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david wisdom ministries, ota nigeria • ota nigeria, ogun state • Nigeria • 08038775083 • Pentecostal

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DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES WHAT WE BELIEVE The Eternal God Head We believe in the only one Living and true God. A Spirit infinite, Eternal and Unchangeable. We worship Him in the Unity of the Godhead, and the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit three person of the same substance, equal in power and glory - Gen. 1:26; Exodus 34:6-7; Deut. 5:26; Joshua 3:10; Isaiah 10:17, 63:8-10; Mark 12:29; John 1:1-4, 4:29; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Tim. 1:17; Heb. 9:14, 12:29; Rev. 1:4-6. God the father, Son and the Holy Ghost, the Trinity expressed in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all The Authority of the Holy Scriptures We believe in the verbal inspiration and in inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures given by the inspiration of God as containing the only infallible rule of faith and life and a faithful record of God's gracious revelations and as the sure witness of Christ. - 2 Sam.23:2; Matt. 5:17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Pet. 1:2.the perfect truth of the Holy Bible as being the Inspired Word of God and the final authority of the church in all matters of Faith and Doctrine Salvation Through Grace The Great Commission of going to all the world to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit We believe in the baptism of Holy Spirit as evident on the day of Pentecost upon the whole body of believers - Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:18; Luke 3:16, 24:46-49; John 1:33, 14:16, 16:7-15; Acts 1:4,5,8, 2:1-4, 37. The baptism of water by immersion after repentance and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in an unknown tongues. The gifts and operations of the Holy Spirit we believe that God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit - Isaiah 8:20; 1 Cor. 12:1-2; 1 John 4:1. The manifestation of the gifts and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit with miracles, Signs and wonders. Divine Healing We believe in Divine Healing through the power and name of Christ, through praying, anointing of oil and laying of hands. supernatural healing, divine health, Holy angels as ministering spirits and believers as flaming fire according to scripture. Tithing and Offering bringing all our tithes and offering into the storehouse, which is the local church according to Mal 3. The 2nd Coming of Christ We believe there shall be a resurrection of the death both just and unjust. And also in the second coming of Christ, which is, the great hope of the church and grand climax of the climax. The virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His death on the cross of Calvary, His resurrection on the third day, His appearance and ascension to Heaven, His second coming after the capture of the believers in the clouds and final judgment of the living and the dead. Heaven & Hell and The Final Judgement The final judgement of sinners being condemned to hell and the final reward of the righteous in Heaven. DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES The DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES has a three fold vision and mandate as follows 1. TO BREAK THE WALLS OF BARRENESS a. to the totally barren b. to those who have only male children and desire female children - (female barreness) c. to those who have only female children and desire male children - (male barreness) d. to those who after having a child or two, can not concieve again 2. TO BRING MENTAL HEALTH TO THE MENTALLY ILL a. to those who are complectly mad b to those who act foolishly c. to those who have some mental defects d. to those who despite hard academic work still find it difficult retain mentally etc 3. TO WRITE AND PUBLISH CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHIES. Presently working on the NIGERIAN PENTECOSTAL ANNUAL[NPA] NPA represents in one volume a library of information about the PENTECOSTAL Church in Nigeria that is not found elsewhere and is unrivaled in it's balance and coverage. This compendium will be recognized by librarians in every country as a standard reference source in it's field. WHAT IS UNIGUE ABOUT DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES? GOD has ordained this Ministry to bring an end to every crises of Barrenness and Mental illness. This Ministry is the LAST BUS STOP for those in search of Children and the Mentally ill. All forces of hell militating against the Barren and the Mentally Ill are destroyed permanently. Whatever may be the desire of your heart, I want you to be sure of this fact. GOD is able {Mark 10 vs 27} GOD iswilling {Matthew 8 vs 2} and GOD is ready [11 Cor 6 vs 2} To everything there ia a season and a time, for every purpose under the heaven. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. He has made everything beautiful in his time. {Eccl 3 vs 1,4,and 11} YOU CAN CONTACT THIS MINISTRY FOR PROGRAMMES AND MEETINGS IN YOUR CHURCH AND MINISTRY AND FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION. Iju Ota Ogun State Nigeria Phone: 08038775083 DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES PARTNERSHIP DETAILS and PRAYER REGUEST We are open for partnership and association from all over the world with a living faith, committed to the advancement of the total gospel of Christ and zealous to save the the barren and mentally ill. You are dearly welcome and free to contact the Executive Director Send your Prayer Request, email etc. God bless you.

