SHELTERMINISTRIES | Pentecostal church in HYDERABAD, ANDHRAPRADESH | Powered by Net Ministries
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About me

I am VICTOR PAUL KATIKATALA from Hyderabad city, India. Founder President of SHELTER MINISTRIES. I am pastoring a church in Hyderabad city. My self and my wife are in the Lord¡¦s ministry. We are blessed with three daughters. We have more different activities apart from church activities. Such as personal family counseling, reaching poor, orphans, semi-orphans and approaching widows, aged persons especially those who are shelterless. We work in industrial area and slums. UNIQUE FACTORS : Apart from our own ministry, I have been the president of RRCWA (Ranga Reddy Regional Christian Welfare Association) ,,± I have conducted blood donation programme during lent days in rememberance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ¡¦s crucification. ,,± In the light of James 1:27 every year we distribute new clothes to the orphan¡¦s and widows. CONVERSION EXPERIENCE : I was born and brought up in a Christian family. In my childhood when I was suffering from paralysis in my left, my parents put me near the feet of the Lord Jesus and prayed, God touched me and healed me completely for HIS GLORY. At that time my parents dedicated me to the Lord Jesus and His ministry. But when I was grown up in my youth, I forgot my parents dedication of me to the Lord. I became a problematic person (Luke 15th Chapter) I left my parents for two years to live happily in the world. I starved for food for many months I used to fill my stomach with peels of Banana, left over tea in small hotels (I used to collect all the tea cups and pour remaining tea from them into one cup). If I get a biscuit pack, that is full meal for that day. If there is no biscuit no meal. Finally I returned to my home. God punished me with a severe sickness which is impossible to express in words. My parents refused to pray for my healing. They thought that I may die. They put me in a room and told me ¡§you are a grownup person, you pray for yourself, if God wants you to live, He will heal you, otherwise you die¡¨. I cried unto the Lord. I confessed my sins in His presence, miracle happened within me. I could feel that the Holy Spirit God touched me and I was alright. Then I have decided and dedicated my life to Christ. I took water baptism. I went to Bible college for five years to know more about God¡¦s love for the mankind. SPIRITUAL LIFE : Soon after completing my theological studies for five years without any delay I got involved in the Vineyard of Christ by preaching in churches, market places, streets, small groups and sharing about Christ and His love to the individuals. GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS : Three times I have prayed with fasting for forty days (2001-2002 & 2003) I could see many miracles in my spiritual experience. The lost boy was found after 71 days (May 14th ¡V July 25th) (I told them as God revealed me that their son is going to come on 25th July 2001) That particular day the boy was found. Glory be to God Almighty. Many people came to see me on that particular day from different parts of our city. This is unforgettable miracle of God in my life. ,,± A man who experienced sleep less days and nights for nine (9) years was healed. Now he is sleeping well. ,,± A pregnant lady who was suffering from Jaundice and liver infection was brought into the Church. Doctors told her that she would die. No hopes to live. God healed her. Now She is alive. Halleluiah. ,,± Many people were brought into Christ I can quote many incidents and miracles like these. EXPECTATIONS AND DESIRES : ,,± A good equipped leadership with sound biblical spirituality, ability, capability, integrity which will enable meet to be a unique leader who can make the nation upside down and gain/ win the nation for the glory of God Almighty. ,,± I want to be a special leader in my city and state having a big church with 70,000 congregation in twin cities (This is not my desire but God¡¦s promise) ,,± In future I would like to have an Orphanage with minimum of 1,000 kids. ,,± A big shelter for widows and age people. ,,± A good hospital to serve my people. ,,± Bible based school for the kids so that they can be the pillars for our future generation. ,,± Own bank for our church members so that we can put our money in our bank and do many things for the God and His Kingdom. ,,± Self supported ministry without having any foreign support. ,,± I would like to have all the government officials and political leaders, doctors, film actors poor people, sick together in my church in the presence of God. ,,± Finally I don¡¦t expect normal death but I would like to die while I am preaching Christ and His love. MY VISION : (Proverbs 29:18) If my vision is God¡¦s vision there will be no changes in vision. I would like to be a challenging Christian who lived for Christ who died for Christ in 1st century. Jesus Christ came to this world for lost once. What ever he did, he did for the mankind but what ever a Christian is doing, not for others or for Christ but their own, with selfishness. Christ needs people like him who can sacrifice their life. I am ready to die for His name sake.

