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Shekinah Street Ministries

1672 S.E. Grapeland Ave, • Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952 • United States • 561-398-3430

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Wedding Feast of The Lamb

"No Man knows the day or Hour"(Matt.24:36).In speaking These words to His Disciples,Y'shua was in perfact keeping with every other Bridegroom of His Time.In relation to local marriage customs,the disciples understood the reference that Y'shua was making.Every Jewish Bridegroom of His Time said the exact words to His bride>in Y'shua's time the bridegroom would leave his bride to go to prepare a place for her,whic was always an addition on to his fathers house.Only the Father could tell the Groom when the addition was finished.At that time the Father would instruct His Son to go get His Bride.These words were completely understood by the Jewish people that heard His words.There was no mystery about it.

The Paradles concerning the Ten Virgins have no other reference except for the marriage feast(Matt.25:1)The Five Virgins who kept their lamps filled with oil are the same as the believers today who are filled with the Holy Spirit and are looking for the return of their Messiah.the Five Virgins who did not keep their lamps filled with oil,Represent that part of the church today,who are not looking for or expecting the return of Y'shua.They do however remain part of the Wedding but are not allowed into the Wedding Feast.this is a stark realization for that group of believersthat,even though saved by the Blood,they will have to endure seven years of Tribulation because they were not ready nor were they looking for Their Messiah.

Feast Days of Y'shua

Passover:The Lord God declared to Israel that they should remember this Feast for all eternity.God wanted them to rember that it was Him that brought them out of Slavery(Ex.20:1,2)Israel was to put the Blood of a spotless unblemished Lamb on the door post of their house.In doing so they declared to God that they wanted His angel of death to pass their house.

Y'shua Bacame the eternal Passover Lamb for all mankind.He fulfilled this Feast down to the smallest detail.In doing so Y'shua's Blood is put on us when we accept His Sacrifice.The Lord God only see's this Blood and does not see our sins so that His angel of Death will Passover us.

Feast of First Fruits: God commanded Israel to bring Him the First Fruits of their harvest on the first day of the week following Passover.This was fulfilled by Y'shua in rising from the grave on the firstday of the week following Passover.

Pentecost:God commanded Israel to bring Him a new grain offering exactly fifty days after Passover.God wanted Israel to remember the Giving of the Law to Moses.

Y'shua told the apostles not to leave on His Great Commission until fifty days after Passover.Again Yshua fulfills This Feast by Giving the Perfect Law in the Form of The Holy Spirit.

The next Feast all are yet to be fulfilled.

Feast of Trumpets:1 Co.15:52 Paul tells us that at the last Trump The dead will rise first and then we who are alive will be caught up to meet Y'shua in the air."The Last Trump"is another term for the Feast Of Trumpets.In Y'shua's time the People would be in the feilds harvesting the crop,The Rabi would blow the Trumpet and the Jewish people would come out of the fields and go int the Temple leaving the gentiles to finish the harvest.The gentiles were told that they could leave enough for the the fulfillment of this Feast Y'shua will blow the Trumpet and we who are looking for Him will be caught up and go into His Temple .

The Day of Atonement.Y'shua will fulfill this Feast by seven years of Tribulation that will come on the whole world.

The Feast of Tabanacles is last to be fulfilled.Y'shua will do this when His Foot hits the earth and He sets up His Kingdom.This Feast is translated as GOD lives with us.

Shekinah Street Ministries

Shekinah Street Ministries takes the Gospel to the people that are considered street people. Traditionally these people are not the ones that recieve most of the attention from organized outreaches. I believe that the parable that Y'shua related to the believers in Matt 22:1-14, commands some pastors to go to the streets and not to build churches but to use the ones already created and send the people to these churches.

Shekinah is also actively producing a play about Salvation that takes the Gospel to, and uses the scenario of, one person's meeting of an Angel. The Angel takes this young man through his life and dispells all the walls and myths that have kept him from the truth.

Shekinah was given this play by the Holy Spirit and operates under the belief that when God wants me to stop this kind of ministry, He will not fund it anymore. If you would like to be a participant in helping produce this kind of play financially, please e-mail us at

We are also holding open auditions for singers, dancers and actors-actresses. We are also in need of music producers as we have original lyrics that need to have music applied to them. We are looking to share this vision with those who want to see God's work put into action and feel the Holy Spirit move them to volunteer their talents and spirituality for this purpose.

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