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Spirit, Truth & Grace Ministry

8441 Hunnicut Rd, • Dallas, TX 75228 • United States • 214-324-9915/see/charmin/CM01686

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What We Believe

We affirm our believe in:
1. The one true God of Scriptural revelation who is the Creator; He is eternal, holy, sovereign and triune in His nature. 2. The Bible consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God written and authorative for all belief and practice. In it God has spoken to mankind and has given it to us to make us wise unto salvation. 3. Jesus, the son of Mary, as incarnate God born of a virgin; true man, yet sinless, who is the Messiah. 4. The Holy Spirit, who is God, active and present in our world, the life-giver and revealer of Jesus, and the deposit-guarantee of the believers salvation. He is our Teacher and He empowers the Church for witness, service and worship. 5. God who is the Savior, active in sovereign love through our Lord Jesus Christ to rescue sinners by His atoning sacrifice from the guilt and power of sin and to adopt them as his sons, endow them with his blessing for the praise of His glorious grace. 6. The work of salvation which is the work of the Father who purposed redemption, the Word enfleshed, His Son Jesus, who secured salvation and the Spirit who applies it. 7. The message of reconcilation which calls men and women to repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. What God works for us in Jesus Christ He works in us by His Spirit with a resulting life of trust and obedience, praise and prayer, submission and service, all to the praise of His glory. Grace Christian Leadership Bible Institute- is the formal teaching arm of Spirit, Truth & Grace for classroom and personal instruction in the Bible and in Christian doctrines. Current classes are Old Testament Survey Themes, Life of Christ Harmony and Basic Christian Theology Survey. Instructor is Wayne Conrad.

Introducing Ourselves

Spirit, Truth and Grace Ministries exist for the proclamation and dissemination of God's truth as found in Jesus the Christ and deposited in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Our ministries consist of preaching, teaching seminars, Bible and doctrine instruction and a publication, The Grace Courier, as well as other articles.

Primary teachers are Wayne Conrad and Jeff Gregory. We are located in Dallas, Texas and we have an international interest and outreach. While Wayne and Jeff are Americans. We all have a desire to strengthen the churches through Biblical doctrine instruction in the power of God's Spirit to the end that God's people are equppied to be disciplers and are passionate worshippers of the living God being increasing conformed to Christ own character. Wayne Conrad, or a preacher-teacher of the Bible, has pastored, published a religious column in a local community newspaper, and spoken on weekly and daily radio broadcast. He has had experience in evanglistic meetings when in college and has taught at a Bible Institute. He has had extensive graduate training in theology and psychology and holds an MA from Criswell College and Seminary (May 1997). His passion is to see people growing in their knowledge of God so that they will be passionate worshippers of the living and true God. Contact him for speaking engagements or available published material or preaching tapes on a donation basis. Jeff Gregory is currently pastor of Faith Community Church in east Dallas and an ESL instructor. He is a native of Texas and a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (1990). You can e-mail him at

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