New Jerusalem Baptist Church is a Jesus Christ centered, Mission minded, Word of God, Holy Spirit focused ministry of Hope, Grace, and Truth. We are equipping the saints of God for the "End Time Harvest".
Changing Lives Through Prayer - Love - Teaching
New Jerusalem Baptist Church is a Christ Centered & Christ Focused ministry committed to the teaching and demonstration of Biblical life application principles designed to empower and motivate people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord.
1. STRATEGIC INVOLVEMENT: To develop plans for NJBC’s strategic involvement in the areas of ministry to the “Body of Christ”, and the holistic spiritual development of the NJBC congregation.
2. LEADERSHIP AND MOBILIZATION: To provide ongoing leadership to the entire church in the area of outreach and to serve as a mobilizing force within the congregation in order to provide and promote outreach to our community.
3. MINISTRY TRAINING: To provide and promote Christ Centered cross-cultural orientation and training opportunities for those individuals entering into ministry, evangelism, and community leadership roles.
4. PARTNERSHIPS: To diligently work to create and develop opportunities for partnerships in missions between NJBC and other organizations within our community committed to empowering the underserved and forgotten.
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