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1209 CHARLES BLVD APT 106, • GREENVILLE, NC 27858 • United States • 252 830-2755 • Non-denominational

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Apostles Oracle we as watchman that have a voice we will come to see eye to eye we are going to come to the same vision when the spirit is poured upon us from high when the spirit is poured out the people will received and praise GOD THANK Jesus for the Word of the Lord the ones that erred i pray the spirit shall come to a understanding it will all be GOD WE AS A BODY Of CHRIST HAVE NOT BROUGHT DELIVERANCE WE BROUGHT FORTH WIND IN THE EARTH THE WICKED O THE WORLD HAS IT NOT FALLEN BY OUR VAIN WORDS OF RELIGION Isaiah 52:8 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with their voices together shall they sing for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall brings back Zion

Apostle Oracle for elightment to suffering

a person greatly afflicted through the whole course of his life. dependance is place upon the Lord and every people this is greatly expressed during the time of suffering you must know the shout of grief so we really know the shout of Joy in the times of sorrow it is the trial for oes ministry and call of GOD of our lifes we become the overseers through the sufferig we endure we are never forsaken when we put all our trust in GOD WE are able to be ones that can be giving instruction} psalm 88: 2 Let my prayer come before thee: incline thy ear unto my cry; 3 or my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave. soul is full of troubles:- 3 My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long? Psalm 6:3 Psalm 25: 17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses. psalm 69:17 Ad hide ot thy face from thy servant; for I am in trouble: hear me speedily. 18 Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies. 19 Thou hast know my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before thee. (hebrew)bahal,-(suddely) alarmed axiously:dismayed, trouble, vex. (hebrew)tsarah,-adversity, afflictio, aguish, distress, tribulatio, trouble. (hebrew)lebab,-breast, comfortably, courage, (teder-)heart((-ed) (hebrew)rachab,-(make) large(-ig), make room, make (ope) wide. (hebrew)m@tsuwqah, -arrowess,trouble:--aguish, distress. what suffering brings to the leader of GOD MAKES HIM A BETTER LEADER TO HELP THOSES IN suffering AND COME CLOSER TO CHRIST THOSES THAT HAVE HAD TROUBLES IN THE HEART WILL BE ABLE SEE AND BE REVEAL THE HEARTS O MAN WHEN WE HAVE Suffered TO BRING THE HEALING TO MANY THAT HAVE NEED Of it Apostle Oracle to stand firm in sorrows troubles When we hold to the narrowess of the way of truth we have troubles anguish and distress to stregthen our charaters and our ministries our soul is full of troubles cause we stand for the love of the truth and the righteousness of GOD What the Lord promises us that he will deliver us out of troubles and distresses the Lord does not say we will not have them he the Lord will give us a way out as we walk through the sorrows and troubles we receive comfort it builds our courage it tenders our heart more to the things of GOD it opens doors very wide in our lifes to share our testomonies of Jesus Christ in our lifes THE MYSTERY OF HUMAN SUFFERING WHICH MANY GO THROUGH DO NOT HAVE GOD'S PERSPECTIVE ON SITUATIONS WHEN INNOCENT SUFFEREVEN THROUGH THE SUFFERING GOD ACCOMPLISHES HIS GOOD WHEN WE RECEIVE FALSE ACCUSATION IT REFUTES GOD'S SOVEREIGNITY IN SUFFERING WE SEE THE REALITY THAT THE SOVEREIGN GOD IS WORKING HIS OWN GOOD PURPOSES


