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Luminary Foundation

14/05 KABANANA, • LUSAKA, LUSAKA 10101 • Zambia • 260 97 313 668 • Pentecostal

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THE LUMINARY FOUNDATION FACT SHEET Luminary foundation is non-profit making non- governmental organization 1. LUMINARY: Means a person who enlightens others. 2. ENLIGHTENS: Means (a) To shed the light of truth and knowledge upon. (b) To free from ignorance, error, illiteracy, Sin, misjudgment, blunder, and Misconceptions. (c) To furnish Knowledge. 3. LOCATION OF HEAD OFFICE The Foundation is registered under the societies Act CAP 119 of the laws of the Republic of Zambia. The offices are situated in kabanana Maplot 14/05 Lusaka Zambia 4. MISSION The mission is to emancipate and uplift the vulnerable people groups in our communities by providing humanitarian aid to all without looking at their race, religion, and nationality. 5. VISION Emancipation of vulnerable people groups from social and economical vices through enlightening, caring and sharing. 6. MOTTO Aid for sustainable empowerment. 7. PURPOSE To provide health care and humane services A. HEALTH CARE SERVICES i. Home Based Care (Mobile Hospice) ii. Health living Promotion iii. Listening Centre (counseling) iv. HIV/AIDS control and prevention v. Obstetrics ( Safe motherhood promotions) vi. Malaria control and preventions. B. HUMANE SERVICES i. Capacity Building in livelihood skills training ii. Talent development in Arts and Sciences in the youth. iii. Providing supplement food for the chronically and Terminally sick people iv. Providing Basic Educations v. Advocacy vi. To distribute charity to the needy on behalf of Philanthropist and benefactors who are have no adequate time to do their own charity. 8. OBJECTIVES. DOING GOOD WORKS AND CARING ACTIVITIES. We have a burden for the needs of people. While we affirm that man's number one need is spiritual, we do not in anyway dilute the necessity to fulfill physical needs. We must work and pray for peace in people's lives We are God's bridges of love" who should do whatever possible to help the oppressed, the poor, the sick and the hungry. It is not possible to help everyone but the grace of God we can help some. We shall pass through this world but once, any good, therefore that we can do or any kindness we can show to any human being let us do it now for we shall not pass this way again. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES i. Establishing drop in centres across the nation where empowering will be done in skills and techniques essential to the utilization of natural resources essential for sustainable capacity building for these people groups. ii. Facilitating training for caregivers. We also seek to provide certain technical skills that will assist them fulfill their vocational goals. iii. Gather and provide HIV /AIDS and human rights data for use by the target group and sourcing and providing charity to the target group. iv. Sourcing fund to establish and run pre-schools, primary, secondary schools and post secondary school education called higher education. We maintain that our prosperous posterity lies in information dissemination and knowledge Unless all of us combine our resources and efforts in fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS in our communities our posterity will be lost.. Peace will remain elusive as long as HIV/AIDS continues to play havoc on man. Families are under great strain; extended families find their resources further stretched as they take in the increasing number of orphans. Children who are surviving without parents have many challenges including the burden of sorrow, grief, heath and education needs, and the fear of facing a seemingly hopeless future. HIV/AIDS thrives in poor communities and has profound consequences on the family and community. In addition HIV/AIDS severely restricts opportunities for women and girls who spend most of the time caring for persons suffering from HIV/AIDS related diseases. The effects of HIV/AIDS are impoverishing people, breaking their hearts, causing violation of their human rights.. Many who suffer do so in rejection and isolation. HIV/AIDS is a nightmare of misery and inferno of human suffering. The affected are doomed unless aid from the elite arrives. 10. INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE Information helps people to be successful. It helps people become useful members of society. The L F attaches great importance to information dissemination. Hence, our noble work of bringing the light of knowledge is inevitable and indispensable. Knowledge fosters in learners the joy of living and helps them take their place in society as well-balanced individuals. 11. BENEFICIARIES OF OUR MINISTRY The Luminary foundation is dedicated to the dissemination of information to the following people groups, targeted as beneficiaries of our services: 1. Rural women. Girls and Orphans. 2. Primary, basic and high school girl. 3. Vulnerable communities in towns A) THE GIRL CHILD The most hit among the OVC is the girl child. If not rescued her life will be one of misery, pain and slavery. The marginalization of the girl child in rural areas is very high. Most parents believe that it is useless to send a daughter to school because in the end she will only get married and look after her family's needs. So, while still young she is subjected to heavy house chores, working in the fields, looking after young brothers and sisters, cooking, fetching water and firewood and performing other heavy work. Eventually the girl child will be married to a man she does not know or love, facing a bleak future of servitude. All in all she will live in a world were she has no rights and never a person to be reckoned with. The coming of HIV/AIDS on the scene has added salt to an already unpleasant distressing and excruciating injury. Instead of leaving in a safe healthy home the girl child is forced to live in an environment of paralyzing fear, insecurity, sickening poverty and trauma. Our girl child is involved in child labor. She sells food on the streets, fetches water carries luggage for travelers, and she is sexually exploited etc. poverty and the instinct to survive are the major reasons she get involved in these vices. But by working instead of going to school she tends to perpetuate the vicious cycle of sickening poverty. Rural girls have very little hope of ever pulling themselves on to a better level of living. Only someone reaching to them can give them hope. The Luminary foundation will not close its eyes to the needs of the girl child. We cannot allow the wholesale abandonment of her unfortunate circumstances. If some one does not speak out and act on their behalf their difficulties will escalate and their destinies disappear. B) THE RURAL WOMAN A rural woman is a grown up rural girl whose self-esteem has suffered severely through many years of intense marginalization. Her mind needs to be deprogrammed from the cultural attitude and practices that disfavor women. Beliefs that say a woman is property must be eradicated. Women who grow up with unemployed husbands find it hard to overcome the disadvantages of their upbringing and have difficulty finding employment when they become widows. Unemployed women cannot purchase essential goods and services, can not supply adequate housing, food, healthcare or schooling for their children. Many times the husband's family takes everything from the widow, leaving the children with her and blaming her for the death of her husband. Traditional culture believes that there is someone who has caused death and many times the deceased relatives blames the wife for the husbands death. C) VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES. IN TOWNS There are three issues distinct yet interdependent, which demand our attention. HIV/AIDS, poverty and ignorance. Genesis 1:2 narrates to us the chaotic situation God faced. The earth was formless, empty and darkness ruled. This is the same chaotic situation our vulnerable communities find themselves in. (i) HIV/AIDS has brought about the formlessness of the vulnerable communities. (ii) Poverty exhibits emptiness hungriness, depletion of strength, resources and unfulfilled lives of these vulnerable communities. IGNORANCE: Leads to death because the bible says that "My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). Anyone walking in ignorance is being ruled by darkness.


