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P.OBOX KS 323, KASOA • ACCRA CENTRA, GREATER ACCRA 00233 • Ghana • 00233244529258 • Pentecostal

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The Trinity world outreach ministries International is an arm or the World Faith Christian missionary Association Ghana which was established some years ago for the purpose of training and sending Christian Missionaries who have the burden and the call to reach the unreached perishing souls, the main vision of the Christian Rescue Mission is to reach out to the lost souls within the African Countries and beyond .The primary vision is to bring as many to the awareness of Jesus Christ and also having the great compassion to help those who are in need such as orphans, The drop out of school youth, street children, those effected with HIV/AIDS, the aged and the growth of churches and establishment of Bible schools in this countries. The mission is highly influence by the great commission of our Lord Jesus that says (GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND REACH THE GOOD NEWS) and the divine injunction which enjoins humanity to know each other welfare, it is also believed that total salvation must be based in its biblical teachings on morality, spiritual upliftment, fulfilment and the awareness of Christ and his marvellous teachings. In pursuance of the beliefs of thisTrinity world outreach ministries International . The World Faith Christian Rescue Mission has since its establishment help many in different area which will still continue on aspects of family welfare, missionary sending to targeted countries. Civil right and responsibility, spiritual and physical aspects also. It is presently manned by me (pastor Samson Ovedhe) & other volunteer here in ACCRA - Ghana , West Africa. This vision will also try to reach other countries of Africa and the world as well as time goes on and as the Lord liveth and make the huge provisions for the propagation of his work within the African Countries and beyond. DESCRIPTION OF TARGETED COUNTRIES SITUATION & PRBLEMS The two (2) targeted Countries of this project are not likely together in their settlement according to their communities, like Ghana & Nigeria. The population is basically made up migrant from their rural area, in the case of Nigeria, one of the state (Delta state in Isoko LGA, though which has exactly the same problem with the new settlement of the Ga Rural District of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. This situation gives as egalitarian and Status Composed of persons from Conglomeration of tribes and ethnic backgrounds but who are predominantly Christians The targeted Countries, their areas are further constituted by a high rate of population, youth and adult at about 40- 60 made up if a high dependent population (ie) students, unemployed, street children, the orphans, retired workers and a work force subsistence level self employed persons. Where many are suffering from low payment of public & private workers between the age of 15-40 years. The average household incomes are not adequate to provide any appreciable relief to the targeted Countries in it's communities population. The significant of this situation has a major developmental issue is better appreciated against the background of this targeted communities of countries, starting from Ghana to Nigeria where the living survey is so low which indicates growing under nourishment and illiteracy in this targeted Countries in some of it's rural communities, many people lived below the poverty line. The living standard according to my research survey further indicates poverty as basically a rural phenomenon more especially in view of disparity in income/ service delivery/infrastructure development a situation, which favours the urban areas more than the rural areas. Social change in the midst of poverty in this targeted Countries in their rural and urban areas does certainly impose severe strain in the social fabric of any given society, this is more so, in many Countries of Africa whose economies and institutions are still largely undeveloped. The rupture resting from such strains do have negative results for the vulnerable members in their societies. The phenomenon of poverty in this African continent has become increasingly associated with a number of factors. These include untimely death among members of communities inadequate incomes and productive resources to achieve sustainable livelihoods, which in turn is translated into lack of access to, or availability of income earning opportunities, and gender discrimination in these countries, it is also associated with a lack of participation in civil society, social exclusion, alienation, political instability and communities conflict. At its core however, absolute poverty is a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe water, health, education, shelter and information. It depend not only on income but also the provision of social services and access to these services which is my heart desire to reach for these suffering African communities to have a better Life in Africa. Ghana and Nigeria and beyond . THE AFRICA PROJECT To initiate and execute four (4) years pilot Africa communities support project within seven (7) communities here in Accra Ghana and five (5) communities in Soko South Local government, Delta state of Nigeria. According to my research, this project shall work closely with various interest groups to provide some relief to these depressed communities in terms of spiritual awareness, infrastructure development and essential service provision for the promotion of human needs. Apart from complementing the effort of the public and private service provider, it further aims at breaking the babylonia barriers in terms of awareness of Christ in this end time and being fed from the shackles of impoverishment thereby serving as a means to the empowerment of the targeted communities sufficiently to accept their spiritual salvation. These project shall consist of the following: (1) Health care: an intinerant, provision of health care facility to operates in the Seven (7) communities of Ghana and five (5) communities in Nigerian ,Delta state. (2) Education: To support educational system, children deprived of schooling and establishment of a Bible school to be spiritual alert, and providing Educational material equipment to the needy school /Bible school. (3) Adult literacy: To offer skills and simple reading, writing to those members in need of such training. (4) Entrepreneurship Devt: To organise services of skills building in terms of business management. (5) HIV/AIDS: To give awareness to those in the rural communities of the countries named, Ghana & Nigeria. (6) Vocational Skills Training: Offer employment skills training in income Generation activities for the unemployed street boys & girls.

