There are many good sound Christian who do counseling. Some of them work for public agencies where they find it hard, if not impossible to use their faith in their practice. As a matter of fact, they are forbidden to bring any type of "religion" into their counseling. This is the person with whom the Pastors have the most difficulties. The counselor is Christian but they work in a secular setting and use a strong, if not exclusive, secular human philosophy in their counseling. This makes sense in that all the counselor's on the job training is geared to the same psychological background that they have been exposed to in school--Skinner, Freud, et al. These secular authorities have nothing else. Since SOME of their ideas come from observing God's creation, SOME of their observation must be true. Not because of the theories and their knowledge but because of God's wisdom in His creation of man and woman. For the unbeliever that's all they have and they know it's incomplete, BUT.........
This is the person who has their Christian beliefs and Christian life style but use Christian counseling. The main differance is their way of looking at counseling. These individuals have taken the time and effort to compare the secular theories of man with the Scriptures and tested them. HOWEVER, they too are in a secular job and find it nearly impossible to use their Biblcal knowledge in their practice {job setting}. We also find some of them teaching counseling. I once asked a Christian Counselor if he would do anything differantly in a solely Christian setting, his answer was "NO". And I got in trouble for embarrassing a guest speaker. They use every means possible to be Christians counselors but the theories are too ingrained--for example the ideas of divorce and God's directions for husbands and wives--and they combine the two equally. THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR! These are the idividuals who have searched the Scriptures to "work out" their own salvation through Christ and the working of the Holy Ghost. They then Searched them again for God's ideas about human growth and development. CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS are the individuals who have studied MAN'S WAY, but know God Words well enough to trust in the Holy Spirit exclusively in all their practice. If it's a question of "does it make sense?", they go God's way regardless. Man's theories are only human observations of the sinful human race. God on the other hand is the creator and all knowing manufacturer. He talks in truths not theories. It is the person who trust Christ for his salvation first, searches the Scriptures and compares the theories to the Bible He refuses to use what is contrary or in disagreement with God's Word. The CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR takes the client with him in in his search of Scripture as he utilizes man's observation of man. Some Pastor's fall into this category. However, just as some say the Bible tells them not go to a Doctor if they have a strong faith, some Pastors advise against "counseling" where ANY secular theory is used. God gave man gifts and told him to "subdue the earth". God probably doesn't( at least not as much or as obvious as in the past) help people directly as He did in Christ's day. Now days He uses "the marvel of science" and expects us to use HIS gifts, but not to worship them or depend solely on man's ability. But that's another story. Email me if you are if you are interested in more discussion or go to and review my basic beliefs. Check it out.
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