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Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ

227 Lodge Street, Box 2002 • Magnolia, AR 71753 • United States • 870-234-8244 • COGIC

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This church is a part of the Grand Old Church of God in Christ, headquarted in Memphis, Tennessee. Bishop Charles Blake is the Presiding Bishop of this great Church. It is also a part of the 3rd jurisdiction of Arkansas, and Bishop Joe Baylor Mason is the Jurisdictional Prelate. God moves in this special place, and if you are looking for a move of God in your life, then don't hesitate to visit. Pastor Roach and First Lady Wondrous are sharing under the power of the Holy Ghost. Bodies are being healed, spirits are been lifted, and demonic forces are being broken. Come and receive a touch from the Lord.

This ministry was founded in 1983 by Pastor and Sister Roach. There is deliverance waiting on you. Call your prayer request to 870-234-8244, or 870-949-0355. Your prayer will be answered because of their faith in God.

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

9:30 a.m. Sunday

Morning Worship

11:10 a.m. Sunday

Evening Worship

6:00 p.m. Sunday

Mid-week Worship

7:00 p.m. Wednesday

Ladies in Fellowship Training

1st Thurs/ of month

Prayer Service

12 noon Tuesdays

Our Staff

Larry Roach

Superintendent •

Wondrous Roach

Kizmet Davis

Church Clerk •

Patrick Cooper

Chairman of Deacon Board •

Trogenia Turner

Finance Secretary •