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The International FreeProtestant Episcopal Church

Bishops Residence, Bergerend 4 • 41068 Moenchengladbach, NRW - D - • Germany • +49(0) 2161 895994 • Anglican

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History of the Free Protestant Episcopal Church

The International Free Protestant Episcopal Church® .

+Our Mission: To Grow in Christ's Love through worship, education and service. + GOD BLESS!+

Universal, Ecclesiastical, Episcopal, Evangelical, Missionary

Ecumenical Church Foundation ®

Independent Anglican Episcopal Church®

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The International Free Protestant Episcopal Church is part of the one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Christian Church. It follows the belief, tenets, teachings and practice of early Christians. It has no property and does not want to have more than is necessary for the securing of basic needs. The word "Free" in the name of the church expresses the spirit of originality, openness and confidence - the spirit of the first Christian communities - and St. Andrew's Ecumenical Church Foundation.®

Through Him, With Him, and In Him

We claim to be The (old and true) Free Protestant Episcopal Church of the days of its founding and we claim an unbroken historical connection through the Reformation, the Church of England, with the Church of Christ from the earliest Christian era.TIFPEC is a church a multi-racial fellowship of ever Ethnic, Educational, and Economical diversity. We believe that the scripture is being fulfilled that says they shall know that you are my disciples by the love you have one for another.


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Violence as a way of achieving justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.

Learning to put first things first is vitally important, for only when first things are put first will all work out perfectly. Search your heart and see what you are putting first. Is it yourself and your own welfare? Is it your job and your material circumstances? Are you content to go through life completely unaware of Me, confident that you can get along just as well without My help and that you have no need of Me? You are absolutely free to adopt any attitude you wish. No one will stop you. But you must be willing to take the consequences when things go wrong. Remember, when you know what is right and choose to go our own way, the responsibility you hold is even greater, for you cannot plead ignorance. Never make the excuse that there is so much to do that there is not time to fit everything in. I tell you that when you put first things first, there is time for everything.

Dear Dr Horst-Karl Block,
"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him.
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his ways,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath.
Do not fret--it only causes harm.
For evildoers shall be cut off,
But those who wait on the LORD,
They shall inherit the earth."
(Psalms 37:7-9)

Parish Growth Worldwide


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OFFICE OF THE BISHOP PRIMUS: CHURCH - INFORMATION 2006 If you are interested in the work of the FPEC, please contact:The Bishop Primus Horst-Karl Block, DD,LLD at the above address or by e-Mail.

In the event of a problem with my primary e-Mail address, here is a alternate e-Mail address that I check regularly:

The Free Church

A great many of the church's problems today are a direct result of the church "taking" and actively pursuing a legal status that makes it inferior to, and a subordinate of, the civil government. The two most significant ways this occurs is by incorporation (state jurisdiction) and the tax-exempt status (federal jurisdiction). Scripture simply does not support the notion that the church is an inferior institution to the State. Nor, for that matter, is the church a superior institution to the State. God has ordained both the church and the civil government as His "ministers." The church is the minister of grace, while the State is the minister of justice. Church and State are two distinct and independent spheres of authority (jurisdictions) ordained by God. However, no church can remain separate and distinct from the civil government when it incorporates and/or accepts tax-exempt status. For legal purposes an incorporated church has subordinated itself, by contract, to the civil government. For theological purposes, that church has made a covenant with the State, a covenant which Scripture in no way supports. What is the solution to the church's current messy state of affairs? It must cease operating as an underling of the State. The solution is for the church to legally operate as it once had (and we might add, quite successfully so). Rather than operating as "tax-exempt non-profit religious corporations," churches once functioned as "free-churches." Just what exactly is a free-church? A free-church operates independent of, and is in no way subordinate to, the civil government. It is the right of any church to operate free of the corrupting and compromising influence and control of the State; and it is a right guaranteed by the Ecclesiastical Constitution of TIFPEC: Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof… A free-church is not some radical-fringe concept. Rather, the free-church was one of the most influential, and certainly one of the most common, institutions in early history. The worldview of those men who fought for independence embraced an uncompromising belief that the church was not an underling, a vassal, or in any way subordinate to any king, parliament, or any other civil government body. The church is the religious institution ordained and established by Jesus Christ Himself, and Christ has never delegated His authority to the civil jurisdiction to rule in the affairs of His church. ( e.g. VATICAN STATE ) A free-church is the opposite of a State-Church. The Church Of England is a State-Church system. State-Churches are well known throughout Europe, and there have been State-Churches there for many centuries.

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Ecumenical Church Foundation®

Research Fellowship

Our Staff

+Dr (LBR) Horst-Karl Block,DD,LLD,PhD,AED,MCoT,Lond.

Bishop Primus TIFPEC •

+Peter Leers, DD, LLD - TIFPEC

Metropolitan Archbishop Europe •