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The Catholic Charismatic Church

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The Catholic Charismatic Church

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The Catholic Charismatic Church is a body of Christians belonging to the Old Catholic succession which has its foundations in the ancient See of Utrecht in Holland. We hold in common with other ancient Christian traditions a commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the divinely inspired words of the Bible and through the rich oral and other written traditions as handed down to us from the historic orthodox catholic faith. As such, we are in faith and practice, a branch of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.


Utica, New York

Divine Mercy Ministries

Divine Mercy Ministries is a healing outreach ministry of the Diocese of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The ministry is dedicated to strengthening Christians in their daily walk with God through:
  • Worship
  • Prayer
  • Sacraments
  • Pastoral counseling
  • Spiritual and corporal works of mercy
  • Christian service
  • Chaplain services
  • Health education
  • HIV/AIDS ministry
  • Advocacy


The Catholic Charismatic Church has two levels of major clerical orders: Priests and deacons. We also confer the minor orders as part of the process of becoming ordained. One begins the journey to sacred orders by contacting the Chancery Office of the local bishop for an interview and filling out the application for the clergy formation courses. As you progress through your studies and obtain the various minor orders, you are expected to begin developing your ministry under the guidance of the Chancery Office.

In order to be a priest or deacon you must be baptized and confirmed, a male, at least 21 years of age (for deaconate), at least 22 years of age (for priesthood), have successfully completed the clergy formation courses and be recommended for ordination by the bishop. Marriage/celibacy are your choice. The church does not provide salaries to its priests and deacons; therefore, it is common for our clergy to have secular jobs, be retired or have some other source of independent income.

If you feel the call to spread Christ's word, administer His sacraments and bring His healing presence to others we invite you to investigate a clerical career with us.

Ordained Catholic Clergy Without Faculties

To previously ordained Roman Catholic clergy who have had their faculties withdrawn and wish to return to ministry, we invite you to investigate the possibility of incardination with one of our bishops.

Lay Ministry

Perhaps you feel the call of christian ministry, but not as a priest or deacon. There is so much work to do and we need the efforts of the laity as well as the those of the ordained clergy. If you have an idea for a ministry or would like to investigate participating in one of our ongoing ministries, please give us a call.

Catholic Charismatic Church Forum

For more information about the church and its ministries, contact:

Most Rev. W. Edwin DeVoy, D.D., R.N., M.P.S.


Copyright © 1996 Tour-Net Services, P.O. Box 4833, Utica, NY. 13504-4833

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