Kristalaya Mercy Mission is a Charitable Society registered under the Govt. of West Bengal in India. KMM is a budding mission agency that penetrates into the rural areas of West Bengal with the message of Christ in words and action.
Bible says; "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress.... (James 1:27) The members of KMM team are burdened with the pathetic condition and deep Spiritual darkness of Bengali villages where millions live without basic necessities, moreover without any hope and heading towards Eternity without Christ.
The team has decided to take up the challenge of getting into the hearts of these people and empowering them to live meaningfully, and help them to know Christ as the Savior of their lives. They mainly belong to Bengali Hindus, Bangladeshi refugees and various ethnic groups. The ministerial area of KMM is presently extending to every districts of West Bengal with various services and social activities.
We target various local societies and based on their real potential and requirement, we organize different programs for them with the resources we receive from God. The true love of Christ for the mankind is the backbone of our message.
The population of West Bengal is 93 million+, where the Christian percentage is only 0.56%. We are not translated immediately into heaven when we were saved but were kept on the face of the earth to be salt on the face of the earth and to able to witness and demonstrate the love of God to the peoples who all are in the world. That is why, King of King and Lord of Lord has delegated His authority to the church to exercise against the darkness on behalf of Him to set the captives free and to bring healing and deliverance to the people groups who all are broken and lost.
Kristalaya Mercy Mission is to follow the true "Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless’’ through planting house churches among the most un-reached Bengali language group by reaching, equipping, and raising indigenous character, and looking after the underprivileged children and families in their distress with the love our Lord Jesus.
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