Maria A. Lenoir is President and owner of Corporate Image Inc. a consulting and counseling firm that specializes in development and instruction of workshops, seminars and training programs; motivational speaking; and individual and group counseling. She is the Dean of Academics for a Biblical University and is President of Maria A. Lenoir Ministries.
She was an adjunct faculty member of St. Louis University's Communications Department for five years, and St. Louis Community College for eight years. Prior to starting her consulting and counseling business in 1984, Maria spent 15 years with Ralston Purina Company.
God has blessed her with a dynamic "teaching ministry" which allows her to teach, train, motivate and inspire women and men all over the country. She teaches thousands of individuals every year the proven skills they need to get ahead in their professional careers, how to live a saved and sanctified life, how to grow in Christ, and how to become soul winners. She is frequently a speaker and workshop leader for local, district, state and regional church conferences and conventions.
Missionary Lenoir has been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit since age 16. She is a member of Miracle Temple Church in St. Louis, Missouri where Supt. T. J. Rodgers is pastor.
She has served as the Public Relations Director of Miracle Temple since 1986 and for the Northeastern District since 1994. She is the Vice President of the Women's Department, Program Committee Co-Chairperson, Teacher for Missions, Sunday School, YPWW, and Missionary Circle. She is a member of the Board of Trustees, a Prayer Warrior, President of the Altar Ministry Team, a member of the Communion Team and Director of Home and Foreign Missions. She is an adjutant to the pastor's wife and is a church counselor.
She is the Executive Secretary for Region Three Home and Foreign Missions under the leadership of Elder Steve Betts, Regional Director and Bishop Carlis L. Moody, International President.
Missionary Lenoir received the Woman of Achievement Award from the International District Missionary Unit at the Holy Convocation in Memphis in 1995. She is a member of the state Program Committee, Education Committee and Business and Professional Women's Committee of Eastern Missouri & Western Illinois. She serves as a personal assistant to Mother Saint Carrie Dinwiddie, State Supervisor.
Missionary Lenoir has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Education and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Counseling. She has received several certificates of completion from the C. H. Mason School of Ministry in St. Louis and has numerous hours from Webster University in St. Louis, where she majored in Business Management with a minor in Marketing. She is a 1988 graduate of the Coro Foundation Women In Leadership Program.
She is married to Bro. Aguinaldo A. Lenoir, Jr., CPIM who is her co-laborer in the ministry. They reside in Florissant, Missouri; have two adult sons Aguinaldo III and Howard (who is an ordained elder), and seven grandchildren.
* A New Beginning!
* Fulfilling the Vision of Your House!
* The Portrait of a Godly Woman!
* A Diamond in the Rough!
* Going from Glory to Glory!
* Change - Challenge - Commitment!
* The Church...Reverent or Just a House!
* Knowing the Will of God for Your Life!
* Where is Your Faith???
* Forgiving When You Can't Forget!
* Do You Know Him???
* Staying on Top When Your Life Turns Upside Down!
All messages and motivational programs can be delivered in a variety of formats. If you would like more information on how you can obtain Maria as a speaker for your next event or obtain any of our materials, please contact Maria Lenoir
at (314) 741-9437 or fax us at (314) 653-1319.
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