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INTERFAITH COMMUNITY, • Welkom, FREE STATE • South Africa • http://groups.yahoo.com/group/realized • Other

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Interfaith Community and Fellowship

Open to everyone of goodwill for spiritual conversation, instruction, etc. WE have priests, monks, and laity associated with us in a few countries. Contact us by email: monkagain@yahoo.com Language: English, Nederlands, Deutsch, Afrikaans, Francais, Espanol, Italiano, Portuguese... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/realized - Yahoo groups/list


Comunidad abierta a todas las personas de buena voluntad que deseen encontrar un lugar de charla, instrucción y consuelo espiritual. En este comunidad, no excluyente, hay sacerdotes, frailes, monjas, y seglares de muchos países.Está buscando una fe que proclama con valentía inquebrantable amor de Dios para todas las personas - el amor de un Padre por sus propios hijos? A faith that accepts Jesus as Lord and takes the Bible seriously -- without threatening eternal damnation to hell? Una fe que acepta a Jesús como Señor y toma la Biblia en serio - sin amenazar la condenación eterna, al infierno? A faith that can truly break down barriers and unite people from diverse backgrounds -- coming together in the knowledge that the One True God is bigger than any ideological box we could ever try to put Him in, and more benevolent than we could ever imagine? Una fe que puede romper realmente las barreras y unir a personas de diversa procedencia - se reunirán en el conocimiento de que el único y verdadero Dios es más grande que cualquier cuadro ideológico que podríamos tratar de poner nunca en él, y mucho más benevolente de lo que pueda imaginar? There is such a faith, and you have found it! Es tan grande la fe, y que ha encontrado! It is called Universalism . Se llama Universalismo. And this positive and hopeful understanding of the Christian Gospel is not something new, but was taught by the greatest leaders of the early church, nearly 2000 years ago. Y esto positivo y esperanzador de la comprensión cristiana del Evangelio no es algo nuevo, pero fue impartido por los más grandes líderes de la iglesia primitiva, hace casi 2000 años. In fact, Universalism was the central message of Christianity from the time of Jesus until the takeover of the church by Rome. De hecho, Universalismo fue el mensaje central del cristianismo de la época de Jesús hasta la toma de la iglesia de Roma. After long ages of darkness and religious oppression, the light of Universalism was rekindled by pioneering spiritual thinkers during the Reformation, and again in the 18th and 19th centuries. Después de largos años de oscuridad y opresión religiosa, a la luz de Universalismo fue reavivado por los pensadores de vanguardia espiritual durante la Reforma, y de nuevo en los siglos 18 y 19. They questioned the assumptions of the churches of their time and developed their own communities of faith. Se puso en duda la hipótesis de las iglesias de su tiempo y desarrollar sus propias comunidades de fe. Today, people across America and around the world are rediscovering this original Christian faith and coming together to share it -- with each other, and with people who have not yet heard the Good News. Hoy, personas de toda América y de todo el mundo están redescubriendo este original fe cristiana y se reunieron para compartir que - entre sí, y con las personas que aún no han escuchado la Buena Nueva. Maybe you have given up on organized religion. Tal vez usted ha renunciado a la religión organizada. But it's not too late to find a spiritual community that cares about what really matters: accepting you as the son or daughter of God you already are, and helping you to reach your full potential in the image of Christ, our greatest moral and spiritual teacher. Pero no es demasiado tarde para encontrar una comunidad espiritual que se preocupa por lo que realmente importa: la aceptación de que el hijo o hija de Dios que ya son, y que le ayudará a alcanzar su máximo potencial en la imagen de Cristo, nuestro mayor maestro de moral y espiritual . The Christian Universalist Association is here to help. La Asociación Universalista cristiana está aquí para ayudar. This organization exists to assist you in your spiritual journey: To find a place of worship where you can praise God with all your heart, where the message is uplifting, not angry and condemning. Esta organización existe para ayudarle en su viaje espiritual: Para encontrar un lugar de culto donde se puede alabar a Dios con todo tu corazón, en donde el mensaje es edificante y no enfadado y condenando. To get connected and enjoy fellowship with open-minded and compassionate people, who care more about serving one another and serving humanity than arguing about fruitless doctrines. Para conectarse y disfrutar de becas con mente abierta y compasiva pueblo, que prestan servicios de atención más sobre unos de los otros y servir a la humanidad de discutir sobre doctrinas infructuosos. To work together in the true spirit of Jesus for the reconciliation of all -- moving beyond religious fundamentalism, outdated traditions, and other things that keep us needlessly divided -- and sharing our faith in an ever-loving God with a hurting world. Para trabajar juntos en el verdadero espíritu de Jesús para la reconciliación de todos - ir más allá del fundamentalismo religioso, las tradiciones obsoletas, y otras cosas que nos mantienen divididos inútilmente - y compartir nuestra fe en un Dios que ama cada vez con un mundo herido. We invite you to explore the articles and resources on this website to see if Universalism and the Christian Universalist Association are right for you. Te invitamos a explorar los artículos y los recursos en este sitio web para ver si Universalismo y la Asociación Universalista cristiana son adecuados para usted. And if you share our beliefs and goals, we invite you to join us , and become part of the Second Reformation that is transforming spirituality and civilization in the 21st century! Y si usted comparte nuestras creencias y objetivos, lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros, y pasar a formar parte de la Segunda Reforma que es la transformación de la espiritualidad y de la civilización en el siglo 21! * Is the Christian Universalist Association Right for Me? Christian es el Derecho de Asociación Universalista de mí? * What Is the Difference between Christian Universalism and Unitarian Universalism? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre cristianos y Universalismo Unitario Universalismo? Escríbenos a: angelus@arrakis.es

