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The Methodist Church of Pakistan

P.O.Box No.14005, Raiwind, Ladhekey Neewain, Lahore • Lahore, Punjab 54000 • Pakistan • 0092-42-6305639 • Other

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Firming Community in Faith

The mission of The Methodist Church is to provide help for development in the Sectors of Spiritual, social, Creative intellectual, Physical and Economic Spheres of the community. To put efforts to provide basic facilities of life and security for all human beings,toward their endeavor to become Self-sufficient and economically well-established. A particular component of Methodist Mission is to develop the oppressed and disadvantaged community in many ways. The concluding objective of The Methodist Church is to enable People of God worthy of facing their Lord honourably, being rich in their Faith & Belief in Him. DECLARATION OF THE METHODIST CHURCH OF PAKISTAN: "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" has got its registration renewed after more or less 30 years. The event of renewal took place on 16th July 2002. Let us mention that our Church is to be distinguished from the previous leadership of "The United Methodist Church". We were separated from the leadership of the Church in 1969 due to their affiliation with "The Church of Pakistan". Our leadership did not accept the wrong & fatal decision of the then leadership of affiliation with "The Church of Pakistan" and got ourselves registered on 1st August, 1969 by the name of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan", for keeping up the identity of Methodist Church in our country. The Methodist Church of Pakistan is running with the present manpower in the field of evangelism consisting of 67 Pastors in Action Areas viz. Lahore and Raiwind. They have recently joined the MCP after the renewal of its registration on 16th July 2002. Side by side with the present ecumenical progress, the MCP looks forward to build up different strategies from time to time. The main objectives being the Spiritual and Social Holiness. HOW WE ARE: The Methodist Church is an evangelical, Protestant denomination. We offer the good news that faith in Jesus Christ makes possible a wonderful personal relationship with God, a holy life empowered by His Spirit for witness and service, and assurance of eternal life in heaven. Our name is in honor of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, whose emphasis on a life of faith, self-discipline, and perfect love is our example. There are currently about 7 churches and 120 local congregations in all of the action area. OUR BELIEF: We are believe in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all men and women who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. We believe that those who receive new life in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord's Spirit. We believe in the Bible and seek to establish our faith and actions on its teachings. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and that the purpose of the church is to tell the world about Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds. MISSION STATEMENT To exalt Jesus Christ by Evangelizing the lost Discipline the believers Equipping the Church Ministering to society VISION STATEMENT The "Vision" of The Methodist Church of Pakistan is "Spiritual and Social Holiness". The present Executive Board has revised the Mission Statement/Vision of the MCP after review.