Aims and Objectives

DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES Aims and Objectives To preach and teach the Bible, the word of God. To conduct and carry on all religion service and divine worship or other religion observance; and to extend the kingdom of God by home and Foreign Missions; To promote evangelism, Church planting and mission throughout the world. To train, examine, accept and engage Pastors, Teacher, Evangelist, Missionary to establish Churches, Schools, Clinics, Maternities and Hospital for the promulgation of the Gospel and to receive and allocate funds for the support and maintenance of such person, institution and their work. To promote Medical and Evangelistic work though Publications, Radio, Television, Pulpit Ministry, and other means consistence with the character and purpose of the church and the laws of the Land regulation them. To purchase, lease and otherwise acquire land, buildings, investments and property of any kind, movable or immovable for the purpose mentioned above or any one of them. To enter into any arrangement with the Governments of Nigeria or with any other governments or Authorities, Local, Municipal, or otherwise and to obtain through such Authorities all rights, concessions and privileges as may be conducive to all the above mentioned purpose or any of them. To help the Government of our Nation or other Nations by promoting the moral and physical development of their citizens in the country in which the church might be. To promote, belief in the efficacy of Faith, Healing of the sick through prayers Support Us May God bless your commitment of support to this ministry in preaching the gospel and healing the barren and mentally ill around the world, according to the book of Matthew 16:15; I am calling on you to take a stand in the Body of Christ to support us both financially, materially and otherwise. Remain Blessed as you support to expand God's Kingdom, We are co-laborers in His vineyard. DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES Our Mission "Going to the highways with the Gospel of Christ hijacking the Barren and Mentally Ill men and women from the kingdom of hell to the kingdom of Christ, and living and preserving the remnant, and the writing and publishing of Christian Biographies. This we will do by and through the zeal of the Lord that consumes our hearts." Our vision is Healing, Holiness, Power and Prosperity being a paraphrased from Obadiah 17, that "In mount Zion there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of Jacob shall possess their possessions". In John 16:31 also Jesus said, "In the world ye may have tribulation but in me ye shall have peace. Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world". We are therefore burdened to:- 1 Evangelize the world with the fire of the Gospel. 2 Revive the Body of Christ with the message of Good cheers and Hope. 3 To teach every believer to stand on the authority that Jesus has given to us. 4 To raise the poor from the dust and the beggars from the dunghill and make them sit among princes. 5 To proof to owe generation that Jesus is no more in the grave by preaching the Gospel with a demonstration of signs and wonders in the healing of the barren, the mentally ill etc. 6 To promote fellowship amongst believers by stirring up the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Sprit. 7 To promote Unity amongst ministries of the Gospel by godly relationship and sharing fellowship. 8 To give a helping hand to the poor, needy and weak in the society by providing their basic needs spiritually, financially and materially God's Free Gift We have a free gift that we would love to offer you. It is nothing that we have purchased for you and nothing that we can send you in the mail. But rather, it is what only God himself can give: the gift of eternal life. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. But thank God, our answer to this dilemma is found in the very familiar John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life." All you must do to receive this free gift from God is to: 1.) Believe it in your heart and 2.) Confess it with your mouth. If you would like to ask Jesus into your heart, pray this simple prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and according to your Word, the Bible, I have fallen short of your Glory. But I thank you that you provided a Savior in your own Son, Jesus. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and that God raised Him from the dead. I ask you, Jesus, to come into my heart and save me. Forgive me of all my sins and make me new in you. Help me to live for you. I give my life to you now. