We give FREE rides to families to visit their children in prison. On ocassion, when feasible, we provide additional follow-up and referral services. The Community which we serve is diverse and comes from several different geographic regions within Massachusetts, including the Greater Boston Area, the South Shore, the North Shore and Western Mass. The Volunteers and Churches that have supported us include 33 New England Churches in 3 States, i.e. Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Island.
We also network with other organizations such as Straight Ahead Ministries (which provides Bible studies in the prisons), Prison Chaplains (who keep us informed about important changes, events and prison ministry recommendations) and Churches (which send us volunteers.) Our hope and prayer is to see these young people returned, newly restored by Christ Jesus, to a healed Christian home.
We operate out of the Boston Area in Massachusetts, providing rides to facilities distributed all over the State, and occasionally to special events in locations in neighboring States.
What do we hope to accomplish?
Our ultimate goal is to help strengthen the family unit of incarcerated juveniles. By providing free transportation, we are enabling some to visit who otherwise could not do so. In addition, our volunteers become another support resource to families needing someone to care about them.
Short History.
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out the workers into His harvest field."
Some of Our Needs:
1) Drivers to use our van or other appropriate vehicles to transport families to see their incarcerated youth.
2) Volunteers to be Personal Advocates, making Follow-up calls every one to two months to those Parents, Grandparents, Families and Special Visitors who receive rides from Freedom Ministries. The Personal Advocates might ask:
We can only promise the ride and the prayers. However, we can try to find someone that might be able to help with other needs.
3) Men and Women to be Mentors, acting as Christian big brothers and Christian big sisters, to help ease the transition from prison to a believing church. This might involve regular telephone contact and meeting with the released youth for two or three hours every one to two weeks.
4) People to assist with letter writing and mailings. We would like to increase our correspondence with key contacts and supporters, as well as the families and the youth we serve, if acceptable to all (including all responsible parties.)
5) People to invite us into their church or group to speak about Freedom Ministries. There is no charge, although love offerings are appreciated.
6) People to pray for Freedom Ministries. Our greatest need is prayer from the believers of Jesus Christ (James 5:16). Would you please consider praying for Freedom Ministries?
A final note.
There is no reason to limit this form of ministry to Massachusetts or the New England area. The offering of free transportation for prison visitation provides a setting for evangelism anywhere in the world. If you would like to become involved in your region, let's talk. You can contact us via mail, e-mail, or telephone.
Thanks for visiting our Home Page. Please contact us with any questions, suggestions or concerns. May our Good Lord, Jesus the Christ, continue to bless you and strengthen you in your walk with Him.
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