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67/69, OYEMEKUN ROAD, IFAKO-IJAYE, LAGOS, P.O.BOX 4003, IKEJA • LAGOS, LAGOS NIL • Nigeria • 234-1-2904252 • Pentecostal

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Dear friend, It gives me great pleasure and joy to welcome you to NEW COVENANT CHURCH, Ifako-Ijaye, Lagos, Nigeria. The NEW COVENANT CHURCH established in 1985 is a Pentacostal, Bible believing Church committed to teaching men and women in the end time the profound truth of Gods word with the intent of producing a people of integrity and power; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We operate on the basis of love and assist our members to discover the fulness of their inheritance in Christ Jesus and enjoy the best that God provides. Our General Overseer and International Director, Rev. Dr. Paul Jinadu is blessed with a fruiful ministry of over 40years. Presently, there are eighteen churches in Lagos, over a hundred in Nigeria as a whole and more than a score branches in Europe and America. And still, we are reaching out to other parts of the world. Testimonies of the goodness of God daily abound in the life of members of the church as the Lord graciously manifests His power on behalf of His people. The nature, content and timing of the programmes and activities of the church are such that enable people from all walks of life to receive the best from God and be their best for Him. It would be nice to have you worship with us. You are welcome to the church where Jesus Christ makes all the difference! Your Host & Friend, REV. ADEGBOYEGA ADEJOBI CONFERENCE PASTOR. Our Churches in Lagos include the following: 1. N.C.C., IFAKO-IJAYE: 67/69, Oyemekun Road, Off College Road, Ifako-Ijaye, Lagos. 2. N.C.C., ABULE-EGBA: 1, Adepegba Road, Between Mobil Petrol Station & Wema Bank, Off Lagos/Abeokuta Express Way, Abule-Egba, Lagos. 3. N.C.C., AKUTE: 39, Ishasi Road, Akute, Ogun State. 3. N.C.C., BADA: 6/7, Bada-Balogun, Ipaja, Lagos. 4. N.C.C., EJIGBO: 21, Ezekiel Olubi Street, Ejigbo, Lagos. 5. N.C.C., IJU: 27, Powerline Road, Off Old Akute Road, Iju, Lagos. 6. N.C.C., ISOLO: Mechanic House, Jakande Low Cost Housing Estate Gate, Isolo, Lagos. 7. N.C.C., NEW OKO-OBA: 1, Akinbowale Street, Off Jonathan Coker Road, New Oko-Oba, Lagos. 8. N.C.C., OJODU: 8, Oluwole Oladejo Street, Yakoyo, Ojodu, Lagos. 9. N.C.C., OKO-OBA: 10, Adeboun Street, Oko-Oba, Lagos. 10. N.C.C., OSHODI: 1, Dele Araoye Street, Ewu-titun, Oshodi, Lagos. 11. N.C.C., OTA: 1,Papa-Aro Street, Ota, Ogun State. COMING PROGRAMMES: 1. PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP OF NIGERIA IFAKO/IJAYE ZONE QUARTERLY SEMINAR Theme: EXCELLENCE IN MINISTRY DATE: Friday, March 18, 2005 VENUE: New Covanant Church, 67/69, Oyemekun Road, Ifako-Ijaye, Lagos. TIME: 10: 00AM - 4: 00PM Ministering: REV. ADEGBOYEGA ADEJOBI (NEW COVENANT CHURCH) REV. MOSES ABU (MARANATHA BIBLE CHURCH) P.F.N Chairman: REV. WALE OLUFEKO (FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH) 2. EASTER WEEKEND OUTREACH PROGRAMME: Theme: NEW LIFE IN CHRIST Featuring: Door-Door Evangelism, Film Show, Drama, Love Feast, etc. Date: Friday, 25 to Sunday 27, MARCH, 2005 Venue: NEW COVENANT CHURCH, 67/69, OYEMEKUN ROAD, IFAKO-IJAYE, LAGOS. COME & BE BLESSED. JESUS IS LORD!


