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Valley Ministries in Christ

215/217 Mayfair Street, Montevista Subdivision • Cainta, Rizal 1900 • Philippines • (632) 7106044 • Other

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About Valley Ministries In Christ (VMC)

Valley Ministies in Christ or fondly called VMC by its members was estabished in May 1988 by several Bible - believing families in a basement of a house in Victoia Valley in Antipolo, Rizal. Since then, by the grace of God, the Church has grown to about 40-45 families with members from Cainta, Antipolo and Taytay, Rizal. From its humble abode, the Lord gifted the Church with a permanent home at Montevista Subdivision, Cainta Rizal in November of 2004.

VMC is dedicated to spreading the good news of the Lord principally in the cities, municipalities and towns of Rizal and other places which the Lord will allow us reach.

Statement of Faith:

I. God

1. We beieve in the One Sovereign and Almighty God the Creator of all things 2. That He eternally exists as a Spirit-being 3. That God's total being is incomprehensible because human intellect is finite and limited. 4. That in Him etenally exists three divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That these three divine Persons are separate and distinct in personalities yet one in essence and substance of the Godhead whose attibutes are omniscience, omnipotence, self-existence and omnipresence. 5. And whose characteristics are goodness, love, holiness, righteousness and wisdom. 6. And that there is eternal unity of purpose in the Godhead but an eternal distinction of function.

Jesus Christ

1. We believe in Jesus Christ who is the only begotten Son of God. 2. Who is himself God, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father. 3. Who empties Himself of the independent exercise of the creative attibutes of Deity and voluntarily became man for the redemption of the human race. 4. That He was begotten by the Holy Spirit born of a virgin, without having a human father, truly God and truly man. 5. That He lived a perfect, holy and sinless life, being tempted on all areas of human life yet without sin. 6. That His voluntary death on the cross was a substitutionary atonement for the redemption of sinful man. 7. That through His death on the cross, He provided the sole and only means whereby sinful man can be redeemed. 8. That as He promised, He was raised bodily from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion. 9. That He then ascended to the right hand of His Father where He is now the Advocate of all believers. 1. That He is man's only hope of salvation fom sin and judgment and the only Mediator between God and man.

Holy Spirit 1. WE beieve in the Hoy Spirit as a distinct Person of the Blessed Trinity who is one in essence and in substance of all the creative attibutes of deity with the Father and the Son. 2. That His earthly ministry is to reveal the person and the work of the Son to the praise of the Father. 3. That the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin and proves the word of righteousness and of judgment. 4. That He came to accomplish the work of enervating those who believe in Christ. 5. That also upon an individual's execise of faith in Christ, He also accomplishes the work of indwelling, the work of sealing, and making a member of Christ's body available to those who beieve in Christ. 6. That He begins at conversion, the work of sanctification, which continues while the beiever is on earth, illuminating, inspiring, instucting believers on the things of God, providing victory over sin, empowering the believers to witness for Christ and producing in them the fruits of righteous acts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible

1. We beieve in the bible, which is composed of 66 books (39 in the OT and 27 in NT), that are divinely inspired of God in their original writings. 2. That in the divine process, God worked through human agents to produce divinely, authoritative writings. 3. That all portions of Scriptures are equally inspired and in perfect harmony and without contradictions. 4. That the written Word is infallibe. 5. That its message is irrevocable. 6. That the Bible is the source or basis of Christian faith and the final authority in matters of Christian living and practice.

Man's Sin/Salvation

1. We beieve that man was created in te image of God, precious in the sight of God, whose life is of supreme value over all created beings. 2. That through the sin of the first man Adam, the entire human race sinned and became eternally lost and separated, condemned and guilty before God. 3. That through the exercise of his own free will, man chose the path of disobedience, fell under the wrath of God and by nature became the children of wrath, and since then have been at enmity with God. 4. That man cannot be saved fom God's wrath and judgment through any merit, gift or work of their own. 5. That their only hope of salvation from God's wrath and eternal judgment is through personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the bearer of their sins on the cross of Calvary. 6. That as a result of such repentance from sin and faith in the vicarious death of Christ on the cross, a person becomes eternally saved and secure from the wrath and judgment of God.