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. If you just prayed that prayer, the Bible says that you are a new creature in Christ! You are now a born-again child of God with the right to claim all the promises contained in the Word of God just for you! If you prayed that prayer, please contact us either by e-mail or by writing the address below. We would love to send you some information that will help you grow as you begin your new life in Him. DAVID WISDOM MINISTRIES NIGERIAN PENTECOSTAL ANNUAL[NPA] NIGERIAN PENTECOSTAL ANNUAL[NPA] incorporating PART ONE - THE TOP 50 PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES IN NIGERIA PART TWO - CONTEMPORARY AND TOPICAL PENTECOSTAL ISSUES IN NIGERIA PART THREE - WHO'S WHO IN THE NIGERIAN PENTECOSTAL BODY INTRODUCTION NPA represents in one volume a library of information about the PENTECOSTAL Church in Nigeria that is not found elsewhere and is unrivaled in it's balance and coverage. This compendium will be recognized by librarians in every country as a standard reference source in it's field. The list of Names will be alphabetical and there will be Single - user access to the online version of the publication. This exceptional resource will combine the content of the print version with a full range of sophisticated search and browse features, and with regular updates. There will also be the full - text search option. All the information in this Publication have been extensively researched and are now undergoing verification. This first edition comes with a distinct flavor and presents the Compendium as a must for Churches and all Christians. It will be a jewel and fountain of knowledge. All thanks to the Almighty GOD for having given us the opportunity to deliver. PART ONE THE TOP 50 PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES IN NIGERIA These big players who are set to elevate the Christian environment into a higher level Of Spiritual performance are presented in alphabetical order. What makes them tick!, will be found out. The first edition of the NIGERIAN PENTECOSTAL ANNUAL [NPA] offers readers comprehensive guide and essential understanding of the framework of the TOP 50 most important churches in Nigeria as well as their extensive general historical background. These 50 Churches, of course do not operate in isolation as there is an increasing level of collaboration and even integration of functions between them. However, the structural approach to their coverage is intended to provide the reader with an accessible overview of each church as accurately and clearly as possible. PART TWO CONTEMPORARY AND TOPICAL PENTECOSTAL ISSUES IN NIGERIA From it's roots to the present - day expression in Nigeria, the Nigerian Church has become the focus of educational debate and public attention. Modern critics have argued for a more inclusive approach to Nigerian Christian Issues, one that would rescue from undeserved obscurity the contributions and achievements of the Church that traditionally have been neglected in our national records. Several articles incorporate this publication. They are positioned so as to be of most interest or use to the reader within a broader context. The Editorial Board of NPA in it's outstanding fashion has put together well researched and tropical issues that could make for good reading. The issues are vital to the growth and development of the BODY OF CHRIST in Nigeria. Although some of the issues might look far fetched in today's Nigerian Church, they will make for good preparation in the near future. PART THREE WHO'S WHO IN THE NIGERIAN CHURCH The Publication concludes, in Part three, with a WHO'S WHO, providing Biographical data on 100 KEY CHRISTIAN PERSONALITIES in Nigeria. This will become the Standard Reference work on Nigeria's most famous and influential Christian Men and Women of GOD. In compiling this, our aim is to create a reference publication that answers the needs of readers seeking information on the lives of our most gifted contemporary men and women of GOD. We choose the entries entirely on merit and for their continning interest and importance. Some are household names in every continent. Others are noted for their contributions in specialized Spiritual fields or for their roles in the Spiritual and Christian life of Nigeria. The scope and diversity is reflected in the range of Spiritual activities represented. Shortlisted personalities are given the opportunity to supply their data themselves, this is to ensure that it is up to date as possible on publication. [1] There is an opportunity to have Pictures, Adverts and Supplements of your church and individuals in this publication. Please see the rates below. [2] Please note that PAYMENT for Adverts, Pictures and Supplements would be received from you, only when 2 copies of the publication are delivered to you after production. We trust you. Please make NO PAYMENT NOW to anyone whatsoever until after production . Thank you and GOD bless YOURS IN HIS SERVICE DAVID WISDOM. NPA ADVERT, PICTURES AND SUPPLEMENT RATES NPA will circulate in Africa, Asia, America and Europe ADVERTS [COLOUR] FULL PAGE [ROP] N 90,000.00 INSIDE BACK COVER N 200,000.00 OUTSIDE BACK COVER N 300,000.00 CENTER SPREAD N 400,000.00 BOTTOM STRAP N 50,000.00 ADVERTS [BLACK AND WHITE] FULL PAGE [ROP] N 60,000.00 2/3 PAGE N 40,000.00 1/2 PAGE N 30,000.00 1/4 PAGE N 20,000.00 CENTER SPREAD N 80,000.00 PICTURES [COLOUR] 27 X 56 [INCHES] N 10,000.00 27 X 43 [INCHES] N 9,000.00 SUPPLEMENT RATES [COLOUR] N 100,000.00 PER PAGE [BLACK AND WHITE] N 70,000.00 PER PAGE NOTE Artwork/films to be Supplied by you. All Adverts, Pictures and Supplements will be paid for only after two copies of the printed publication is supplied to you by the publisher. Please note that PAYMENT for Adverts, Pictures and Supplements would be received from you, only when 2 copies of the publication are delivered to you after production. We trust you. Please make NO PAYMENT NOW to anyone whosoever untill after production . Please send Edited Materials, Adverts, Pictures and Supplements. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU YOURS IN HIS SERVICE DAVID WISDOM

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