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Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of Saint Rita o

Saint of the Impossible, 4485 17th Street West • Bradenton, FL 34207 • United States • 1.941.752.5914 • Catholic

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Roman Catholic/ Vatican Line

The Apostolic Line of Succession had been verified by the Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy. While it should not be a major concern to True Traditional Catholics, I will be more than happy to discuss it with those who know Canon Law and are interested. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail.

Statement of Purpose

The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita's position is a simple one, as it strives essentially to adhere to Catholic teaching in every aspect of its liturgical life. There has been great upheaval and revolution within the Catholic Church over the past five decades -- not unlike the one encountered in the fourth century by St. Athanasius, called the Arian Heresy -- and Catholics are called to oppose that which in any way contradicts the infallible teachings and immutable Traditions of the Catholic Church. Never before in the history of the Church has there been a Mass that featured women in the sanctuary, laymen giving out Holy Communion, Communion being given out in the hand, altar girls, polka music, clowns, kissing and hugging, priests facing the people, etc. Today all of these things have developed, despite the fact that the Second Vatican Council never called for such irreverent changes in the Mass. These changes in the Mass are completely wrong and have led to widespread loss of Faith among Catholics. Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, Catholics have promised to reject and oppose such abusive and diabolical attacks against The Church of Christ. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita, then, sees Itself as one of the many voices crying out against abusive liturgical and doctrinal aberrations such as Clown Masses, women priests, Communion in the hand, erroneous Theology, abusive and sacrilegious liturgical innovations, the abandonment of prayer, the denial of sin and hell, the rise of phony ecumenism (which states that there is little or no difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, or between Catholicism and Mohammedism or any other monotheistic religion, and that all religions are good), the annulment abuse, the abuse of NFP, etc. etc. We accept the Traditional Latin Mass, as canonized by the Council of Trent (thus commonly called "Tridentine"), to be the most complete and sublime act of worship in Christianity. Simply put, it is the Mass the Pope said every day until 1969. This is in no way to prejudice the other venerable Traditional rites of the Church, such as the Eastern rites, or those minor Western rites that were allowed to continue after Trent (Ambrosian, Mozarabic, et cetera). In all of these Christ is equally present, worshipped, adored, and glorified. However, in Divine Providence, this one Mass became pre-eminent in the saving mission of the Church. We make no definitive statement against the Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI, introduced in 1969, but all the same, we strongly encourage faithful Catholics to avoid it. While there are manifold considerations in comparing the old liturgy to the new, the most important one is that of validity -- is a True Sacrament confected? At least in its Latin text, using the modified Roman Canon ("Eucharistic Prayer I" which, except for the curious innovations to the words of consecration, is identical to that of the Tridentine Mass), it is valid. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita has been fighting against this revolution in the Church for over five years, just as It has been fighting, through prayer, against the errors that affect and infect our modern state - Socialism, Communism, the Welfare State, the abortion epidemic, euthanasia, sex education, etc., etc. Many of the abuses in the Catholic liturgy and in Catholic teaching have been sanctioned by priests and bishops, and because of this fact, most Catholics have been afraid to object to the near-constant attacks against Traditional Catholicism which they see and hear at their local parishes. And, although in normal times laymen should not object to what priests and bishops may be teaching, these are not normal times. Oftentimes, it is Modernist priests and bishops who are the problem and who are pushing totally radical and novel doctrinal and liturgical ideas, and even though Catholics must respect their office, Catholics still are called upon to oppose anyone --even bishops and priests--who support Modernist thinking or radical new liturgical innovations which go contrary to the traditional teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Within the Church, however, there are those who take this Traditional Catholic counterrevolution too far--declaring that, since Vatican II helped to bring on all of this chaos and denial of Faith, then the popes who called the Council must not be legitimate popes. Many Catholics, who feel this way, believe that there is no legitimate Pope presently in Rome, and that Pope John Paul is an impostor. