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P.O.BOX AH.9423, P.O.BOX KS.6232 • KUMASI, ASHANTI REGION - • Ghana • +233-24-4566793/ 4070894 • Pentecostal

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AWAKE FOR CHRIST MINISTRY was set up in the year 1998 with 3 members and now has over 400 members with 3 branches in Ghana. The senior Pastor is Solomon Addo-MacLean a native of Ghana. Awake for Christ was inspired by the Holy Ghost and the name was taken from Ephesians 5:14. The church is a registered Ministry as a non-profit organization with the Ghana government. It has an affiliation with PRESS ON MINISTRIES in Germany. It have following Ministries: Youth Ministry,Children Ministry, Mens Ministry, Womens Ministry and Music Ministry. The church is about to start a Bible School early next year if God permits. The Ministry has a vision of planting more churches in all the ten regions of Ghana and in the whole of Africa, also to establish a Bible school to train leaders to know more about Christ and make Him better known, Education school for the destitute.


THE PURPOSE OF AWAKE FOR CHRIST MINISTRIES 1. The Worship of GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON (WORD) and GOD the HOLY GHOST, One GOD all and all. 2. The Purpose of Awake for Christ Ministries is the Building up of the Body of JESUS CHRIST through Teaching of the Word of God (Bible), with the Ministry of the HOLY GHOST. 3. The Persuasion of men to Repent and Confess JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, as He Confessed the Father, to be baptized according to the principles set forth by Jesus as outlined in the Doctrine of Christ. 4. The Miracle power of Jesus, who saves, heals and delivers today as He did 2,000 years ago. 5. In the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. STATEMENT OF FAITH AND BELIEF 1. WE BELIEVE there is one living and true GOD, eternally existing in the FATHER, SON and the HOLY GHOST, equal in power and glory; this Triune GOD created all, upholds all, governs all, knows all, is all powerful and everlasting. 2. WE BELIEVE the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by the HOLY GHOST without error in the manuscripts, they are the infallible rule of faith and practice. 3. WE BELIEVE in GOD, THE FATHER, an infinite, personal SPIRIT, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; He answers prayer; forgives sin to all who call on Him through JESUS CHRIST: GOD has given operations to the Body of Christ, JESUS CHRIST has provided offices for the Body of Christ, the HOLY GHOST by the HOLY SPIRIT has given gifts to the children of GOD, all these attributes are from the One God. 4. WE BELIEVE in JESUS CHRIST, Gods only begotten SON, the Word made flesh, conceived by the HOLY GHOST as the SON of man, born of a woman as the Law dictates, Declared to be the SON OF GOD by the Resurrection, Proved to be GOD the SON in Heaven before the FATHER when He gave the eternal Sacrifice: we believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, selfless existence, miracles, teachings, His substitutional atoning death, His Body and Blood, He was Resurrected by God, stated He would Resurrect Himself, its written how the Father Raised Him, written again how He was Raised by the One True God, He ascended into heaven, He is in a perpetual intercession for His people; our faith holds in His personal return, but before then, our faith holds the day will come when He will call His Church to meet Him in the air, above the clouds at the Last Trump, then He will return to this earth at the Great Trump of GOD to bring judgment as the SON of man; He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He is the only way for any man to reach the FATHER, both salvation and judgment are His, both will be accomplished. 5. WE BELIEVE in the HOLY GHOST, who was manifested from the FATHER at the request of the SON to convict the world of sin, prove Gods righteousness and proclaim salvation through the SPIRIT filled Believer, to bring the New Birth through the Seed of GOD to all who believe and confess JESUS CHRIST; we believe the HOLY GHOST is the only INTERPRETER of Prophecy or the Scriptures, He birthed in the Believer Another Comforter as the abiding Helper and Guide to all who are Born Again as the Scriptures dictate, we also believe the HOLY GHOST appoints to the Offices on behalf of JESUS. 6. WE BELIEVE no one can call JESUS Lord but by the Holy Ghost, as the SPIRIT OF CHRIST manifests through the Believer to evidence the confession of JESUS CHRIST in them; by the Grace of God the Believer has received gifts relating to Grace, our faith holds the New Covenant is continual in the life of the Believer, as it's based in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. 7. WE BELIEVE all HUMANS are sinners by nature, flesh minded in their thinking, all have made the choice to sin, just as Adam did in the Garden, also all mankind have followed the spirit of man, meaning all mankind is under condemnation; however we also believe GOD provided the NEW BIRTH, as the means for mankind to receive JESUS as SAVIOUR and LORD, through JESUS mankind, whether Jew or Gentile can obtain Life to have it More Abundantly: the Spirit of Christ provides the Power from on High to those who believe in the Name of JESUS, meaning the same Spirit who raised JESUS from the Dead will also raise the Believer from the dead. 8. WE BELIEVE those who truly Believe will submit to be Baptized In Water as their Token of their belief in the death and resurrection of JESUS, as they are received into the Body, they will confirm their Token by Forgiving as they are Forgiven by the Mercy of the Father, they shall also seek after and receive the Baptism with the HOLY GHOST unto the Remission of their Sins through the SPIRIT; our belief also affirms JESUS CHRIST is the only One who can Baptize anyone With the HOLY GHOST; whereas the Believer is commanded to baptize others in water. 9. WE BELIEVE in the universal CHURCH, which is established by JESUS, from the members of the BODY OF CHRIST, as JESUS CHRIST as the Head of the Body, as the Body of Christ is Christ on this earth ruling as the Kingdom. 10. WE BELIEVE in the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST with the Six basic foundational elements as required points of knowledge for those who seek JESUS CHRIST as their Saviour. 11. WE BELIEVE in what is termed THE APOSTLES CREED in its accepted original form as the embodying fundamental facts of the Christian faith. The accepted Apostles Creed reads: We (I) believe (a) In God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; (b) And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: (c) Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; (d) Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; (e) He descended into Hades; the third day He rose from the dead; (f) He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; (g) From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. (i) And We (I) believe in the Holy Ghost; (j) The communion (fellowship) of saints; (k) The forgiveness of sins; (l) The resurrection of the body; (m) And life everlasting.

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Our Services & Events

Church Service

9:00am / Sunday

Elders Meeting

7:00pm / Monday

Bible Studies

7:00pm / Wednesday

Healing / All night Service

7:00pm / Friday

House to House Evangelism

8:00am / Saturday

Our Staff

Solomon Addo Maclean

Senior Pastor •

Evang. Michael Opoku Antwi

Int. Correspondence Coordinator •

Emmanuel Yaw Mensah

Solomon Boakye

Associate Pastor •

Yaw Gyamfi