1. The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Holy Bible in all matters of faith and conduct (2Tim.3: 16; 2Pet.1: 21). 2. The trinity of the Godhead and unity of the three Persons (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) therein (1John 5: 7). 3. One God and Father of all, who has revealed Himself fully to mankind through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (1 Tim.2: 5). 4. The Deity and Lordship of Jesus Christ as revealed in the whole of the Holy Scriptures (John 10: 30). 5. The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit (John 14: 16-17). 6. The utter depravity of the whole human nature and the guilt of all mankind since the fall through the deceit of the devil, thereby rendering mankind subject to Gods wrath and condemnation (Rom.3: 23). 7. The substitutionary atonement for sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God (Heb.9: 14). 8. The full salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone by the means of which one is born again (Eph.2: 8-9). 9. Water baptism by immersion at an age of accountability as an outward demonstration of an inner conviction (Matt.3: 13-15). 10. The baptism of the Holy Spirit for the born again believer, denoting the endowment of power from on high for service, evidenced by speaking in tongues (Act 1: 5,8; 2: 1-4). 11. The operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit subject to sound scriptural guidance (1Cor.12: 6-11). 12. The utmost free will of the believer in matters of choice at any stage of the Christian life with its resultant consequently (Gal.6: 7). 13. One holy universal Church which is the body of Christ, to which all true believers belong (Rom.12: 5). 14. Orderliness and comportment in public worship as motivated by the Holy Spirit (1Cor.14: 32-33). 15. Christian perfection and holiness, through absolute surrender and consecration (1Pet.1: 15-16). 16. Ministry through the laying on of hands subject to sound scripural guidance whereby opportunities are opened to believers to enjoy divine healing and health (Matt.16: 18). 17. The holy communion (the Lords Supper) in obedience to our Lords commandmentv(2Cor.11: 20-30). 18. Tithing and free will offering as Gods financial plan for the Church ( Matt.3: 10-12). 19. Corporate and person to person evangelism as expression of Gods love to the world and in obedience to the Lords commandment (Matt.28: 19-20). 20. Modesty and chastity in all matters of Christian conduct (Col.3: 17). 21. The resurrection of our literal bodies, the just and the unjust; when the unjust will receive final judgement (Rev.20: 13-15). 22. The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the judgement seat where He will reward the saints (John 14: 2-3; Rev.22: 12). MARCH COMMUNION CONTACT: WINNING WITH GOD "And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids. And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept. And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, `Who are those with thee?' And he said, `The children which God hath graciously given thy servant.' Then the handmaidens came near, and bowed themselves and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. And he said, `what meanest thou by all this drove which I met?' And he said, `These are to find grace in the sight of my lord.' And Esau said, `I have enough my brother, keep that thou hast unto thyself.' And Jacob said, `Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me. Take, I pray thee, my blessing that is brought to thee; because God hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough.' And he urged him, and he took it. And he said, `Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee.'" Genesis 33: 1-17 Jacob was returning home after living abroad for twenty years with Laban his uncle. Ideally, having been away for so long, he should be happy and look forward to seeing his brother Esau and the other members of his father's household. Or, can you imagine someone who has lived abroad for twenty years and now returning home sad and not really looking forward to being warmly received by his kith and kin at the Airport? That was the irony of Jacob's home-ward journey. He was afraid instead of being excited at returning home from exile after such a long time. The root of Jacob's crisis lies in what he did before he travelled in Genesis 27: 1-46. Jacob lied to his father and disguised to be Esau to take his birth right. Esau vowed to kill Jacob for supplanting him and so, he fled from home to live with Laban his uncle. Later, Jacob learnt the bitter lesson of life that it doesn't pay to cheat. The repercussion of that sin was still waiting for him at his return. Jacob had amassed much wealth while away. He was rich in silver and gold, flocks and herds. He married Rachel and Leah, the daughters of Laban and had several children. He had menservants and maidservants. Now, he was scared stiff that all he had laboured and worked for in life was about to be wiped out in revenge for his sin by his brother. Jacob had not given up his schemes. Instead of totally depending on God for deliverance and safety, he started arranging his family in their order of importance to him