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Lo Calvary Church and Community Development Services.

P.O.BOX 60459 • Ndirande, Blantyre 265 • Malawi • +265 999 762 603 • Pentecostal

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About Us

This is Information about our Church.

We are Lo Calvary Church  and Church Development Services as a local Faith Based Organisation that came into being in May 2002 and got officially registered in 2006 with the office of the Registrar General. LCCDS is grouping of all HIV + men and women young boys and girls  (adolescents)  from the  Pentecostals,  Muslim,  Catholics,  Presbyterians  and other church followers who are also are the members of the organization, and these are individuals who have gone into the open particularly in churches and/or during evangelism/revival and/or retreat meeting days to disclosing their HIV sero + status.



Lo  Calvary  Church  Development  Services  (Paguwa  Ministries)   has  observed  and realized that it may not have the persistent capacity to sustain the service of providing basic quality care and support to its needy clients the chronically/terminally ill including the  affected families in the  communities through its  organization volunteers/members only.  However,  the  demand  for  the  HIV/AIDS  services  is  becoming  very  high  and exhaustive  particularly  in  the  areas  of  home-based  care,  orphan  care  and  on  going supportive and spiritual counselling. The situation has been challenging considering the fact that the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate has continued to swell leaving the organization with adaunting  task  to  fend  ways  on  how  to  sustain  care  and  support  of  thechronically/terminally ill clients in the communitiies, therefore we are requesting any organisation/churches who can able to support the activities, will be very glad.



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Our Services & Events

Out Reach Meetings in Nsanje,

From Nov 1-3-2015

Community Dev Meetings, Ntcheu

from 9Dec- 13-2015

Welcome 2016 over night prayer

Bt, from20pm- 6=06am

Our Staff

Phineas C. Litchowa

Christopher Thom

Pastor/Com Dev Cordinator •

Veronica Tsilizani