The Power Cetre Church is a charisatic evagelistic iistry with a strog ephasis o preachig the udiluted Word of God ad also i udertakig charitable ad huaitaria activities worldwide. The church wig of the Wood World Missios is Power Cetre Church. Ayoe who visits Power Cetre speaks about experiecig the power of God i all aspects of the lively service. Coe ad experiece Jesus ad receive all that He has i store for you.
Head Office i Lodo:
Sudays:10.30 a - 1.00 p
ridays: 8.30 p - 10.30 p
Youth Meetigs: 7p -8.30p 1st-3rd ridays&bsp;
Last riday of each oth 9.00 p - 11.00 p
6.30 p - 9.30 p
Every 2d Saturday&bsp;
reshfields Day Cetre
Birches Close
Cricket Gree
Travel ≈ Parkig:
Opposite Cricket Gree park ≈ ext to the Policliic, O-site parkig
Special eeds:
Reserved parkig
The Power Cetre Church is a charisatic evagelistic iistry with a strog ephasis o preachig the udiluted Word of God ad also i udertakig charitable ad huaitaria activities worldwide. The church wig of the Wood World Missios is Power Cetre Church. Ayoe who visits Power Cetre speaks about experiecig the power of God i all aspects of the lively service. Coe ad experiece Jesus ad receive all that He has i store for you.
Head Office i Lodo:
Sudays:10.30 a - 1.00 p
ridays: 8.30 p - 10.30 p
Youth Meetigs: 7p -8.30p 1st-3rd ridays&bsp;
A word fro the Lord to Power Cetre Church
The Lord told e that he is goig to trasfor your iistry ad that ay people are goig to coe to your iistry. i saw the lord coectig you to ighty e of God fro all over the cotiets. I saw abig crowd archig ad followig you at your iistry, the the lord spoke to e that ay people are goig to be chaged by your iistry. I saw afirst class of aoitig coig fro the heaves like rai towards you, i saw a big boo of your iistry ad God was brig ay parters all over the world, I saw you preachig to big crowds usig satelites all over the world. I saw iracles that o a has ever see before, i saw Great prophecies, i saw you eetig Prie iisters, Presidets, Leaders of the World directig the ad advisig about the future of their coutries, I saw the world turig because of you of you, i saw professors quotig your teachigs ad applyig the i their lives, i saw you raisig ay to serve the Lord, I saw your faily servig the lord tha ever before, all was great ad as of ow that is what i ca write to you ad ore shall be set to you.
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