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Christian Horsemans Association

P.O.Box 727, • Alto, NM 88312 • United States • (505) 336 4675/see/charmin/CM02113

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The Christian Horseman's Association is being formed in 1998 as a "Fellowship for those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, A ministry for those who do not."

The bible is comprised of 66 books, written by over 40 different authors, all with different backgrounds (ie, kings, fishermen, doctors etc,) on hundreds of topics, in three different languages, on three different continents over a period of 1500+ years.
Yet there is complete harmony in the writings. The God of Abraham and Isaac is the God who inspired the scriptures. The same God created the heaven and the earth. The very same God hung on a cross to take the place of people like you and me because our hearts are so wicked even we cannot know it. Without that act of unconditional love and acceptance on the cross your eternal destiny is seperation from God,.. living in eternal hell. There are over 300 ramifications to the prophecies of Christ in the bible, and the majority of them have already come true. His birth (when, where and how,) His death (how,) and His resurrection (a documented fact.) While upon the earth Christ asked us to "Follow Him," and that request is as valid today as when He spoke those words 2,000 years ago. If you love Jesus, if He is Master of your life, you will obey His commands and follow Him. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms" - (1 Peter:4-10.) Today in a world full of uncertainty the only certainty we have is that Jesus Christ died on that cross at Calvary to save you and I, and He will return. You do not believe that He will return ? Brother, Sister, your doubts or disbelief will not stop His return ! It will only stop His plan for YOUR salvation! This is the promise of the living God.


The horse industry is comprised of individuals from all walks of life. Horse people are a special brand of people all unto themselves. The majority would go hungry,. but their horse will eat. The average horse person remains "horse poor" throughout his or her life. They will ride in a $3,000 saddle, yet drive a $300 truck if they have to. It makes no difference if they paid $100 or $25,000 for their favorite their eye's that animal is priceless. They overlook the conformation flaws, they ignore the personality bad as they may be...they just love this animal despite the qualities, or lack of, that may make this animal unloveable. In fact, we see our favorite horse somewhat like Jesus sees us. Looking through a heart of unconditional love, sacrificial love. Have you ever said that your horse is acting "as stubborn as an old mule!" Sound familier !! Jesus simple asked us to "Follow Him." Put aside our willfullness, stubborness and pride,..."Follow Him." Jesus rode on the back of a donkey,. but He will return on a magnificent White Horse. It will be the champion of champions for the King of Kings, our Lord and Savior. Are you ready ? There are many sincere christians in the horse industry who deeply love our Lord. It would be difficult not to recognize the majesty of God while watching a beautiful horse float across a pasture with elegance and cadence, Or while sitting on horseback watching the sun set between mountain peaks, or seeing the excitement shimmer in a childs eye as they reach out to touch a new born foal. Come fellowship with other believers. Come strengthen your faith, and become involved in activity that will bring joy to your heart and glory to God. Come be a beacon of light to the unsaved. Come, "Follow Him." If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior we invite you to do so right now by following God's simple plan of salvation. For if you know in your heart and speak with your mouth God has given you a promise that eternal life in Heaven is yours. Right now. "Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be." And all the believers shall say, "Amen." Jesus will always be your friend when all others fail you. You may not understand His ways at first. But as your faith increases you soon realize that Jesus stands by you when others do not. He accepts you when others turn their backs. He carries you when you are too tired to take one more step. And when you trip and fall He picks you up, dusts you off, and guides you back onto the right path. It takes a little time to go from doubt and disbelief, to faith and trust,... to kneeling down and giving all the Glory to Your Lord and Savior. All you have to do is open your heart, ask Jesus to forgive you and come into your life. He who saved you, will change you. He will change your life. May God bless you and protect you during this journey. During the autumn/winter of 1998 the Christian Horsemans Association would like interested parties to establish regional chapters of the C.H.A to promote christian fellowship activities for horsemen,women and their families. Pastors, deacons and church leaders are especially sought. And we ask you to prayerfully consider any leadership position in the C.H.A to ask Jesus where He can work through you to change the lives and bring joy to others. If you would like to promote or participate in b-b-q's, trail rides, gymkhana's/playdays, revivals, prayer chains or any other activity please contact your friends in Christ: The Christian Horseman's Association. P.O.Box 727, Alto, New Mexico.88312. Telephone: 1 (505) 336 4675. Fax; 1 505 336 4675. E-Mail; "Two are better than one....If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up,"- Ecclesiates 4:9-10 NIV

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