped. He is a Spirit, Self-existent, Omnipotent yet distinct from all other Spirits and form all material things, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, Wisdom, power, Holiness, Justice, Goodness, Truth and love. In the God Head there are three persons, the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, and these three are One God, The same in substance, equal in Power and Glory.

2. God revealed Himself in Creation, to People's hearts through the Holy Spirit and finally in Jesus Christ the incarnate Word of God. 3.The Scriptures of the old and New Testament are the Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and duty. 4.Our Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself voluntarily by the will of God the Farther as atonement sacrifice for humankind, in which both the love and justice of God are revealed. 5.The justification is by faith alone. It is the judicial act of God through which He establishes new relationship with humankind in Christ and forgives them their sins and guilt. 6.Believers must keep Sunday as the Lord's day, leaving all private business, they must dedicate it for the working and service of God. 7.The sacraments instituted by Christ are baptism and the Holy Communion. The church needs to celebrate these sacraments till the second coming of Christ. 8.Our Lord Jesus Christ will come back on earth with power and glory and will reign. 9.At the time of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ all dead will be raised in body. This is the first resurrection. 10.A day will be the day of the last judgment when Jesus Christ our Lord will judge all nations of the world. The righteous will be freed and the wicked will be punished eternally. 11.After the last judgment, eternity will begin. Mission Statement To preach the Gospel to the all world through every possible means of communications. Vision Statement Our vision is to see lost world come to the living faith in Jesus Christ and to help them grow to the whole measure of the fulness of Jesus Christ. Bible says. " so then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord , continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught , and overfiowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2;6.7. Note: I suggest you vision statement and Mission statement write under vision of ministries Projects office building we are running our office from a rented place these days so we need own office building . Any help for office building and other needs for office will be greatly appreiated. Library . we have plan to establish a Library for the local community . The Library could be used for the purpose of bible study and for refences materialand borrowing of books as the people are not in a position to the buy books Along withhelping them to grow in their faith Him place will also be used to develop a book buying and book reading habit . CommunityDevelopment Programme: we plan are many community Development programme for Example computer trining center , sewing center, Literacy center, primary center and many other aspects JOIN HANDS WITH US To Flood the Nations with the word of God. "You can make a faith promise please tick the suitable box". I would like to support your ministries with my prayers. I would like to support your ministry with US$________ Rs._______for monthly magazine for the period of _____________ I would like to support your ministry with US $_______ Evangelism. Bible school Sunday School Library Literature Ministry Seminars Crusade Any other source or method. You have in your mind to support our ministry can also be appreciate. We Needs for funds said projects . Please pray for the purchase of land and construction of office buildings Bible center building, library building.Note please write a few sentences Expaltion for said ministries for Example Evanglism ministry , prayer ministry etc

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