raah-shearig house shepherd-Apostle apostles to set up for the defese of soud doctrie avi-prophet roeh-pastor-roiy-pastoral teacher moreh-Teacher Mvasayr- Evaglist Hebrew raah-Apostle apostello- commissio with a message or task aloe they denote the sending of a special message in order to bring out the authoritative elemet in action and the position of the one who acts in relation to the prophets sending by GOD Isaiah 6:8 Hebrew Shalach- to be set off apostole-apostleship Ge 37:13 I will sed thee Here I Am raah- Ge 46:34 Ge 46:32 Ge 49:24 Numbers 27:17 1Kigs 12:17 2 Chro 18:16 Hebrew Tsaphah-watchman a prophet-Ezekiel 33:7 Hebrew Ebed-Servat Prophet-Ge 46:34 1Samuel 17:34 Ge 47:3 Prophet- a COUNSELOR- ORACLE O GUIDANCE Hebrew Yaats- to advise cousel admoish to direct to resolve Hebrew Etsah-cousel advise EXODUS 18:19-I shall give thee cousel ad GOD shall be with thee Numbers 27:21 the cousel give uto the people whe we take the Lord at His Word the Lords Word shall come i to all the cogregatio Judges 18:5 the cousel thats dedecated to prayer ad GOD it shall be prosperous Judges 20:18 Judges 20:23 the cousel of the Lord comes from the House of GOD 1 Samuel 14:37 the cousel with give from GOD delivers Neh 6:7 whe we cousel together we have to say the Words of GOD accordig to GOD He appoits the prophets to preach the cousel of his Words Job12:13 the widom ad uderstadig through cousel which gives strength when they are with GOD psalm 55:14 we give sweet cousel together as we walk uto the House of GOD proverbs 11:14 proverbs 24:6 a multitude of cousellors there is safety proverbs 12:15 hearke uto cousel is wise hear cousel receive istructio Proverbs 19:20 proverbs 15:22 there is purpose i cousel the multitude ad this is how they are established every purpose is established by cousel proverbs 20:18 cousel of the soulis hearty cousel proverbs 27:9 GOD pours his SPIRIT gives the spirit of cousel to the couselor of GOD Isaiah 11:2 the cousel that is give it is to keep the Lords commadmets Eccl 8:2 through wonderful counsel there is a excellent i the working or the counsel is on good Isaiah 28:29 GIVING COUNSEL BRINGS INSTRUCTION TEACHING THEM THE PATH O JUDGMENT TEACHING THEM KNOWLEDGE SHOWING THE PERSON THE WAY O UNDERSTANDING AND MADE THAT PERSON UNDERSTAND THAT IS THE PURPOSE IN COUNSELING ISAIAH 40:14 PERORM COUNSELING IS CONIRMING THE WORD O GOD OR THE LIE THEY ARE LIVING COUNSELING BUILDS THE DECAYED PLACES IN OUR LIES THAT HAVE BEEN DESTROYED BY THE ENEMY OR ROM THE BAD CHOICES THAT WE HAVE MADE ISAIAH 44:26 THE COUNSEL WE GIVE TO OTHERS DECLARES THE END O SOMETHING DONE IN THE LIE WE LIVE IT GIVES US A BEGINNING A VISION A HOPE A URTURE THAT IT STANDS ON GODS COUNSEL SO ANY PERSON WILL DO THE PLEASURE O THE LORD ISAIAH 46:10 JER 29:11 THE COUNSEL WE GIVE A MIGHTY WORK THAT OPEN EYES OPEN THE WAYS TO THE PEOPLE THAT SHOWS THEM THE RUIT O THERE DOINGS JER 23:19 WE ACCEPT THE LORDS COUNSEL TO BREAK O YOUR SINS GIVING RIGHTEOUSNESS SHOWING MERCY BRINGS ORTH A LENGTHENING TO THE HEALING FROM ERROR DANIEL 4:27 Apostles oracle word for thus says the LORD for He forbids you that you stretch forth your had agaist GODS anointed I the servant of the Lord pray that thee take thou spear that is at thy head the water which is the WORD that you hold back and let thy servant go in the Spirit as he is led and let the servants go hold back no more hinder no more says the Lord or you Apostle will go to leaders with water you will take it to the head you will take the spear you will icrease the head with kowledge you will awaken thoses that are asleep you will awaken them from a deep sleep says the Lord Apostles Word of God True Shepherds were execrated ad held i the greatest odium with cotemped by the World ad Religious Leaders of the day but soo may will see great Leaders rise where the Holy Spirit is i control of there lifes brings a powerful Intoruption into the World and overcome it with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT 1Corithias 7: 17 ¶ But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I i all the churches. 1Corithias 4: 17 ¶ or this cause have I set uto you Timotheus, who is my beloved so, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church 2 Corithias 11: 28 Beside those thigs that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches. GREEK THEATRON-THEATRE- THE APOSTLES ARE A {spectacle: A SHOW BEORE MEN WHERE THERE LIGHTS SHINE FORTH THAT ALL CAN SEE Romas 1:1 the call to be a apostle meas Apostle by way of GODS SOVEREIGN CALL Romas 1:5 GRACE GREEK CHARIN-UNMERITED AVOUR APOSTLESHIP GRACE EMPHASIZES THE MINISTRY DO NOT DESERVE OR EARN IT. APOSTLESHIP EMPHAASIZES THE MINISTRY IN RELATION TO OTHERS, TO TEACH REVELATION AUTHORITATIVELY AND ESTABLISH CHURCHES apostle is raah- shearig house shepherd the apostle is more i the siftig out the impureities i the people The Pastor role is roiy-pastoral couselor role where the apostle raah-where it is a apostle teacher role where this brigs out the impure thigs of the people out THIS MINISTRY BRINGS OUT THE GITS O THE APOSTLE PROPHET AND PASTOR AND TEACHER TO BRING OUT THE PURPOSE PROMISE AND POTENTIAL IN THE BUILDING OF THE CHURCH AND THE GIFTS AND FRUITS O THE SPIRIT THE MANTLES OF THE MINISTRY- 1KINGS 19:19 APOSTLES MANTLE- JEREMIAH 1:10 NEHEMIAH 6:7 1PETER 5:5 PSALM 35:13 PROVERBS 16:19 ISAIAH 57:15 MARK 3:1 EPHESIANS 4:11-13 EPHESIANS 2:20 1 TIMOTHY 2:7 PROPHETS MANTLE HOSEA 12:10 HOSEA 12:13 AMOS 3:7 JEREMIAH 1:5 2 CHRON 36:12 2 CHRON 20:20 1CHRON 16:22 PSALM 105:15 NUMBERS 11:29 REVELATION 19:10 EZEKIEL 12:28 DEUT 6:1 DEUT 4:1 PASTORS MANTLE ECCL 12:9-11 JEREMIAH 3:15 JEREMIAH 17:16 SONG OF SOLOMON 1:8 1 TIMOTHY 3:5 1 TIMOTHY 1:11 2 TIMOTHY 2:7 ACTS 20:28 TEACHERS MANTLE 1 TIMOTHY 2:7 LUKE 1:3 2 TIMOTHY 4:2 2 TIMOTHY 1:13 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 JOB 32:8 PSALM 119:99-100 EVANGLIST MANTLE MATTHEW 28:19 2 TIMOTHY 4:5 2 TIMOTHY 1:8 ACTS 21:8 i am looking for donations that i need for ministry if you like to donate to this ministry send it to Apostle James R Haven 252-830-2755 1209 charles blvd apt 106 greenville NC 27858

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James Haven