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Having participated in various church activities as youths from various places and countries, we received our call to be part of the end-time Christian soldiers to pull down the strongholds of the devil and his demons. God gathered us together through the Discipleship Training School, (YWAM/University of the Nations), from April to September 2001 in Lome, Republic of Togo, West Africa. We later graduated "�knowing God and making Him known" kitted to pursue the Master's delight in respect of His "last command"-to carry the gospel to all the nations, in season and out of the season.

YAOVI DELALI DOGBE (JUSTIN), a Togolaise nationality, is the General Co-coordinator. He is able in the Master's task and as a father-minded servant of God. He has worked in various field of work, before he received his call to serve the Lord in a full-time ministry. He leads a mighty prayer ministry in Lome, the Republic of Togo. KOSSI EHLI AHONSOU (BENOIT), a Togolaise nationality, is the Financial Controller. A dedicated, committed and Spirit filled laborer in the Master's vineyard. He is an active member of his local church before he received the call to serve as a full-time worker in the vineyard. CHRISTOPHER ADEMOLA FAWOLE, a Nigerian nationality, is the Field, Public Relations and Information Director. He is the catalyst and the motivator behind many of the mission's exploits to the glory of God. God has really used him for many exploits and He is still using him further. "His mercy" is the other name he prefers to be called. These are the pioneer members who are from different countries, homes, backgrounds and fields of trades/professions. They are dedicated, Spirit filled and ready to lay down their lives in propagating the gospel of the Master. "But what things were gain to us, those we counted loss for Christ.Yea doubtless, and we count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom we have suffered all things, and do count them but dung, that we may win Christ, and be found in Him not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of God by faith: That we may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death�" (Philippians 3:7-10;Revelations 7:9-12).


AFRICAN YOUTH MISSIONARY MOVEMENT as a non-profit making, inter-denominational and non-political organization is a pure missionary body purposely established to take the gospel to the uttermost part of the world beginning from the continent of Africa.

Our foremost target were the youth from various backgrounds and homes, the under-privileged, the poor from broken homes and the orphanages, those in the neglected Areas and corners of the world, and also the unreached people in the urban settlements. We intend to reach them with the gospel of Christ to show them the light that reflect from the cross of Christ through various means such as the provision of the Para-medical facilities, open air crusades and revivals, door to door and village to village evangelism, symposium and orientation programmes. Impact and Community Development Services are few of our specialized programmes through which these gospel-oriented missions will be accomplished (Isaiah 58:7-12). We also intend to disciple them and raise support for their physical needs, as well as send them for training under the YWAM/Univ. of the Nations, so as to send them back to meet the spiritual needs of their community and carry out gospel works as the Master commands. `Our goal is to bring them to Christ and see them bring others also for the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the impact of the Word of God sown into their lives and the charity hands extended to them'.

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