Soldier of Christ Minisrties were born from the heart of a man that had been delivered from alcohol and drugs on August 13,1983. On that day a man of 26 fell to his knees and cried out to the Lord for deliverence from alcohol and drug dependency.This man's cry was heard from the God of all Grace and he has been sober since that day.This man James Walters,began to volunteer his time several evenings a week at a local detoxification center for the indigent.He shared with all how God had removed the taste for alcohol from his his lips.He told of his immensely grateful heart for this miracle.James,began drinking at the age of 16 years old and was drinking daily by the age of 18.He had not gone without drinking alcohol for more than 3 days from the age of 18-26.Shortly,after volunteering at the detox center the director of the center offered him a full-time as a detox counselor.James had not had a full-time job for 4 years up until accepting this present position.This was due in large part due to the daily alcohol consumption coupled with frequent drug use.James, proceeded to work as a counselor in the alcohol and drug field for the next 10 years.During this time James,was active in A.A. and was dilligent in prayer but not at peace.He had not come into full knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.He so longed for a deeper relationship with God but not knowing,How?
On August 10,1996 James Walters,accepted an invitation to attend a local church service.On this evening James,would once again be touched mightily by the hand of God.During the service an altar call was made and James responded to this call by the unction of the Holy Spirit.He stood at the altar with several people.As he stood there he wept profusely.The visting pastor layed his hand on James's forehead gently and began to pray for him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.James,fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit and was unable to sit up for quite sometime.Upon returning to his seat he began to speak in tounges as the choir was singing and praising the Lord.James,knew that this new utterance was a gift from Holy God.This man had been once again transformed by God in the twinkle of an eye. Soldier of Christ Urban Minstries Part II-The Here and Now! The Reverend James Stephen Walters,founded the Soldier of Christ Urban Ministries on March 25,2000.This outreach based ministry focuses on the lost in The Greater Toledo Urban Area.It's mission is to minster to those individuals that are econimically and politically disadvantaged in the inner city/urban areas of Toledo.To bring the clear message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those that are impoverished,imprisonned and suffering from alcohlol and drug dependency.
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