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita has decried this erroneous conclusion, insisting that the Church's legitimate (though progressivist) Pope is most certainly Pope John Paul II. We accept John Paul II, Bishop of Rome, as Pope, and act on the assumption that he is a true and duly elected Pope. The same could be said of his predecessors John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul I. It is true, however, that the Church as it existed on the last day of the life of Pope Pius XII and the commonly recognized "Catholic Church" of today appear even to the unbeliever as virtually two different Churches. Catholics cannot leave the Church, nor are they free to lambaste and deny the Pope at will for things like his "Altar Girl Permission" or the "Assisi Ecumenical Affair" or the convening of the Second Vatican Council. Catholic lay people must guard against this attitude, which is commonly referred to as "sede vacantism." Nevertheless, Catholics must wake up to the fact that the Church is in a state of unprecedented revolution and turmoil at present, and that, since the Council, She has undergone a near total spiritual breakdown. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita's purpose, then, is to fight that which is novel and which goes against the Traditional Catholic liturgies and infallible teachings of the past. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita fights the revolutionaries in the Church from within the Church. It is opposed to Modernism, idolization of the Pope, phony ecumenism and anything else which compromises the Traditional Catholic Faith-- and It labors for a restoration of the True Faith, and for the re-founding of the Traditional Church. Its fight encompasses scholarly opposition against such varied errors as Communion in the hand, married priests, women priests, the "Renew Movement", phony ecumenism, the protestantization of the Roman Liturgy, Liberation Theology, the Medjugorje "Industry," the cover-up of the Third Secret of Fatima, the re-writing of Catholic history, and the ongoing Modernist-inspired changes to the Traditional Mass and Sacraments of the Church-- to name only a few. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita is part of the "Loyal Opposition"; It defends Pope John Paul as the legitimate Successor of St. Peter, and It also defends his strong stand on moral issues in the face of the Modern world. At the same time, The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita has publicly disagreed with Pope John Paul over his positions on such questions as ecumenism, granting the "altar girls" permission, and his unqualified and complete support of the Second Vatican Council and all of its unfortunate results. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita, quite simply, lives and breathes to defend the Traditional Catholic Church. It supports no new theology, It gives no succor to the new ecumenism, and It will defend Catholic traditions for as long as God sees fit to allow It to remain. It is also important to note that The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita is not an "Indult Catholic" Chapel, nor is It a "Society of St. Pius X ", nor is It a "Fraternity of St. Peter ". We accept any and all "independent chapels" created under the aforementioned conditions, and for practical purposes we make no distinctions between SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, or chapels served by independent priests (retired, vagus, et cetera). What is important to remember is that, "going out and setting up a church" is not the normal Catholic thing to do. But these are not normal times. In normal times, we would have bishops and priests who hold the true Faith; reverent Traditional Sacraments, and blind obedience would be at least a safe option for those without the education or intellect to know the "whys and wherefores" of the Faith. Abnormal times require abnormal means. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita is Roman Catholic and that is all. And It will (Deo gratias) defend the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church for however long Its doors remain open. The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita's position is simply Catholic, and Its purpose is simply to defend the Traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. As a small Traditional Chapel, we are an instrument against the forces of Modernism which are presently suffocating the Bride of Christ. But it is a small effort that, in its small way, continues to at least try to do something to oppose the prevailing madness within the Church and within the world today. The restoration of the Catholic Church will come from both the top down, and from the bottom up. And so it is that small efforts like The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita carry on, always looking to Rome for the restoration to finally begin. Until that happens though, Traditional Catholics must do all in their power to keep their own Faith and to do what ever they can to help others to do the same in this spiritual Dark Age called the Twenty-first Century. Rather than merely cursing that Darkness, however, The Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Rita has attempted to keep the candle of the Catholic Faith lit, and to survive this nightmare until the light of the new dawn of the restoration of the Catholic Church can be seen on the horizon. May God help us all to keep the Fait

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