Rehabilitation of the MCP

THE METHODIST CHURCH OF PAKISTAN FUTURE PLAN FOR THE CHURCH REHEBILITATION: Being renewed after more or less 30 years, the Executive Board of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" has decided to undertake the following objects in future. As the first step of the Rehabilitation of the MCP, Organizational Infrastructure needs immediate attention. We believe that there cannot be any development in the absence of proper place to work at. The brief detail of the Projects/Tasks, as parts of our Future Plan, is given as follows:- REORGNIZED THE MCP INFRASTRUCTURE: In the year 1969, the Organizational Infrastructure of the MCP got disturbed. Now after the renewal of its registration on 16th July 2001,"The Methodist Church of Pakistan" is divided into four Dioceses in the beginning. The task of Rehabilitation has been initiated in two Dioceses at present, viz. Lahore and Raiwind Diocese. The remaining two Dioceses would be activated in the near future. CHURCH REHABILITATION We are planning to undertake certain bold steps for the Rehabilitation of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan. For thirty years or so, the MCP has been running in Pakistan as a half-dead Church. We are now putting all efforts to enliven it to its former position as it used to be three decades back. The work of Rehabilitation has been started commencing with the event of its First Rehabilitation Convention in Lahore Diocese, on 14th February 2003. The MCP look forward to hold more Conventions of this sort in future, covering all the present Dioceses and the new would-be-Dioceses. An animated appeal to all associated with the "Methodist Faith" in one way or the other, has been made to accelerate the work of Rehabilitation. It would be in the fitness of things to mention here that the Rehabilitation of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" consists two phases viz. Church Ministry and Development Ministry. PASTORAL NETWORK Pastoral Network is the backbone of every Religious Denomination. Pastors act as the pioneers of the Faith Preachers in any Church. The Methodist Church of Pakistan is among those Churches that have always been effective in their "Action Areas" To enrich the Work of Evangelism, each Diocese is divided into six Districts. Each Diocese consists of 65 Pastors and 06 Districts Superintendents. The MCP looks forward to accomplish the task of Pastoral Network in near future. CHURCH BUILDINGS & PASTOR HOUSES "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" has formulated a Diocesan plan to establish Church Buildings & Pastor Houses in Action Areas/Circuit Areas. We mention it with a deep sigh that almost all the property owned by the MCP has been usurped by "The Church of Pakistan". Our Church is in the face of in-adequacy of place for Churches/Worship Places. As explained in the preceding lines, the MCP looks up to God for provision of all resources for the construction/renovation of Six (06) District Churches and D.S.Houses (Residence for District Superintendents/District Pastors), Sixty Five (65) Church Buildings & Pastor Houses - one in each Pastoral Circuit. It is further elaborated that the residences of the Circuit Pastors and Districts Pastors would be within the premises of the Church Buildings assigned to them by the MCP. EDUCATION With a view to eradicate illiteracy/un-education/ignorance, the MCP has Education Plans for the Community. In the beginning, Six (06) High Schools at District Level are considered to be a part of best strategy to minimize illiteracy. Sixty Five (65) Home Schools in Circuit Areas would be set up to accommodate the poor and the needy students among the Community. Sunday Schools are already running in almost all the working Circuits of the MCP, at present on self-help-basis. The preference would be given to Home Schools and the establishment of High Schools would come at a later stage. WOMEN'S DEVELOPMENT We are of the view that Women, covering almost the half of the population, deserve treatment at all levels on the basis of equality. Women, being an important component of every society, are worthy of preference in every field of life. The MCP is also in favour of giving the Women their due privileges. Women need to help themselves in getting equal status in society, eradicate the culture of silence. To empower women in achieving the equal Status and Role in the society and Community Development. For this purpose multiple programmes on Women's Development with the Active Participation of Women at grass-root level, are included in the Development Charter of the MCP. A brief description of the Future Strategy on Women's Development is given as follows:- 1. Entrepreneurship Programmes 2. Skill Training Programmes 3. Women's Awareness Programmes 4. Adult Education 5. Consultancy/Arbitration Services for Family Issues 6. Child-Care Awareness Programmes ECONOMIC/SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Most of the population of this country belongs to the backward/under-developed areas. The majority in our Community also comes from the less-developed areas. There is no Programme by the Government to provide such people, especially those among the minorities, any facilities to develop themselves. There has arisen a great deal of necessity to promote/uplift such people among the Community. They require help to eradicate poverty and help orphans and street children, Low Cost Housing, Orphans and Widow's Help. The Methodist Church of Pakistan plans to improve the Community Living Standard and achieving the optimum goal of self-sufficiency through Credit Banking, Income Generation, Small Business, Trading, Craft Promotion, Marketing and Micro-enterprises. COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMMES As most of the Community members come from the backward/less-developed areas, they are hardly aware of the basic health principles. To educate them in regard to health awareness, the MCP plans to provide services in the Action Areas. Health Education, Maternal & Child Health, Primary Health Care, Medicine Supplies, Mobile Dispensaries are the initial future projects of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan". CHARITY WORK PROGRAMMES Natural Calamities are always unseen and unexpected. In any part of the world anything can happen at any time. For the redressal of such situations, "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" desires to help people-in-need. Effected people after some untoward happening, need financial and moral help. The MCP would help the effectees of Mitigation, Natural Disaster, and Emergency etc. with Food, Shelter and Medicine. Orphans, Street Children and Widows would also benefit from the Charity Work Programmes of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan". METHODOLOGY: The Methodist Church of Pakistan has divided its work into two phases namely Spiritual and Social. We are optimistic to achieve our objectives through Church Ministry and Social Development Ministry. i. CHURCH MINISTRY The Church Ministry of the MCP consists of Pastoral Network. The Church Ministry would control the overall progress and development of the Ecumenical Activities. First of all, the MCP will establish and strengthen the District Pastoral Network. After the completion of the Pastoral Network, the MCP will hold District Rehabilitation Convention(s) and then Circuit Rehabilitation Conventions. It will empower the grass root level Ecumenical Leadership inculcating in the strength of the organizational infrastructure. The MCP prefers the new pastors among those who have been affiliated/connected/concerned with the "Methodist Faith" in past in one way or the other. On the completion of the Pastoral Network, the MCP would run its Ecumenical Activities and Church Service in the Action Areas in a better way. Construction of Pastor Houses and Church Buildings will be the next step. ii. DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY The Development Ministry of "The Methodist Church of Pakistan" consists of the Development Staff. It is responsible for the accomplishment of various projects to eradicate poverty and to help the Orphans, Street Children and Widows. Other projects consisting of different matters regarding the Total Human Development are also assigned to the Development Ministry. The Methodist Church of Pakistan will start its activities on Social Development in Action Areas through its Community Networking and Development Programmes. As the first step, Community will be organized. Need Assessment is the next step. Project will be developed through Community Participation. The Gender Policy of The Methodist Church of Pakistan is based on equality. Women also share the same importance and status as the men do. In the task of Community Participation Gender Equality is the prime factor.

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Our Staff

Rt. Rev. Naseem Shahab-ud-Din

Chairman/Executive Board •

Rt. Rev. Jamshed John

Executive Secretary •

Mr. William Robert

Secretary Finance •

Rev. Aziz Masih

Education Director •

Rev. A. Z. Aamir