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Women Of Grace, Nobility,& Excellence Ministries

7 NEWTON BOULEVARD, SUNRISE HIGHWAY • LONGBEACH, FREEPORT;HEADQUARTERS, NY 11520 • United States • 813-495-1178 • Non-denominational

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"BARUCH HAMA B'SHEM ADONAI", "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD." An Ordained and Appointed Organization called to demonstrate the Love Of God, to the hurting, rejected, cast-down & abused. Women with no hope,women with low-self-esteem. A MINISTRY OF HEALING THE BROKEN HEARTED,TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE"(ISAIAH 61:1-3) WOMEN NEEDING TRUTH AND STRENGTH TO GO ON IN LIFE, ESPECIALLY WITH JESUS AS THEIR LORD & SAVIOR. This is a ministry, with Leaders chosen,full of the Spirit of God, Women who stood the test" Women Anointed & Sanctioned.Women On the Move For God and destined to Win souls in His Kingdom. Women Of Virtue. Women of Prayer. Women of Purpose with Determination to run the race, whereby Christ has put before them, that they may finish the course, at any cost. This Mnistry has purposed to meet the needs of Women of all Creed,& Culture, and yet who is willing to walk with God,who don't mind walking in obedience unto the Spirit of The Living God. Women who may be faced with circumstances and challenges, yet don't mind walking alone sometimes (married or single)"Eagles Fly Alone: Women who can stand the test in the fire.Isa.48:10-11, who gives God all the Glory. Women who take leaps of faith, knowing God is truly, "Able to do exceeding and abundantly, above all that their finite minds can think" Women that can be empowered and equipped to walk into the Destiny that God has purposed for them to walk in. A Ministry of Daily Intercession: A Ministry with True Sound doctrines of The Lord Jesus Christ. Teachings, scripturally based on THE KINGDOM with KINGDOM PRINCIPLES" A Ministry whereby Salvation, Healing Deliverance & Restoration is being manifested.Women who will Trust and Believe His Word, that they can do all things in Christ (Phill.4;13 Women of Virtue. Proverbs 31. Women who will sanctifiy themselves, live Holy for God, as He said "Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy" (Leviticus 11;44-45) "For as many of you that have been baptized in Christ, you have put on Christ. There is neither Jew, nor Greek, bond nor free, neither is there Male nor Female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3: 26-28 John 3: 16: "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM, SHOULD NOT PERSIH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.".THIS VERSE REVEALS THE HEART AND PURPOSE OF GOD. 1. God's Love is wide enough to embrace all persons,i.e. "The World" 2.God "Gave" His Son as an offering for sin on the cross. The atonement proceeds from the loving heart of God. It was not something forced on Him (Rom 8:32; 1 John 4:10) 3. To believe (Greek:Pisteuo)includes 3 main elements. (a)A sure conviction that Jesus Christ is God's Son & the only Savior for lost humanity;(b)A self-surrendering fellowship with & obedience to Christ. John15:1-10) John 14:21)(c) fully assured trust in Christ that He is both able and willing to bring you to final salvation & fellowship with God in heaven. Isa 62:6. Watchmen who never hold their peace.God Has appointed watchmen on the walls; (Zion,i.e prophets, Intercessors) who never stopped praying for the establishment of God's Kingdom on earth and for the Glory of Jerusalem. We must make it a practise to intercede unceasingly for the Kingdom and Christ's Righteous Rule over the Earth. In all these things that we know to be His Will, we must as Christian Believers' continually remind God of His Word and Promises and give no rest")Isaiah 62:7), until He brings to pass all that He has prommised. "A PROPHETIC WORD TO THE CHURCH: WOMEN OF ZION ON THE FRONT LINE:THIS IS A TIME WHEN WE NEED TO ASSEMBLY TOGETHER; TO COME IN UNITY MORE AND MORE.THIS IS A TIME TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER, AND TO STRENGTHEN THE GIFTINGS IN EACH OTHER, AS IRON SHARPENS IRON; THIS IS A TIME TO HELP STIR UP THOSE GIFTS THAT LAY DORMANT IN OTHER BODY OF BELIEVERS. THERE IS A NEW WAVE OF ANOINTING COMING IN THE GLORY OF GOD, BRINGING HIS PEOPLE INTO A DIMENSION THEY HAVE NEVER ENTERED BEFORE: WOMEN GET READY: WOMEN, GET IN PLACE, WOMEN STAND FIRM WITH YOUR FACES LIKE FLINT; GET YOUR HOUSES IN ORDER, WOMEN BE PREPARED,FOR GOD IS ABOUT TO LAUNCH MANY OUT INTO THE DEEP: THIS IS A NEW DAY; A TIME OF FERVENT PRAYER, A TIME OF CLEANSING OF THE MINDS, AND A PURIFYING OF THE HEARTS; THIS IS A TIME FOR TRUE REPENTANCE AND TURNING AWAY, FORSAKING ALL ELSE, NOT CONDUSIVE TO THE THINGS OF GOD," FOR NOW SHALL HIS GLORY BE REVEALED IN THE EARTH, AND ALL FLESH SHALL SEE IT TOGETHER:HE IS THE LORD OF LORDS, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL."HE IS YEHSUA HAMA SHIACH"

God did not want to condemn and destroy His people. He offered full forgiveness and pardon if they would only repent, and put away evil & strive to do right & obey His Word. vv.16-19) God's forgiveness is now available for all who, though they have sinned, confessed their sins, repent and accept God's cleansing through the Blood of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:46-47; 1 John1:9). Those who refuse mercy and choose instead to cling rebelliously to their own ways will be destroyed. (vs. 20)

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Our Services & Events

House of Worship & Prayer Inc.

Sundays 11:00 AM


Mon-Fri12-3 &7:-8:PM


Wednesdays, 7:30 PM

House of Israel Worship Temple

Bible Fri. 8:00 PM

Women's of Grace in Glory

1st & 3rd Sat,12PM

Eagles House Nest/ Prophets


Our Staff

Apostle; S. Benjamin Gardner

S. M.T. Israel Gardner

Dr. Apostle,Prophet, (President ofWGNEM) •

Prophet Simone Barn Trisha Jeffrey, Evang.Psalmist

Asst. To Lady Elect Soareaglia •

Roland Russel Lauren Smith, Genesis Russell

Ministers •

Zavier&Nicole Butle Sylvia Reed,Evangelist