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The Old Catholic Church of Texas

A Missionary Diocese of the, Old Catholic Church of North America • Houston, TX • United States • (281) 799-9534 • Catholic

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Do you feel excluded from or frustrated with your present church? Are you presently not attending any church but would like to? We are a new church in Southeast Texas. If you would like to be a part of the exciting challenge of being involved with and growing with a start-up church, please contact us! Read on, and if you feel like this is the kind of church to which you would like to belong, give us a call or drop us an e-mail. We would love to hear from you!

The Old Catholic Church of Texas, Diocese of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, is a missionary diocese of the Old Catholic Church of North America. As Old Catholics, our sacraments, including communion, are open to all baptized Christians. It is our utmost desire to provide a place where all can come to worship God, say their prayers, receive the Sacraments, and be fed with the Word of God. Of particular concern to us is the offering of valid sacraments to those who have left Roman Catholicism, or other Christians seeking forms of worship and beliefs founded in the traditions and beliefs of the early church.

The Old Catholic Church Of North America, with National Church Headquarters in Tampa, Florida, is a branch of the Old Catholic community in the United States of America with an active presence in many states. This part of the Catholic Church encourages formal and informal relations with other branches of the Church. Ecumenical outreach is one of our mission goals. The church centers most of its activity upon caring for the disenfranchised, forgotten and rejected by society.

Our community is a direct descendent of the European Old Catholic community and we strive to gain reconciliation and unity among Catholics throughout the world. "Old Catholic" is defined as those church communities that adhere to the guidelines established by the Utrecht Union of Churches in Europe while not necessarily being members of that Union. The Apostolic lines of succession in addition to origination from the Archdiocese of Utrecht also derive from Anglican, Orthodox and Roman sources. These have been reviewed by Catholic scholars and pronounced a "valid succession of orders" and a "valid transfer of powers". The Old Catholic Church of North America is an affirming, and welcoming Church.

The Old Catholics are a body of Christians committed to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching. We accept and believe the testimony of His Apostles, eyewitnesses of His Life, Death and Resurrection from the dead. They passed on to succeeding generations their own testimony about Jesus Christ and His life. By the proclaiming of His Gospel and the giving of their own testimony (called the Apostolic Tradition), the Church, which the Lord instituted, was built up. Old Catholics are an historic part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and have their origins in the Ancient Catholic Church of the Netherlands.

We offer and profess seven sacraments. They are Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and Holy Orders. Our denomination believes that since all persons baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are members incorporate into the Body of Christ that none of our Christian brothers and sisters of other denominations should be refused Communion or any other Sacrament.

Our worship style is Anglo-Catholic*, and our liturgy is based on the Book of Common Prayer. We hold a traditional mass using traditional hymns (with some contemporary Christian music as well). Holy Communion is celebrated at all services. If you have never been to a liturgical style church service, we encourage you to celebrate with us and experience both the Majesty and Mystery of our Lord, in much the same way the Ancient Church worshipped.

The Texas Diocese of Saint Gabriel is priviledged to have The Right Reverend T. William Smith as Bishop and Chief Pastor. Originally ordained as a transitional deacon, then to the full priesthood, he has previously served churches in Tampa, Florida and St. Paul, Minnesota. He was consecrated auxiliary bishop in 2007, then in early 2008, he was appointed diocesan bishop of the newly formed Missionary Diocese of Saint Gabriel with it's seat in Houston, Texas. Bishop Smith holds an Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry and a Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies. He is currently completing his Master of Divinity from St. Michael's College. As a former Lay Director of Youth Ministries for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (ECUSA), Father Smith brings much practical ministry experience. He has served as a Eucharistic Minister, Sunday School teacher, Vestryman, etc. He is a licensed priest for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and is currently the Priest-in-Charge at St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Liberty, Texas. While serving in many capacities within the Church, his true heart is that of a pastor who "just wants to shepherd a flock".

Our clergy are always available for spiritual guidance, baptisms, weddings, funerals, visiting and/or holding a house Mass for the elderly, the sick, and shut-ins. There is never a charge or fee for administering the sacraments or for pastoral visits, however a donation for travel expenses would be appreciated if you are outside the greater Houston area. If you desire a pastoral visit, or are just in need of prayers, please contact us.

If you feel you may be interested in being a part of the Old Catholic Church of Texas and growing with us, please let us know by calling or e-mailing. For more information on our church and what we believe, please visit our new website at or contact us at the telephone number or e-mail address listed.

*The Old Catholic Church of Texas is not a member of the Roman Catholic Communion or the Anglican Communion.

What We Believe

We believe that Jesus is the Christ and our personal savior.

We believe in The Holy Trinity.

We believe in the three historic creeds: Nicene, Apostles, and Athanasian.

We believe in the inerrancy and divine inspiration of Holy Scriptures.

We believe in the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Anointing and Prayers for the Sick, Confession and Reconciliation, Marriage, and Holy Orders.

We believe that all Holy Orders (bishops, priests, and deacons) are open to both men and women.

We believe that celibacy of those in Holy Orders is a personal decision, thus we ordain both married and single persons who are called to the ministry.

We believe and hold apostolic succession.

We believe and accept the doctrines of the Seven Early Church Ecumenical Councils.

We believe and appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the Early Church Fathers.

We appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the founding Fathers of the Old Catholic Movement as expressed in historic documents of the Old Catholic Churches of Europe particularly the Declaration of Utrecht and The Fourteen Theses of the Old Catholic Church at Bonn.

We believe that the only proper sexual expression of individuals is between one man and one woman, within the bonds of holy matrimony.

We believe that abortion and euthanasia is the taking of human life.

We believe in the responsible stewardship of our planet.

We believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

We believe in the sanctity of marriage, however we believe that Jesus is merciful and those who have been divorced and/or remarried are offered the sacraments of the church.

We believe that family planning is a personal decision between a husband and wife, under the prayerful guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We believe and follow scripture in all matters.

We believe in the scriptural teaching of Jesus Christ.

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Our Staff

Rt. Rev. T. William Smith

Diocesan Bishop •

Rev. Father Kenneth Skillern

Mr. Al Harvey

Director of Congregational Development •