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an Emerging & Ancient/Future Church, Planting Network in Eastern S.C. • Marion, SC 29571 • United States • • Non-denominational

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ANCIENT/FUTURE is a way to describe our worship. We live in postmodern times, but we also connect with the ancient/early church. We are not afraid to use valid expressions of faith from all the streams of the church. The Parish is (ANGLICAN) ( in heritage. *See the "WHY ANGLICAN" heading below.* However we can use other ancient Christian resources as well. If an Catholic or Eastern Orthodox practice or icon (see crucifix and Mary with Christ) is not incompatible with scripture we may use it as a point of faith.

WE are a church pastored by a POSTMODERN pastor. Although not exclusively for postmodern (born after '65) we are building a community that appeals to the generation. Often, these churches are called (EMERGING CHURCHES). All the folks at THE PARISH come from a variety of religious backgrounds to follow JESUS.


We are a branch of the Anglican chuch. Anglican simply means "English." Anglican churches are part of the Ancient church in many ways. We hold to the western form of Christianity. The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches is part of the continuing Anglican movement in America. As in all mainline movements there are liberal and conservative churches and some in between. We lean toward conservative theology. We are certainly conservative on issues of morality.

(Apostolic succession) is an early form of Apostolic discipleship. Peter discipled and sent out Eyodius; Eyodius discipled and sent out Ignatius the Martyr and so on until today. Indirectly, The Parish is a church plant of the early Apostles (St. Peter). Our Bishop, Dr. Russ has 17 lines of Apostolic succession. That means ArchBishop Russ traces his Spiritual geneology back to the Apostle Peter through Roman, Eastern Orthodox and Autocephalous churches.

The Anglican tradition connects us with the early church. Anglicanism allows us to worship sacrementally without submitting believers to cessationist doctrine. Cessationism teaches that all the Supernatural gifts of the Spirit ceased with the last of the 12 Apostles. Anglicanism preserves Apostolic succession. Apostolic succession itself does not ensure the continuance of the gifts of the Spirit. ( a Bishop may himself be apostate. A Bishop who supports alternative lifestyles or takes vows in pagan religions such as druidism is probably apostate and a worker of iniquity. Remember, Judas Iscariot was a Bishop because he had a Bishoprick (Acts 1). He is the most notorious of sinners.) However, Apostolic succession in this writers mind does make the statement that the ministry of St. Peter and the other Apostles did not cease in 90 or so A.D. The mantle that Jesus passed to them is for the Church today. True Anglicanism, as traditionally understood, keeps us within safe doctrinal parameters and practices. It is a valid way to "defend the faith once delivered to the Saints."


We are living in a postmodern world. The promises of the modern utopia never materialized. The hope of reaching societal nirvana through technology, wealth, culture and education are now faded dreams of the past. The promise past generations recieved of a upward mobility is no longer available. It seems that postmoderns will pay for the prior generations excesses. We are the first generation who will not be better off financially than our parents. There are more wars, both local and regional, than at any time in history. Now we face a prolonged war on "terrorism." We will never know the God given human and constitutional freedoms our forefathers knew. This is the world we are born in to. We are POSTMODERNS, we live in a different world. We will do things DIFFERENTLY.

In spite of the gloomy predictions there is a indescribable and indestructible belief that the quality of life doesn't lie in large material possessions. Jesus said to his generation and ours, "A (hu)mans life does not consist of the abudance of things he possesses." No, our life's quality is having true friends in God and mankind. Jesus was very close to his disciples. They were his "family." You could almost say he was "tribal." Postmoderns realize that close kinship is an intregal part of a quality life. This is one of many reasons why postmoderns are so poised to be more like Jesus and the early church. We certainly believe that this is the generation that will see the SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. St. Paul called this event "our blessed hope." This is why we are a "chosen generation," the generation of hope.


CALL OR E-MAIL FOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS to THE PARISH. (303) 241-1374.(Or you may sign on "Maps On Us" as a temporary user. 4725 West Quincy Denver Co. 80236.)

We are start GOD ENCOUNTERS: We are beginning services on Saturday nights. We want to start about 7:00 p.m. We move along as the Holy Spirit leads. If folks need to leave before activities end, that is OKAY.


Dress code is COLORADO CASUAL. We are interdenominational, multigenerational and multicultural in approach. We feel that a healthy body of believers will reflect a "cross"section of the community. We are emphasizing a postmodern approach, but all ages are welcome.