What is Christian Universalism?

Are you looking for a faith that boldly proclaims God's unfailing love for all people -- the love of a Father for His own children? A faith that accepts Jesus as Lord and takes the Bible seriously -- without threatening eternal damnation to hell? A faith that can truly break down barriers and unite people from diverse backgrounds -- coming together in the knowledge that the One True God is bigger than any ideological box we could ever try to put Him in, and more benevolent than we could ever imagine? There is such a faith, and you have found it! It is called Universalism. And this positive and hopeful understanding of the Christian Gospel is not something new, but was taught by the greatest leaders of the early church, nearly 2000 years ago. In fact, Universalism was the central message of Christianity from the time of Jesus until the takeover of the church by Rome. After long ages of darkness and religious oppression, the light of Universalism was rekindled by pioneering spiritual thinkers during the Reformation, and again in the 18th and 19th centuries. They questioned the assumptions of the churches of their time and developed their own communities of faith. Today, people across America and around the world are rediscovering this original Christian faith and coming together to share it -- with each other, and with people who have not yet heard the Good News. Maybe you have given up on organized religion. But it's not too late to find a spiritual community that cares about what really matters: accepting you as the son or daughter of God you already are, and helping you to reach your full potential in the image of Christ, our greatest moral and spiritual teacher. The Christian Universalist Association is here to help. This organization exists to assist you in your spiritual journey: To find a place of worship where you can praise God with all your heart, where the message is uplifting, not angry and condemning. To get connected and enjoy fellowship with open-minded and compassionate people, who care more about serving one another and serving humanity than arguing about fruitless doctrines. To work together in the true spirit of Jesus for the reconciliation of all -- moving beyond religious fundamentalism, outdated traditions, and other things that keep us needlessly divided -- and sharing our faith in an ever-loving God with a hurting world. We invite you to explore the articles and resources on this website to see if Universalism and the Christian Universalist Association are right for you. And if you share our beliefs and goals, we invite you to join us, and become part of the Second Reformation that is transforming spirituality and civilization in the 21st century! Click on the links below each statement to read a short article explaining it, including Biblical references in support of our beliefs. 1. We believe in a God who is Love, Light, Truth, and Spirit, the Creator of the universe, whom we are called to seek, know, and love; and whose nature was revealed to the world in the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. * Learn more about this teaching: Who Is God? 2. We believe that the universal commandment is to love and serve one another as each loves oneself. * Learn more about this teaching: The Golden Rule 3. We believe in the law of justice by which actions generate consequences, whether to be manifested in this life or the life to come. * Learn more about this teaching: Divine Justice and Life After Deat

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