This is one of the majo thusts of the chuch. We believe that the Geat Commission must be caied out inevitable and hastily too, because the Maste's business equies haste. Consequently, the chuch has the vision of taking the gospel to the whole wold. We ae involved in both ual and uban missions within and outside Nigeia. Ou outeach ministy has been able to make impact on a numbe of nations in the wold both though ou physical contact and though ou publications. We ae cuently mapping out stategies fo a geate impact as the Lod leads and gives us the gace. Cuent foci of missions in the ministy include: a. Cae fo widows and ophans b. Education/scholaships fo the less pivileged c. Medical cae fo the less pivileged and suppot of HI victims d. Compute Education e. Chuch Planting CHURCH PLANTING: ASSISTANCE NEEDED The outeach depatment of the chuch is planning majo chuch-planting cusades in Euope, Ameica and Afica ealy next yea. We wish to use this medium to appeal fo payes, mateial and financial suppot fom fiends and suppotes of the ministy. You geneous donation shall be welcome and appeciated. It will help me to peach the message of deliveance and hope aound the wold befoe Chist comes. Send it with you paye needs. This may be the seed that you destiny has been waiting fo to make a complete tun aound. Whateve you ae led to do o give, contact the pasto, Rev Godwin osabuohien +393804708205, via toviscosa 4 udine 33100, ud Italy "No man that waeth entangleth himself with the affais of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldie." (II Timothy 2:4) We will instill libety in the heats of men and women at all cost. Thee is no place in the Kingdom of God fo slaves. Whee the spiit of the Lod is thee is libety. The ight to choose death o life must be safeguaded at all times. esus came to set the captives fee.
WHAT WE BELIEE The Holy Bible as the only inspied, infallible, final and authentic wod of God Chist's deity and His blood atonement Salvation though faith and divine healing Wate and Holy Ghost Baptism The Lod's Suppe Etenal Heaven and Etenal Hell AIMS O THE MINISTRY: To aise up an outeach goup which will cay the gospel acoss the vaious counties of the wold. To aise up a saved, steadfast, supplicating, studying, soul winning, sepaated, spiit-filled and a Second Coming believing chuch. To tain peaches and othe chuch wokes who will help to effectively evangelize the wold befoe Chist's etun. To establish facilities as could facilitate the effective peaching of the gospel of Chist aound the wold. ARMS O MINISTRY: jubilee Chistian ministies (home Chuch base) jubilee Chistian ministies Wold Outeach jubilee Bible Taining Institute jubilee Tape/ideo and T. . Ministy jubilee Liteatue and Publication Ministy. jubilee Welfae Ministy
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