about Our country

OUR COUNTRY : Our country is full of gods and goddesses we have three crores (300,00,000) of gods and goddesses. A devotee/worshiper wants to pray to all these gods and goddesses giving one minute to one god without rest. It will take 58 years it means in his lifetime he will not find who is true God. He will die without knowing God. It is our responsibility to present the saviour of the world who is true God. According to the IIChronicles 7:14 every Christian in India they have to pray for their country and its salvation. MAJOR CHALLENGES : Caste feeling and the domination of Hindus. We Christians have no strength in percentage/number or no hold, that is why Christians are keeping quite and there is no unity among Christians. POPULATION : Nearly 84.6 crores to 102.7 crores. Our country population can¡¦t be explained it is growing every day like mushrooms. CAPITAL AND MAJOR CITIES : Delhi is the capital of our country and major cities are Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. LAND AREA : 3287263 Sq. Kms. MAJOR RELIGIONS : Hinduism (82%), Islam (12.12%), Sikhism (1.94%), Budhism (0.76%), Jainsm (0.4%), Others (0.44%). PERCENTAGE OF CHRISTIANS : We have 2.34% and less than 3% OFFICIAL LANGUAGES : English and Hindi. OTHER MAJOR LANGUAGES : Urdu, English, Hindi, Angami, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarathi, Jeseri, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Khasi, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marati, Mizo, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Lepcha. LITERACY PERCENTAGE : The percentage in whole India 65.20%. In Andhra Pradesh 61.11% NATURE OF GOVT. AND BRIEF ACCOUNT REGARDING STABILITY OR OTHERWISE : Our country is a republican government. Every five years the Chief Minister and Prime Minister is elected by elections. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT US$ : US$ 2670 / US$ 620 MAJOR INDUSTRIES : Clothes, pesticides, dairy farms, costic soda, petroleum products, shipyard, coach factory, electrical goods, automobiles, jute mills, sugar, leather, tea mills, tobacco, iron and ore, fishing. MAJOR AGRICULTURES : Rubber, jute, wheat, sac, cotton, tea plants, tobacco, sugarcane, rice, peanuts, potatoes, barley, maize, apples, coconut, oil seeds, castor oil. EXPORTS : Iron, manganese, coal, textiles, diamonds, tea powder, leather, coffee powder, jute, sugar, tobacco, tools and machines, oil and natural gas. INFRASTRUCTURE : We have many beautiful places in our country. Kashmir is called Switzerland of India. Punjab is called land of five rivers. Bangalore is called Garden of India. Amritsar is called city of Golden Temple. Kochi is called Venice of the east. Kerala is called queen of Arabian Sea. West Bengal (Kolkata) is called city of palaces. Mumbai is called city of seven Islands and Gateway of India is in Mumbai. Nilgiri Hills are called Blue Mountains. Kerala is called spices Garden of India. Jaipur is called Rose Pink City. GENERAL COMMENTS : Our country is in second place in population, Bribery, Murders, Gambling, smuggling, injustice, adultery, land grabbing etc. Our political situation even thought we have Christian leader in National level who can make our Prime Minister sit and stand, she is able to do nothing for the Christians in our country, especially in our state our Chief Minister is from Christian background. Being a Christian he can do many things for the Christians in our state officially but he failed to do. He can show the love of Christ as a Christian Chief Minister and bring non-Christian into the Christ¡¦s saving knowledge. Instead of pleasing God, he is pleasing people by mingling with non-Christian in order to get their favour and his survival. CHRISTIANITY IN OUR COUNTRY : Indian Church History says St. Thomas the disciple of Jesus Christ came to India particularly to the Tamilnadu state in first century. It is only through him gospel came to our country, gospel has been preaching from 1st Century till now. We have strongly 2% of Christians in our country. It took 2000 years to reach 2% of Indian Population. In this calculation 98,000 years may take to reach all the India. We have major denominations in Christianity in India. They are: 1. Baptist 2. Church of South India 3. Church of North India 4. Methodist 5. Lutheran 6. Seventhday Adventist 7. Pentecost Through social works, education, hospitals, Christianity has been spread in our country. Individual conversion also will be good. ,,± To say the fact as for my concern there are no much strengths of church but there are many more weaknesses of church such as disobedience to God and his world, disunity among Christians/ churches in IndiaSelfishness, blaming each other, lack of integrity. WITNESSING TO CHRIST THROUGH YOUR PARTICULAR SPECIALTY OR IN OCCUPATION: I have been doing the Lord¡¦s work from 16 years in different wings. In my training period we went to a village we are so thirsty, we asked for water we did not get water but they asked us about our caste. We are surprised and we went to that village by walking 3 hours finally we drank the water at public borewell. That day by the grace of God the same lady who asked us for caste she prepared food for our team this is amazing work of God. In my place where I am living we went for street preaching in the streets some of our church brothers went to an apartment to distribute the Gospel tracts but they did not allow us to do so in their area. The brother who went to give tracts was beaten. There is a village near to my place, which is 15 miles from my house. In that village if we take bible our any gospel pamphlets they beat us. I went to that village along with some of our brothers without taking bibles with us openly and find out the reason why they are not allowing Christians in to their village. We have taken a decision in our church that we have to go to the people and their work places and small groups individual make them happy by making friendship and helping them in order to gain them. Then it is easy to approach and proclaim the good news. HOW TO MAKE THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST MEANINGFUL TO YOUR PEOPLE (NON-CHRISTIANS) : When we talk to the non-Christian people. It is always good to encourage them rather than rebuke or condemn. Instead of pointing out their weaknesses, their religion, their faith, their customs and cultures and telling that your are a sinner, you will go to hell, the wrath of God is upon you, it is good and enough to share the love of Christ, (helping them) by saying ¡§He loves you, He cares you, He forgives you, He will solve your problems, you are His children, He needs you. According to James 2:14 FF simply preaching and comfortable words are not enough to bring that Christ but according to their needs we have to help them financially, spiritually, socially, education, economically.

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