1. We believe that the true spiritual, universal Church is the body of Jesus Christ comprised of all true believers in Christ, who have been united to Him by the penenetrating work of the Holy Spirit. 2. That the local Church is a visible manifestation of the universal Church as the fellowship of redeemed individuals who meet for a common worship of God, mutual edification and the observance of the ordinances of the Lord's supper and baptism. 3. That the local Church is God's appointed institution through which the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is preserved, promulgated and propagated as a center of witness to others.

The Return of Jesus Christ

1. We believe that believers who died are in conscious fellowship with the Lord enjoying eternal bliss and happiness with Him. 2. The unbeievers who died are in state of conscious torment and punishment eternally separated from the Lord. 3. That all the dead will be resurrected, believers will be given resurrected bodies unto etenal life and the unbelievers' resurrected bodies unto eternal damnation. 4. That when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for His Church, dead believers will be resurrected first and then living believers will be transfomed and will be caught up in the clouds to meet Him in the air. 5. That believers shall forever be with the Lord, shall give accounts of what they have done in their bodies before the judgment seat of Christ and shall receive crowns and rewards for deeds done in their body. 6. That raptured believers shall forever be with the Lord while the earth will experience seven years of unexampled trouble marked by the reign of the anti-Christ, increased demonic activities accompanied by the judgment of God, and the salvation of an elect number of Jews with an innumerable number of gentiles distinct from the Church. 7. After the seven year period of tribuation, Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return, the battle of Armageddon shall take place, Satan shall be chained in the bottomless pit, and the millennial kingdom is established.

The Christian Life

1. We beieve that the presence of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in the believers is for the purpose of engedering God's povision for a transfomed life of holiness, operative and effectual in the life of each individual believer, the goal of which is conformity to the image and likeness of Christ. 2. That the source of power and victory over sin resides in the resurrection life of Jesus Christ, mediated to the Christian by the Holy Spirit. 3. That an attitude of absolute trust and surrender to the liberating, uplifting and empowering control of the Holy Spirit spells victoy and a life of holiness for the Christian. 4. That through maintaining a balance of fellowsip with Christ through bible-reading and prayer, through keeping oneself subject and submissive to the tansforming power of the Holy Spirit through constant fellowship with believers and a persistent outflow of life, testimony and live witness to others about Christ, will bring about a truly victorious Christ-like life. 5. That the life of a growing Christian is a life of God's great love, a demonstration of the holiness and mercy of the Father, a representation of the perfection and grace of Jesus Christ, and an exhibit of the wondrous power of the Holy Spirit.

Church Profile

Cuc Vision/Mission:

To spread the good news of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Province of Rizal, Philippines and other places that the Lord will allow us to reach by "Showing the Way, Teaching the Truthh, Sharing the Life" (on 14:6)

Estabised In: May 1988 in Victoria Valley Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines

Current Leadership:

Nestor Custodio - Chairman Board of Elders and Deacons Cecil Bien Sebastian - Elder David Quianzon - Deacon Rene Perpena - Deacon Delfin Yuvienco - Deacon

Membership - 40 -45 families; 120+ individual members

Ministries: Praise and Worship/Music Outreaches: Daughter Church in Sitio Lanai, Sampaloc Tanay, Rizal Youth Ministry Couples' Ministry Christian Education - Adults and Children

Regular Activities: Sunday Worship Services (9 - 11 AM) Prayer Meetings Bible Studies Ladies' Fellowship Leadership/Discipleship Class Children's Christian Education/Daiy Vacation Bible School (DVBS) during summers. Couples' Fellowship

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Our Services & Events

Worship Service

9:00 AM/Sunday

Youth Service

2:00 PM/ Sunday

Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM Wednesday

Bible Study - Brookside Subd

7:00 PM Tuesday

Youth Bib Stdy/Discipleship Cl

6:00 Thursday

Bible Study - Montevista Subd

8:00 PM /Friday

Our Staff

Nestor Custodio

Chairman - Board of Elders and Deacons •

Cecil Bien Sebastian

Elder •

David Quianzon

Deacon •

Rene Perpenia

Delfin Yuvienco

Deacon •