12. PANACEA STRATEGY We believe that the wisdom and compassion to solve today's problems cannot be found in any one person or place other than in the power of God working through men and women committed to bringing dramatic difference. The love of God is shown clearly when Concern people with compassion give time, skill, protection, care, respect and love. Being compassionate means being willing to feel the pain of others and to bear the pain of others. (A) THE INTEGRITY OF THE LUMINARY FOUNDATION AS BRIDGE BUILDERS . Integrity to the service organization providing material succor can never be over emphasized, if we are going to fight human suffering. (B) ALLIANCE WITH THE CHURCH The third strategy is to make the church a coefficient of Luminary Foundation in the fight against HIV/AIDS pandemic. The church is a best-placed ally in this World War on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and human suffering. The Church must not only come in to burry the dead, it must be fully involved in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. The people are not dying of old age the average age of people the church is burying is twenty-five. The principle cause of death is HIV/AIDS. The commission of the church is to heal, to redeem, to feed and to nourish the sprit, to cleanse and uplift, to educate and change the heart, to house and cloth and to share the love of Christ Mt 25:31-46. The church has a biblical mandate and is the primary agent for communicating the love of God and the message of salvation. The existence of the church is an indispensable factor for sustainable transformational development. Hence, the Luminary Foundation has identified the importance of playing the role of the "Bridge Builder" to donors for the underprivileged in these vulnerable communities. (vi) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The country has abundant natural resources that could be harnessed to the advantage of the affected. Therefore the Luminary Foundation focus is to empower the vulnerable to create something new out of what God has given, through income generating activities and employment creation. Programs to promote self-reliance will be given priority. (i) Fish farming (ii) Live stock raising (Animal husbandry) (iii) Crop growing (iv) Research in African medicines (vi) Small-scale business enterprise. The potential for creating employment lies in the field of agriculture.. Interventions that make agriculture a lifeline for survival will eventually trigger Agro-based industries in rural areas. If people are helped to grow their own cash crops, they will feed themselves and market the extra produce for increased income to meet other needs. HIV/AIDS does not respect geography and boundaries, hence we must show vividly a strong vision for rural people in HIV/AIDS information dissemination and research. We require resources that will enable us to effectively raise awareness in local medicine developments. a) HIV/AIDS still remains the biggest threat to the survival, protection and development of children. They are searching for new values and a new life style, a search, which often leads to tragic results. b) Orphan and vulnerable children are in precarious position. They find it difficult to fend for themselves resulting in destitution. These children have no choice but to depend on hand outs from government, humanitarian organization for food, clothing, shelter, school fees and money to buy other basic needs. We want to help them to re organize their lives. We would like to ensure that they lead a normal life, go to school like any other children and restore confidence in them. Any good therefore, any kindnesses we can show to the vulnerable let us do it now. There is no higher calling than to be a thrower of lifeline to those who are drowning. d) Rural outreach will ensure that they benefit of global funds that are being mobilized accrue to the intended beneficiaries. 20. CONCLUSION A neighbor is any one in need. We cannot chose our charities when confronted with human needs, we are called to act and to love. As we heal wounds we nature peace. The Luminary Foundation has great resolve to tackle this pandemic. With the help of all of you we cannot fail. The is power in unity and collaboration. It is incumbent upon Luminary Foundation to ensure that we galvanize our efforts so that we achieve the intended objectives. Technology has transformed our world in to one neighborhood meaning that our neighbor includes any one who lives with us on this globe. Hence the highly sang song of "globalization".

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