In Christ Ministries is a new and growing ministry serving the Lord through prayer, bible study and monthly inspirational materials. We offer several ways in which the word of the Lord may be heard, studied and displayed. All materials are offered at no-charge with our prayer that these materials will strengthen your walk with the Lord. We encourage you to use and participate in those you find most beneficial. May God bless your hearing and understanding of His word.
is a monthly bible verse from the word of God. Included with each verse, is a commentary emphasizing key points. This verse is delivered to you via fax, e-mail or regular mail once every month. Bible verses are selected to match the current season and world events. What a great way to start off your week!
( FREE SERVICE, fax, printed mail, e-mail, monthly )
is a collection of bible studies and sermons by pastors at various participating churches. In this series, we will be taping bible studies and weekly sermons and sending them to you for your use. What a great way to benefit from the ongoing ministries at churches from around the country! This ongoing series is available on cassette tape at no charge. ( FREE SERVICE )
is a monthly newsletter on various topics. Topics include all subjects related to our walk with the Lord. Topics are directly related to the struggles we all face daily, especially those in prisons, nursing homes and that are bedridden. Also included are two regular columns entitled " Thoughts " and " Verily I Say".
Thoughts is a monthly "seed" planted for you to nurture and grow. "Thoughts" will give you biblical principals to relate to your own life. In this series, bible references will be identified for your reference and meditation throughout the month.
Many times Jesus spoke using the phrase, "Verily I say...". Every month this column will take a look at one of these "truths" Jesus spoke to others. Jesus was truly telling us the will of God in these statements and giving us true wisdom in these lessons. ( FREE SERVICE, fax, printed mail, e-mail, monthly )
is a FREE service to all those who are imprisoned, ill or bed ridden. "Cell Mate" will provide a copy of your favorite bible verse printed on an 8 � x 11 sheet of paper with one of several biblical backgrounds. This is an excellent resource for inmates to display in their cells for daily inspiration, or for those who are ill to post by their bed side. When ordering be sure and identify the verse you would like printed.
( FREE SERVICE, regular mail only )
is a growing list of prayer concerns. You may write or e-mail your prayer concerns and they will be added to the list of concerns offered up to the Lord daily. You may receive this list of prayer concerns to offer up to the Lord during your own time of devotion. Last names are not identified, only first names and their concerns. Speaking to the Lord through prayer is the highest privilege we have on earth and coming before the Lord through prayer is the most effective thing we can do for ourselves and others.
( FREE SERVICE, fax, printed mail, e-mail, monthly )
is a program for inmates / patients without access to Birthday or Holiday cards. Generic notes are sent to family members with your name and holiday message, or you may wish to write your own message and have us print it on an appropriate note with your signature. What a great way to show your loved ones how much you care! (FREE SERVICE, SASE to recipient if able)
This printed resource answers the question, "Who am I in Christ?". Being "In Christ" has never been more exciting! You will be amazed at who the word of God says you are. Bible references are listed for your further review and continued study. ( FREE SERVICE, mail only)
In recent years, we have seen far to many churches destroyed. We have also seen a surge in the need for crosses to be used in temporary worship areas in many prison facilities, nursing homes etc..
Under certain circumstances, prison facilities / churches / nursing homes will be provided a FREE cross to be used in their ministry. This cross could be used in a temporary worship center or used as a permanent fixture in the worship area. Crosses will be designed and sized according to your needs. Our hope and prayer is that these crosses will bring many lost souls home. Chaplains, Wardens, facility coordinators should contact In Christ Ministries directly for more information.
is FREE monthly subscription for all those in conditions where mobility is impossible. If you are a prisoner, ill or bed ridden this monthly calendar is sent to you via fax or regular mail. Each month a new Christian design and bible verse are featured. This FREE service will provide day after day inspiration, month after month. ( FREE SERVICE,regular mail, monthly)
Is a FREE 8 x 11 wall poster suitable for hanging in your cell or by your bedside. Show others your love for the Lord! (FREE SERVICE, mailed only)
Is a program for all those in conditions where attendance to a bible study is impossible. If you are ill, bed ridden or incarcerated this program will bring the bible study to you! This program is provided by Crossroad Bible Institute. (FREE SERVICE )
Our hope is that these resources will provide you insight into the "Good News" of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our ministry efforts are there to serve the Lord, with talents He has given us. If this ministry may be of assistance to you, please contact us directly by mail or e-mail at the addresses listed below. We encourage your use of all programs you find beneficial. Chaplains / Wardens are encouraged to use the "Cross of Christ" program if their facility lacks a cross in the worship center or area.
Chaplains / Wardens are encouraged to receive these materials monthly and duplicate them for use during their prison worship services, counseling sessions etc.
Inmates / patients are encouraged to receive these materials directly via postal mail, fax or E-mail.
For comments, concerns and subscriptions, please contact us via P.O.Box 74, Alto Michigan, 49302-0074, or e-mail at INCHRISTMINISTRIES@CCNMAIL.COM.
We look forward to hearing from you, and may God bless you richly!