WORSHIP may follow a certain order, but we will remain flexible. Our style is predominately Charismatic and Evangelical. However, we may do a "High Church" service on certain occasions. That is a service that is predominately liturgical. Other services may be blended. We may use incense and candles to enhance the sense of the mystery of worship.

MUSIC may be acapello or with musical instruments. We may sing an appropriate traditional hymn, or post modern worship chorus. Someone may have a psalm or prophecy or poetry they may want to share. Our goal is to be simple and open. Worship will evolve as The Parish grows.


THE PARISH is part of the Communion of the Evagelical Episcopal Churches (TheCEEC.Org). Dr. Russel Mc Clennahan+ is the ArchBishop of our Province, (the Province of St. Peter).
There are three basic elements of the convergence movement, these are:

-Evangelical simply means that we believe that we must help fulfill Christ's Great Commission. That commission is to share the gospel to every person. We also believe that Jesus' statement that we all must be "BORN AGAIN"(from above).

-We practice the liturgical and sacremental elements of the ancient church. We hold to two major sacrements; Baptism and Communion. The minor sacrements are Marriage, Ordination, Absolution, Holy Unction and Confirmation/Cachtechism. Another way we connect organically to the Ancient church is through Apostolic Succession. Our Bishops can trace their ordination all the way back to the Apostle Peter. We hold to the offices of the Primitive church. Those offices are the Bishop, Priest and Deacon.

-The word Charismatic comes from a Greek word which means gifted or giftings. We believe that the Holy Spirit still baptizes believers with supernatural power and gifts. These gifts enhance our natural talents and can cause the Christian faith to grow beyond all we can ask or think. A general list of these spiritual(s) gifts are found in ICorinthians 12. (See more info under the heading "CHARISMATIC RENEWAL.")


Although THE PARISH has a Rector/Pastor, CHRIST is our CHIEF SHEPHERD. We firmly believe all believers are ministers in training. Fr. Mike will sometimes preach or teach. Often, as Christ's Spirit moves on others, they will minister ("pray ye for one another that ye may be healed..."). In those instances Pastor (Priest) Mike will act as a facilitator ensuring things are done decently and in order.

CHURCH PLANTING-We are focused on not only raising up THE PARISH but also to plant other vibrant churches throughout the Front Range. Our goal is to get those called to ministry ACTIVE. We will work with individuals on a case by case basis through the PROVINCE of SAINT PETER ( and +Archbishop McClennahan toward planting new congregations.


-----KIDS ARE WELCOME and not considered a distraction. There will be play area for kids with supervision. However, if your child wants to be with you in the midst of things that is fine.


A big emphasis of our churches is Charismatic Renewal. God has given to us the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, comfort and empower us. We believe these workings/anointings of the Holy Spirit are for us today. A pentecostal preacher tells of an experience he had with a staunch fundamentalist preacher. The fundamentalist told the pentecostal that the days of miracles are "OVER." The pentecostal replied "yes, OVER the WHOLE WORLD!" The miraculous power of God is here to bring the gospel to every nation."

The power of our salvation comes through the Cross. The Bible says that "the proclaiming of the CROSS is foolishness to those that perish, but to us that are saved, it is the POWER of God unto salvation." The person of the Holy Spirit comes through the work of Jesus on the Cross.

Through the Holy Spirit we are given these power gifts; (1Corinthians 12)the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discernment of spirits, gifts of healing, working of miracles, gift of (special) faith, gifts of prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. These are given to show mankind the resurrection of Jesus is real.

Jesus himself gives us 5 ministry gifts (eph.4) they are given to certain individuals that will live lives dedicated to ministry. These gifts are Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.

God the Father gave seven motivational gifts in creation (Romans 12). However, these are not considered "Charismatic gifts" in that they were given in general to mankind through the progeny of Adam and Eve. The Charismatic, Ministry and the Motivational gifts should not to be confused with the three church offices of Bishop, Presbetyr (priest/elder) or Deacon. They are conferred by churchmen in Apostolic succession with the WITNESS of the Spirit (Acts 6). In contrast the five fold ministry gifts are given from Jesus with the COMMAND of the Spirit (Acts 13). And the 9 gifts of the Spirit are given as the SIGNS of the Spirit. The motivational gifts given to every man and may be used for good or evil.

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7:00 p.m. Saturdays

Our Staff

Fr. Michael

Rector/Facilitator •

Rev. CJ

Worship leader/Childrens Pastor •

Your Name

Lead Musicians&Vocalists •

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Ministers In Training •