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FreieProtestantischBischöflicheKirche ®, Bergerend 4 • 41068 Mönchengladbach, NRW D-41068 • Germany • Tel.: 02162 896294 • Anglican

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Provided by International Bible Society

+ PEACE ON EARTH! + Welcome - Help us to make a better world, we have only this one!

Ein Mönch namens Martin Luther hat vor 500 Jahren mit dem Protestantismus eine christliche Revolution begonnen. Protestanten dürfen nicht aus kirchendiplomatischer Rücksichtnahme zu allem schweigen.Es muss nicht nur ein Ruck durch Deutschland gehen, sondern weltweit. Dieses gilt ganz besonders für christliche Gemeinschaften! Christsein heißt auch Verantwortung tragen für den Mitmenschen. Wir sind anderen Religionen in jeder Weise gegenüber tolerant und erwarten diese Toleranz auch von den anderen Religionen gegenüber uns! "Wenn wir eine Welt hinnehmen, in der Kinder wie Waren im Supermarkt gekauft und verkauft werden können, haben wir das Recht verloren, uns zivilisiert zu nennen."


St. Andrew's Ecumenical Church Foundation®

Rector Magnificus: Bishop Primus Dr.+Horst-Karl Block,DD,LLD, TIFPEC
The International Free Protestant Episcopal University® (in what follows named "Episcopal University", and "EU" for short) is closely linked to the International Free Protestant Episcopal Church (TIFPEC) and properly chartered by this church organisation. TIFPEC is an offspring from the official Church of England in 1897 and therefore considers to have its roots in British traditions.

This Episcopal University is a Federation of Independent Theological Seminaries and other Colleges with the TIFPEC Bishop Primus Dr. +Horst-Karl Block Xth as its spiritual Head and under his ecclesiastical jurisdiction worldwide.

Those institutions of Higher Learning federated under the organisational roof of EU are, in accordance with EU traditions and statutes, University Colleges with fully accredited status by TIFPEC.
We invite applications from Theological Seminaries and other Colleges worldwide to affiliate with us, acquire full status as a University College with due full accreditation. Any institution requesting full affiliation and accreditation status with us must satisfy and meet a number of essential requirements before such full affiliation and accreditation status can be granted:

Adhere to a moral code of social interaction and business policy in educational and ministry matters befitting ordained clergy;
Proper legal registration as an institution of higher Learning in your own place of residence;
Proper academic standards in terms of admission, degree program, and academic administration policy;
Must have proper curricula and teaching materials prepared;
Must have qualified staff available to teach in-house or Far Distance programs;
Must have a clear and fair tuition fee policy (in case of tuition-fee based programs);
Must have a proven record of research by papers published or similar.
Properly qualified candidate institutions seeking affiliation must provide sufficient documentary evidence that they fully meet these requirements.
Institutions charging tuition fees will be required to pay certain annual registration and membership fees that can be waived under special circumstances upon request. All institutions associate with us must keep strictly to these standards;
in case of violation of any of those standards their membership may be either cancelled or put on probation for a certain period of time.


Voice of TIFPEC


Groups using the term "Catholic" not in union with Rome

American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church
American Catholic Church
American Catholic Church (Syroantiochean)
American Holy Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church
American Orthodox Catholic Church (Irene)
American Orthodox Catholic Church (Mealy)
American Orthodox Catholic Church (Propheta)
American Orthodox Catholic Church Western Rite Mission, Diocese Of New York
American Orthodox Catholic Church, Archdiocese Of Ohio
Ancient Tridentine Catholic Church
Anglican Catholic Church
Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church Of The East, North American Diocese
Apostolic Catholic Church Of The Americas
(The) Archdiocese of the Antiochian Catholic Church in America
Autocepholous Slavonic Orthodox Catholic Church (In Exile)
Catholic Apostolic Church At Davis
Catholic Apostolic Church In America
Catholic Charismatic Church Of Canada
Catholic Christian Church
Catholic Church Of The Apostles Of The Latter Times
Catholic Life Church
Christ Catholic Church (Pruter)
Christian Catholic Church
Community Of Catholic Churches
Community Of The Love Of Christ (Evangelical Catholic)
Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church In America
Ecumenical Catholic Diocese Of America
Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic Church Autocephalous
Eucharistic Catholic Church
Evangelical Catholic Communion
Evangelical Orthodox (Catholic) Church In America (Non-Papal Catholic)
Holy Apostolic Catholic Church, Syrochaldean Diocese Of Santa Barbara And Central California
Holy Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church
Holy Apostolic-Catholic Church Of The East (Chaldean-Syrian)
Holy Catholic Church,
Anglican Rite Jurisdiction Of The Americas
Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
Holy Orthodox Catholic Church,
Eastern And Apostolic Independent Ecumenical Catholic Church (Shotts)
Independent Old Roman Catholic Hungarian Orthodox Church Of America
International Liberal Catholic Church
Johannine Catholic Church
Latin-Rite Catholic Church
Liberal Catholic Church International
Liberal Catholic Church, Province Of The United States
Mariavite Old Catholic Church, Province Of North America
Mexican National Catholic Church
North American Old Roman Catholic Church (Rogers)
North American Old Roman Catholic Church (Schweikert)
North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Utrecht Succession
Old Catholic Church In America (Brothers)
Old Catholic Church In North America (Catholicate Of The West)
Old Catholic Church Of Canada
Old Catholic Church-Utrecht Succession
Old Catholic Episcopal Church
Old Holy Catholic Church, Province Of North America
Old Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate Of America
Old Roman Catholic Church (English Rite)
The Roman Catholic Church Of The Ultrajectine Tradition
Old Roman Catholic Church (Hamel)
Old Roman Catholic Church (Shelley)
Old Roman Catholic Church In North America
Old Roman Catholic Church In The U. S. (Hough)
Old Roman Catholic Church,
Archdiocese Of Chicago (Fris)
Old Roman Church In Canada
Order Of St. Germain, Ecclesia Catholica Liberalis
Orthodox Catholic Church In America
Orthodox Catholic Church In America (Verra)
Orthodox Catholic Church Of America
Orthodox Catholic Church Of North And South America
Orthodox Catholic Synod Of The Syrochaldean Rite
Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement
Paracletian Catholic Church
Polish Catholic Church
Polish National Catholic Church
Polish Old Catholic Church In America
Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Arrendale)
Servant Catholic Church
The Catholic Church Of The Antiochean Rite
Thee Orthodox Old Roman Catholic Church
Traditional Catholics Of America
Traditional Christian Catholic Church
Traditional Roman Catholic Church In The Americas
Tridentine Catholic Church
Tridentine Old Roman Community Catholic Church (Jones)
United Old Roman Catholic Church (Whitehead)
Universal Christian Catholic Church

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Our Staff

+Dr. Horst-Karl F. Block, DD, LLD

Bishop Primus Most Rev. •


Most Rev. Metropolitan Europe •

+Peter Leers

Bishop Primus Koadjutor GERMANY •