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Divine Glorious Church International

Street No.01 Rasool Park, Madina Town, Faisalabad 38000 Pakistan • Faisalabad, Punjab 38000 • Pakistan • +92 41 8003401 • Pentecostal

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Reaching the Underprivileged Unreached and Neglected Welcome to the Divine Glorious Ministries website. Divine Glorous Ministries is the vision of founder Pastor Maqbool Bashir John. We are a ministry dedicated to all the people of Pakistan. We help those in spiritual and physical need. Our goal is to provide housing, schooling, food, and medial assistance while spreading the Word of God and the message of Christ. We also aim to serve the Christian population by providing a refuge for the persecuted, a place for worship, and encouragement to remain steadfast in their faith. This site is your connection to the ministry. Here you can find information details about who we are and what we are doing. You can learn how God is moving in Pakistan and how you can help. This site is here to help you stay in touch with us. So please take some time to explore. ABOUT US The Divine Glorious Ministries is an evangelical,non-profit Christian ministry, that ministers in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through a balance of evangelism and works of mercy. They are assisted by Christian volunteers from within Pakistan, all of whom are born again (converted) believers. The main thrust of the ministry in terms of its evangelistic and missions endeavours is directed at the unsaved, unreached, the weak, the poor and the oppressed. Special attention is given to young people, children and destitute old people, but others with perceived needs are included. The Divine Glorious Ministries responds in obedience to Gods word to play out its part in the Lord's great commission to reach out in a demonstration of the love of Jesus in practical, hands on ways to those whom the bible identifies and calls on Christians. James 2:14-17 We acknowledge the many ways in which God directs His work: through His Word, the Holy Bible; through the prompting of The Holy Spirit; through prayer and the fellowship of Christian believers and through Godly order, discipline and structures. We honour what God has done through the ministry over the past years and seek diligently to continue to be guided according to His will and purposes as recorded in his word. THE VISION God called His man,Pastor Maqbool Bashir and told him that Where there is no vision the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) Then the Holy Spirit guide him to see that Habakkuk 2:2 "And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." Then He answered to His man and He gave the vision for DGM. It is our Vision to go forth and find the lost; preaching the salvation of Christ Jesus, that none should be lost. Jeremiah 23:3-4, Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 5:20 & 10:42, II Corinthians 4:5, II Timothy 4:2 It is our Vision to perfect the saints and edify the body of Christ as one; that we may in one accord and purpose to be ready for his return. Matthew 5:48, Acts 20:28, Romans 14:19, Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 4:11-16 & 5:27, Philippians 1:27, Colossians 1:24 & 28, I Peter 5:2 James 2:14-17 "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." The vision for Divine Glorious Ministries was born from the call heard by Pastor Maqbool in these and other scriptures in 2002. THE MISSION STATEMENT Divine Glorious Ministries felt a great need to spread the Gospel in Pakistan. We desire to reach those who are underprivileged, unreached, and neglected. God has given us a vision and a burden for perishing souls all over Pakistan. We aim to meet their immediate, long term, and eternal needs though Christ. Divine Glorious Ministries's main focus is the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore we go out into the unreached areas and preach his glorious gospel of salvation among the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them all that they should obey. Matt 28:19-20. Furthermore, we regard it our responsibility, in terms of James 2:14-17 to demonstrate the love of Jesus in practical, hands on ways to those with exceptional material needs, irrespective of where in the world they are domiciled. These are people whom God may from time to time direct us to minister to through evangelism and discipleship, or by providing support and resources: a) To assist them to overcome immediate desperate needs b) To assist them to pursue a committed, Christian lifestyle. c) To provide Spiritual leadership. d) To provide Bibles, books, tracts, teaching material, audio and video tapes, CD's and DvD's for the purpose of encouraging and developing spiritual growth while - motivating and leading Christian leaders to evangelise, disciple, serve and plant churches and Sunday schools.

DGM Activities. 1.Church Planting and DGM House Churches. 2.Open Crusades Ministry. 3.Pastors and Church Leader Seminars. 4.Reach to the un-reached Areas. 5.Brickyard Schools. 6.Women Meetings. 7.Youth Ministry. 8.Children Ministry. 9.Worship Ministry. 10.Prayer Warriors 11.Health Ministry 12 Christian development Ministry.. CONTACT US: Physical Address: Rasool Park ,Michael Street # 01 Near Madina Town Abid Shaheed Road Faisalabad 38000 Pakistan. Contact Person. Pastor Amber Email: Pastor Pervez Barkat Chairman/senior Pastor Rev:Maqbool Bashir Phone: +92 41 8003401 Cell Phone: +92 345 7755088 Fax: +92 41 5512559 DGM Projects 1. Obey the Lord by going out and making disciples of all people. 2. Provide disaster relief to people affected by natural disasters. We help to rebuild their lives. 3. Help those persecuted in the name of God. 4. Protect orphans and the unwanted children of Pakistan. We show them the love of Christ and meet their needs. 5. Plant churches that have a strong foundation in the gospel. 6. Train pastors and missionaries to effectively minister to others. 7. Provide youth and children ministries in order to help them develop in Gods direction. 8. Spread the Gospel through TV and Radio ministries that can reach millions of people in cities and villages. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Without the participation, goodwill and generosity of our extended Christian family the work simply cannot be done. We therefore appeal to you to consider prayerfully how you might become involved in the support of this vital work of God among the lost, the weak, the oppressed, the persecuted and the poor. We need encouragement to keep us fired up under extremely difficult and dangerous circumstances, financial assistance in order to spread and ease the burden of support; and prayer cover to make it all possible. Should you feel led to become part of our support team (3 John 7), we rejoice and welcome you. We have been praying for your support and through it you too will be blessed (Deut 15:10). We Need Your Help As with any such undertaking, we greatly need and appreciate your support. Not all are called to other nations, but we are all called to make sure that the entire world is reached for Christ. Here are a few of the ways you can help us: 1. We first and foremost ask that you help us by praying for the land of Pakistan and our ministry there. For specific prayer needs, please contact us. 2. We ask that you encourage us by writing to us. It blesses us to know you are supporting us. 3. You can greatly help us by introducing this ministry to your friends, families, and churches. 4. We say welcome to Pakistan for Gospel and Healing crusades to make fire up our people in Pakistan. 5. You can donate spiritual help by providing us Bibles and other bible Study materials 6. You can donate us medicine for thousands of poor people who cannot afford. 7. You can send us clothes, blankets and other things of daily need. 8. Finally, you can help to support us financially with either a monthly commitment or onetime gift.

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Our Services & Events

youth seminars

11 am wednesday

Pastor meetings

10 am Tuesday

Sunday church meeting

9am Sunday

Sunday school

10am. Sunday

Medical free centre

9am Satureday

Women meetings

5pm. Thirsday

Our Staff

Maqbool Bashir

Chairman and Founder •

Pervez Barkat

Youth Pastor •

Amber Maq

In-Charge Women Ministry • dgm_in_pak

Nosharwan Nike

Associate Pastor •

Khuram Shahzad