Also, visit our web page daily for new features and to participate in the daily prayer devotions.
Web page address:
Please use one of the following two methods to contact us reguarding any of the above mentioned services. E-mail at INCHRISTMINISTRIES@CCNMAIL.COM or write to P.O.Box 74, Alto, Michigan 49302-0074.
Todays prayer request is for ....
May our Lord remember all of the prayer request that have been removed from this list to make way for the new request of our dear brothers and sisters.
Situations offered up to the Lord..
All that have been aborted
All that do not know Christ
Those in countries being persecuted
For those in Sudan, China and Albania, for relief in Christ
For the victims of crashes and their families
For the victims of violent crime
Those dealing with the loss of a child, spouse or parent
For those involved with leading others into sinful activities
All those involved with pornography
For Satan's strongholds to be destroyed
For all those who struggle with the lust of this world
For the children of the inmates we serve, that their love shall know no boundaries
For all those with illness that will take them from us
For the men and women of the Promise Keepers organization, that the Lord would use the work of their hands and hearts to bring the message of salvation to the lost.
A special request for a special lady, Nikeeta Watkins. It is my hope and prayer that she would walk in the light of the glory of the Lord all the days of her life. Nikeeta, I will pray for you always.
New Prayer Request...
For Robert G., that the Lord would grant him an early release and that the Lord would fill his heart with His spirit.
For Joseph G., that the Lord would provide great health and healing.
For Dominic and Joseph L., that they would reunite with their father in love and forgiveness, in the spirit of the Lord our God.
For Silvia to be reunited with her family, Ramon, Eric and Walter.
For D. S in Levittsburg Ohio, that the Lord may pour out His blessings
For Lorraine B., as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.
For Gina, Stacy, Albert and Mother, that they be in perfect harmony.
For Ricky M., that the Lord would grant him the peace of Christ.
For Jeremiah N., that the Lord would hold his heart next to His own.
For Lester P., that the Lord Christ Jesus would dwell in his heart.
For Shawn L., that the Lord of all would be with him always and for his daughter, Sabreena that God would draw her close to him and for the church at Trumbell to bring many lost souls home.
For Mary R. and all of her family, Bashi P., Kelly P., Ricky R., may the Lord bless them all richly.
For Patsy K. and Duncan that the Lord would heal her body, and for all the women at this facility and for my husband that the Lord would walk with him and guide both of our families, and for Rick that the Lord would watch him also.
We pray for all those at the Broward Prison Facility in Florida. We pray that the strongholds Satan has established there would be broken and that the inmates there would welcome the gospel of Jesus.
For Michael P., that the Lord would bless him during this time of trials
For Steven S., for God to watch over him as he walks among wolves.
For Joe B., that the Lord would bless his understanding of His word.
For the family of Virginia C., that the Lord would protect them and guide them. We pray for all of them , Ashley, JJ, John, Rhonda, Leslie, Mary and Vina.
For Debra C., that the Lord would watch over her and her family, Frankie, Joseph & Brett.
For Dorothy T., that God would raise His mighty hand to protect her and her family, for God to keep Savannah, Mickey, Johnny and Thomas safe and from all hurt. That the Lord would watch over Dorothy's mother, and lead her in the ways of Christ Jesus. That Jesus would draw near to her sister and her two daughters, sister Shirley, Carmille and Gina, and that the Lord would watch over their baby and protect them and render unto them the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For D.T to make her board as it would be the Lord's will and for Dorothy to enjoy fellowship with her family again.
For Lisa S., that she would feel the power of the Lord working in her life and that she would soon be reunited with her loved ones.
For the prayer request of Lisa L., that Mom Cerda would stay with the Lord our God. And that David and Scruffy would feel the angels wings around them. And that Lisa would stay in the light of the Lord and to her deceased father, the love of her heart.
For Jodi C., that the Lord would keep her in His grace and mercy.
For Laurie M., that the Lord would rest in her heart
For Christopher G., that the Lord would shed His love and wisdom on him as he seeks the word of the Lord.
For D. Lottmer, that the Lord would bless you and watch over you daily.
For John W., that the Lord would set straight paths before you always.
For Vaughn W., that God will dwell in his heart always.
For Jocelyn C., may the Lord bless you always too! Thank you!
For Robert W., that the Lord would always be with him and that he send me his daughters address, Jamie.
For Kelli C., that God would hold her upright.
For William H., that God's will be done in his life.
For Marcha B., that one day soon the Lord would reunite her with her loved ones.
For Marta U., that the Lord would watch her every step and lead her unto the wings of His blessings.
For Rita S., that God may send her His blessings of love and hope every day of her life.
For Ava A., thank the Lord each day for your good news!!!
For Lemans S., that the Lord would watch over watch over you this day.
For Sheila M., that the Lord would watch over her and bless her all the days of her life.
For Duane B., that the Lord would watch over him and his family as they go through this time of trouble in their lives.
Please submit your prayer request to INCHRISTMINISTRIES@CCNMAIL.COM or write to P.O.Box 74, Alto, Michigan 49302--0074
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