* Our Vision is to first and foremost reach the Lost, and Equip the Saints of
1. For every believer to know the privilege and the responsibility of knowing
the voice of God personally. (Jn 5:19,20,30; 8:26,38; 10:27)
2. For every believer to know the privilege and responsibility of having a close
personal relationship with Jesus and other believers who will lead by example
and instruction. (Matt. 18:16; Phil. 3:17; 1 Peter 5:3)
3. For the church, the Body of Christ to lead as Christ did and not follow the
new world order; to be above and not beneath, sanctified, Holy and set apart,
and to be Spirit led. To be kingdom builders, not destroyers. (Duet. 28:1-14;
Matt. 28:19; Isa. 9:7; Ps. 110:1; Heb. 10:12,13; Acts 3:19,21)
4. For the ministry of Christ to be fulfilled within the strata of the five-fold
ministerial gifts. Therefore we seek to not only complement, but to teach and
impart into those ministers and ministries for the empowerment of the people.
(Eph. 4:7-11)
5. For every believer to be constantly renewed and cleansed for the Holy Ghost
to flow through. Therefore, we earnestly seek after the Lords healing power of
the body, soul and Spirit, the overcoming power of discipleship and deliverance,
the revelation power of teaching to illuminate our understanding of the rhema
word through His power and wisdom. (col. 1:11; 1:27-29 ) There are 9 points of
outreach that we endeavor to fulfill as a community outreach organism:
1. Leadership: We value leadership development. (We are committed to developing
emerging leaders, through training and support, we hope to empower them to
become agents of positive transformation for urban communities.)
2. Outreach: We value partnerships. (We are committed to foster short-term or
long-term linkages with schools, community based organizations, businesses,
colleges, churches, faith-based organizations, public agencies, and other
organizations in order to more effectively provide needed services to urban
3. Values: We value the Christian biblical principles. (We are committed to
promote biblical principles which build character, encourage citizenship, and
strengthen the family.)
4. Education: We value learning. (We are committed to academic empowerment and
fostering critical thinking. We believe the development of the mind is necessary
for people to reach their full potential and for the community to flourish.)
5. Love: We value, love. (The most important work of this organization is to
love each and every person. And, the most urgent claim on our love of neighbor
are the poor and the marginalized. We stand in solidarity with them as we strive
to transform structures, systems, and powers that oppress people and promote
principles, programs and paradigms that will create a more just and equitable
6. Programs The Harvestfire Community Empowerment Center envisions providing a
matrix of services that will meet the needs of the urban family. Three
components that will serve as programmatic linchpins for the organization.
7. Harvestfire Institute of Higher Learning: This component will meet the needs
of young adults between the ages of 16 through 22, and adults who desire deeper
theological training.
8. Forward Vision: This component meets the needs of parents and guardians.
Educational and practical workshop, as well as support groups, drug and alcohol
awareness will be offered to equip and encourage participants. Street fair
celebrations are provided for the community and are used as a vehicle to bring
families together. Empowerment workshops are also facilitated as a vehicle for
networking, developing resources and assisting participants in learning how to
advocate for themselves.
9. Partnerships The organization is intent on establishing collaborative
partnerships with local organizations, churches, and private agencies, in order
to offer a comprehensive range of programs and initiatives including
educational, recreational, cultural, vocational, and motivational training. We
hope these programs will empower and better equip urban families to become more
self-sufficient and improve the quality of life of inner city communities.
1. A fellowship of believers who have purposed to be faithful in stimulating
one another to disciple all nations, until all things are restored under the
ever increasing government of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
We know that the greatest impact we as a church can make is to reach out to
others. God has called us as a lighthouse for those who are hurting and in need.
For those who are truly seeking change, for the bible says in James 2:14-17 14:
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not
works? can faith save him?15: If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of
daily food,
16: And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled;
notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body;
what doth it profit?
17: Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. We also seek out
those who are truly seeking the truth of the Gospel, not only in our local city,
but also throughout the nation's farthest corners. We will reach out to others
around the world through continued involvement and support of Missions and
We recognize God as our authority in every area of life, and know that our goals
will be accomplished by unconditionally surrendering to and seeking the
leadership of God the Father, through Jesus, His only begotten Son, and by the
power of the Holy Ghost. We also acknowledge that we will answer to him for
every action we take. He has given us the privilege to reach many people, and as
recipients of God's grace, we will be judged on our obedience to him.
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