1. To provide a dependable resource facility for social and economic empowerment of targeted population of communities. 2. To diffuse the air of hopeless and desire among school-dropout, unemployed youth, street children and the HIV/AIDS patient so as to give them the word of God and to bring hope back into them. 3. Provide social Amenities to the targeted communities of these countries Ghana and Nigeria to provide also the awareness for economic sufficiency of targeted population of communities. 4. To raise the finality of life of target communities. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY The four (4) years project shall be implemented is yearly phase to cover the seven (7) communities of Achimota - Accra Ghana and five communities in Delta state, Isoko South Local government area Nigeria in working partly with the Church/Ministry. ACHIEVERS FAITH INT.MINISRTIES. 2003-2006 and to be extended to cover other communities in these countries offer in its duration if Jesus tarries. This project which shall be basically consist of spiritual, financial, mentally developing the human capacity building shall aimed and strengthen the targeted communities of the two named countries towards self actualisation of its target population. This project will be so committed to Crucial issue in the life of humanity in the targeted countries communities, Ghana & Nigeria- All these will be by the help of the almighty God in His own divine wisdom and direction. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT 1. The world faith Christian Rescue Mission International (a) Head By: Pastor Samson Ovedhe (b) Head By: Sister Janet skerjanec, Colorado U.S.A · Responsible for management of project funds. · Facilitate training, needs assessment & make necessary arrangement for training. · Responsible for project reporting. · Monitor Project. · Co-ordination of project activities. 2. Donors · Responsible for project funding. · Arrangement for training in the Bible school and Rehabilitation of community schools. · Supervision of project implementation. · Conduct independent monitoring evaluation. PROJECT OUTPUT · Quality of community life to enhanced through social services provision · Achieve poverty reduction among targeted population, among countries of Achimota communities Ghana & ISOKO communities of Delta state ,Nigeria. · To raise standards of living of targeted population. · Provision of dependable supportive facility for deprived persons in targeted areas. · Offer divine opportunities to targeted population to determine their individual and collective needs. MONITORING SUPERVISION AND EVALUATION To state this, supervision, monitoring and evaluation are indispensable aspect of the project implementation process. In view of this, a conscious effort shall be made to access the quality of services rendered by this project to these two targeted countries Ghana and Nigeria in their local communities beneficiaries and its impact on the socio-economic life of these two targeted local communities (Ghana & Nigeria) Key Component shall involve a set of guidelines for assessing the overall process of the projects through social research, surveys and evaluation reports which will be taken into consideration in the prevailing situation in terms of nature and extent of internal problems that this project seeks to address, and also the success of this project in registering positive changes in the lines of target beneficiaries. Good efforts shall be made to identify any constraint thus ensuring that the work plan and budgets of this document projects are strictly adhered to. This change situation shall be evaluated by: · A pre and post project survey is assessing prevailing situation through various means of interaction · Accessing the quality of support service, Institutional arrangements and capacity, dependability of the mission. The world faith christian rescue mission international as a co-operate body within targeted area of countries in project implementation. PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY This project expects to sustain, itself through the capacity building of communities in the terms of recruitment of community members in Ghana & Nigeria, training and supply of necessary impute. A committee of the technical term and some public spirit men and women shall be set up and task with the responsibility providing guidance in project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. By the Grace of God, exposure to fund raising schemes shall be initiated to provide skills in resources mobilization of this project team toward project sustenance. STRENGHT & WEAKNESS OF THE MISSION The main strength of the mission in project development and implementation depends on its dedicated staff who will be employed and prepare to work with great interest as their personal call to service of the Lord Jesus Christ. RESOURCE REQUIRED: The resource requirement of the four year project is our major priority and centre of focus. This we believe can boast up the successful implementation of this project. The following are the resources needed to make the project a reality. 1. A director . 2. Project coordinator . 3. An accountant . 4. A foreman . 5. An auditor. 6. Labourers. 7. Logistics. Major targeted projects for the Isoko community are : - Building of orphanage home. - Building of a hospital to improve the health condition of the Isoko community. - Establishment of a Bible school to enlighten those that are spiritually blind . - Rehabilitation of Isoko community schools. - Evangelism Equipment.

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