reasoning that if Esau killed those in front, he would escape before he could catch up with him. Cheats are always scheming but we all need to understand God's declaration that: "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14: 34 Righteousness exalts individuals too. God says, "Though, hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered." Proverbs 11: 21 Years later, when Joseph, after inviting his father Jacob and all his household to Egypt brought him before Pharaoh to be introduced, Pharaoh asked him how old he was? This was Jacob's reply: "And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage." Genesis 47: 9 Whereas, the Bible declares that: "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10: 22 The inordinate ambition of Jacob and his evil schemes added sorrow to his life and filled his years with trouble. We all need to learn that we can't win in life by cheating. We can only receive those things freely given to us by God (John3: 27). The battles of life are never won through unnecessary strives and schemes! "There is no king saved by the multitude of an host, a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy; to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine." Proverbs 33: 16-19 And like Hannah put it, "…by strength shall no man prevail." 1Samuel 2: 9 It is "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 4: 6 It is not by our temperament also. Psychology teaches that there are four major temperamental types: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and Phlegmatic. Whereas the first two are extroverts, the latter two are introverts. It is generally believed that the extroverts, because of their dominant character rule the world and are more likely to be successful. This is not always so. Whereas, the Bible describes Esau as a cunning hunter and a man of the field who naturally was outgoing and adventurous, Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents (Genesis 25: 27). That is to say that he was introverted, homely and domestic in nature. Jacob by his timid and fearful nature would never have dared his father but for his mother who aggressively spurred him on. He couldn't confront Laban too just to take his leave. Naturally, Esau, the extrovert of the two and first born was more disposed to succeed but he lost out. This then should teach us that we can all win in life - our temperament not withstanding. Jacob himself needed not to cheat in the first place to win in life. This much was revealed to his mother before he was born that he would gain the upper hand over his brother. "And the LORD said unto her, `Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger." Genesis 25: 23 Had Jacob believed God well enough, he would not have striven with or cheated his brother. He would have been confident, resting in the Lord and His promise. Jacob and his household and all his life-long acquisitions could have been wiped out but for his prayer that night when he wrestled God's Angel, insisting that He blessed him. Anyone would wonder what blessing he was seeking again after he had become wealthy and great. Jacob knew that he lacked joy and peace all he had notwithstanding. Eventually, Jacob prevailed with God in prayer and was given true riches money can't buy. Many rich and famous men in the world today are like Jacob. Though, outwardly successful, they harbour hollow wounds within and ache inside. They have pierced or injured their souls in the course of their pursuit of fame and riches. They have won with men but not with God. If only these men would run to God like Jacob. If only they would pray and insist on His true riches and blessing then, they shall find that lasting joy, peace and sense of fulfilment that characterise only godly souls. Esau also won ultimately. He rejected Jacob's gifts at first not for malice but because God had blessed him too. Over the years, he also had become wealthy and great. He only accepted those gifts because Jacob begged and insisted he should. Esau never had to flee from home. He never served fourteen years for a wife. And come to think of it, where was Esau during those seven years of famine that ravaged the then known world and sent Jacob on another exile to Egypt? God took care of him and preserved him! The only explanation for Esau's blessing after Jacob stole away his birth right is in his forgiveness. Although, Esau initially vowed to kill his brother for supplanting him and stealing his birth right he allowed God to heal his wound in the course of time. He forgave Jacob and God blessed him. In the end, Jacob acknowledged Esau as lord and bowed down before him seven times. The only edge he then had was that the genealogy of their forefathers was reckoned by him. Whereas, Jacob won with God through persistent, intense and fervent prayers, Esau won through forgiveness. You too can win with God as you forgive. Many are losing their battles in life now because of unforgiveness. God has not released to them what is rightly theirs simply because they have refused to let go of those who wronged them. We all can win with God as we forgive and learn to prevail in prayer.

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