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St. Lukes Old Catholic Church

1721 Orchard Dr., • Lebanon, TN 37087 • United States • 615-306-1296 • Other

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To Our Visitors:

ur missio as ld Catholics is to rovide valid sacramets to those who have left Roma Catholicism, or other Christias seekig forms of worshi ad beliefs fouded i the traditios ad beliefs of the early church. It is our utmost desire to rovide a lace where all ca come to worshi God, say their rayers, receive the Sacramets, ad be fed with the Word. ll Saits ld Catholic Church celebrates the same sacramets ad offers the sacramets i ojudgmetal accetace. I doig so it is our belief that we are best followig the teachig of the early church i that first ad foremost Jesus came to heal ad ot to judge. If you have bee rejected because of a revious marriage or have a souse that is ot "catholic", you are welcome here. If you simly caot believe all that you have bee taught about recet dogmas ad doctrie, or you caot accet the "ew age" teachigs that are ifiltratig so may other deomiatios ad are seekig a church that embraces rthodox teachigs the erhas ll Saits ld Catholic Church is where the Holy Sirit is leadig you.

I closig, if God is callig you to fid a church home for the first time, or if you are beig called to retur home we ask that you cosider our arish, you will be welcomed with oe arms. God Bless, Fr. Marvi


We believe that Jesus is the Christ ad our ersoal savior.

We believe i The Holy Triity. We believe i the three historic creeds: Nicee , ostles, ad thaasia. We believe i the ierracy ad divie isiratio of Holy Scritures. We believe i the seve sacramets of the Church: Batism, Cofirmatio, Holy Eucharist, oitig ad Prayers for the Sick, Cofessio ad Recociliatio, Marriage, ad Holy rders. We believe that all Holy rders (bishos, riests, ad deacos) are oe to both me ad wome. We believe that celibacy of those i Holy rders is a ersoal decisio. We believe ad hold aostolic successio. We believe ad accet the doctries of the Seve Early Church Ecumeical Coucils. We believe ad areciate the wisdom ad guidace of the Early Church Fathers. We areciate the wisdom ad guidace of the foudig Fathers of the ld Catholic Movemet as exressed i historic documets of the ld Catholic Churches of Euroe articularly the Declaratio of Utrecht ad The Fourtee Theses of the ld Catholic Church at Bo. We believe that homosexuality is a si ad thus do ot erform same-sex marriages or ordai those livig i gay or lesbia lifestyles. We believe that abortio ad euthaasia is the takig of huma life. We believe i the resosible stewardshi of our laet. We believe i the e Holy Catholic ad ostolic Church. We believe i the sactity of marriage, however we believe that Jesus is merciful ad those who have bee divorced ad/or remarried are offered the sacramets of the church. We believe that family laig is a ersoal decisio betwee a husbad ad wife. We believe ad follow scriture i all matters. We believe i the scritural teachig of Jesus Christ. Liturgy The matter ad form of Sacramets will be idetical i itet ad form to those used by other historic Catholic churches, secifically the Roma Catholic Church, the Eiscoal, glica, ld Catholic ad Easter rthodox Churches. Rituals surroudig the matter ad form of the Sacramets will show resect for the Catholic liturgical traditios, but may reflect local customs. I the liturgy refereces to the Triity are i the traditioal Catholic format.

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6:00 pm

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Marvin Moore