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Fruitful Christian Church Ministries

Plot 14/05, Nil • Lusaka, Lusaka 10101 • Zambia • 260 97 313668 • Pentecostal

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Vision and Purpose

(a) OUR ROLE IN THE CHURCH i. To preach the love of God. ii. To worshipping God with confession, prayer and praise. iii. Making disciples of Jesus Christ of all nations by proclaiming the gospel of God's redemptive love through our Lord Jesus Christ to all the end of the earth. iv. Baptizing converts in the name of the father, son and the Holy Spirit. v. And teaching them to obey everything Jesus Christ commended Mt 28:19-20. (b) OUR ROLE IN SOCIETY By caring for all God's creation and activity seeking the good of everyone especially the poor and needy, so as to let our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. Isaiah 58:6-11, Mathew 5:16, 25:31-46, James 1:27, 2:14-26. 3. VISION Emancipation of people from spiritual, social and economical vices through enlightening, caring and sharing. 4. PURPOSE The purpose is to produce disciples with spiritual vitality and character, competence in thinking and serve God with excellence. Our purpose is summarized in our motto. "To make God known and to make Him glorified" We exist to help build the church and help improve society worldwide. We seek to live out our faith in a church family that transcends national, racial, denominational, geographic, gender and political and economic boundaries. We affirm our commitment to the great commission of our Lord, and we declare our willingness to go anywhere, do anything, and sacrifice anything God requires of us in. the fulfillment of this commission of reaching a lost world for Christ. 9. PANACEA STRATEGY The starting point of Fruitful Christian Church Ministries panacea strategy action plan Is God and the focus of our ministry is people. (A) GOD God demonstrated his love to each one of us through the life, death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. We as recipients of that love can become transmitters of that same love to our fellow men, by sharing our resources with the vulnerable. In Gods eyes every person is of infinite value. God does not look at the outward appearance. God views each person as his unique creation. Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world James 1:27, Exodus 22:22-24, Malachi 3:5, Micah 6:8 Proverbs 31:8-9, Proverbs 24:11-12, James 4:17, Luke 10:27& 37, Mt 5:14-16 ; Mt 25:31-46 Isaiah 1:17 The major part of Christ's public ministry on earth was spent in the healing of human suffering, sickness and the alleviating of sickness and social deprivation of mankind. We believe that the wisdom and compassion to solve today's problems cannot be found in any one person or place other than in the power of God working through men and women committed to bringing dramatic difference. The love of God is shown clearly when committed Christians with compassion give time, skill, protection, care, respect and love. Being compassionate means being willing to feel the pain of others and to bear the pain of others. (B) THE INTEGRITY OF FRUITFUL CHRISTIAN CHURCH MINISTRIES Integrity to the service organization providing spiritual and material succor can never be over emphasized, if we are going to fight human suffering. (C) NETWORKING WITH OTHER CHURCH The third strategy is to make the church a coefficient of Fruitful Christian Church Ministries in the fight against HIV/AIDS pandemic. The church is a best-placed ally in this World War on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The Church must not only come in to burry the dead, it must be fully involved in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. The people are not dying of old age the average age of people the church is burying is twenty-five. The principle cause of death is HIV/AIDS.


5. OBJECTIVES. The objectives express specific ways in which we endeavor to accomplish our mission. Hence we take our mission and objectives seriously. These objectives are A. TO CREATE AND CONDUCT EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAMS. In order for Jesus Christ to be known we must know the Bible, the revelation God has given of him. It is for this reason that the Bible forms the heart of Fruitful Christian Church Ministries. The truth is revealed by God through Christ. "In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (i) This Ministry will enable disciples to apprehend the truth in their study of scripture so as to appreciate beauty and order in God's creation. (ii) This Ministry will assist disciples to respect, understand and evaluate the thoughts of others, to express their Christian faith clearly and effectively, and cultivate the lifelong habit of learning. (iii) Evangelism and discipleship through preaching and teaching the word of God will result in planting churches in Zambia and outside Zambia under the Fruitful Christian Church Ministries B. TO ESTABLISH PASTORAL THERAPY SERVICES (i) Pastoral counseling shall be the core services to be given to both Christian and non-Christian in the following areas. Pre-marital and marital counseling crisis intervention counseling, anxiety, depression, divorce, abuse, defilement, financial destitution, job loss, infertility, illness, suicide attempt, bereavements and grief. (iii) Help people break their addictions on sex, pornography, substance abuse, work, thoughts that are bad and bad habitual behavior, using the Biblical principles. (iv) C. TO CARRY OUT DIVINE LOVE INTERCESSION SERVICES The summary of the good news of Jesus Christ is that He is ready i. To heal the broken hearted ii. To deliver captives and the oppressed from the powers of the devil to freedom. iii. To release prisoners from darkness. iv. To comfort all who mourn v. To provide for those who grieve vi. To show that it is still time for God's favor vii. To restore sight to the blind. We are not about anything different than Christ was about, Liberating people from the shackles of evil and reconciling people to God. Through our union with Christ we can through our Intercession comfort and Dispel evil because Christ intervenes in the affairs of the worlds through the church. The church is the `Power Plant" housing the authority and power of God. D. DOING GOOD WORKS AND CARING ACTIVITIES. We have a burden for the needs of people. While we affirm that man's number one need is spiritual, we do not in anyway dilute the necessity to fulfill physical needs. Families are under great strain; extended families find their resources further stretched as they take in the increasing number of orphans. Children who are surviving without parents have many challenges including the burden of sorrow, grief, death and education needs, and the fear of facing a seemingly hopeless future. We must work and pray for peace in people's lives . We have realized that the root cause of all problems in the world is the selfishness and sin of the human heart. Jere. 17:9, Mark 7:20-23. As Christians we are God's bridges of love" who should do whatever possible to help the oppressed, the poor, the sick and the hungry. It is not possible to help everyone but by the grace of God we can help some. We shall pass through this world but once, any good, therefore that we can do or any kindness we can show to any human being let us do it now for we shall not pass this way again. At the close of this age Jesus shall say "Well done thou good and faithful servant "Mt. 25:21" In view of the prevailing social and economic pressures throughout society, Fruitful Christian Church Ministries is here to provide perspectives and conceptual tools, strategies and possibilities to foster emancipation of vulnerable people groups from social and economical vices through enlightening, caring and sharing we have to promote the standard of living for the vulnerable people groups namely, orphans, girl child, widows, the elderly and the homebound, through various activities of Good Works.

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Our Services & Events

Praise and Worship Service

Sunday 10:00hrs- 12:

Bible Study

Tuesday 17:oohrs

Mid Week Service

Wedneday 17:00hrs

Cell Meetings

Thursday 17:00hrs

Pray Meetings

Friday 17;00hrs

Youth, Men,s &Womens Meetings

Saturday !4:00hrs

Our Staff

Rufus Mukusulo

Senior Pastor •

Beatrice Mukusulo

Assotiate Pastor •

Isaac Sikaonga

Victor Kalala

Morrison bulaya