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Joy Ministries India

#12-1-508/108, Indiranagar"B"colony,, Lalapet • Secunderabad, A.P. 500 017 • India • 91 40 25502433 • Pentecostal

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Vision.....and Glimpses of India

A Five Fold Vision, by the end of 2010 We would like to reach atleast 500 villages in the areas mentioned and to plant 100 churches. EVANGELIZING: Proclamation of the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. EMPOWEING: To share love of God by providing relief and rehabilitation. ESTABLISHING: To plant holiness churches and nourish them using the Antioch church in Acts as a model. And to develop leaders with biblical qualities to perform holy duties. EQUIPPING: To train young believers to do His ministry also to nurture the children. EXPANDING: To extend the ministry and its responsibilities to take the gospel to all the areas of the country. As Jesus looked at the people of His days, He said, "look unto the fields for they are white unto harvest" (John 4:35). Never has the grain been thicker than it is today. The harvest is ripe. But harvest season lasts only for a short time. I believe the Lord is saying to us "Go forward in seed sowing, soul winning and training through every means in your hands". What we do, we must do with a sense of urgency. GLIMPSES OF INDIA: Goegraphically and politically India dominates south Asia and the Indian Ocean. There are 29 union states and 6 union territories, with a population of over 1 billion people. The capital city Delhi is now home to 11.3 million people. Economy: Predominantly agricultural with 64% of the labour force, but rapid industrialization and urbanization is taking place. India is now a Nuclear Power and has a space industry. It is one of the World leaders in computer software production. Economic growth accelerated in the 1990's but has been offset by high birth rate, illiteracy, prejudice, wide spread corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency. The 250 million middle class would benefit most from the market reforms and liberalization being instituted. Over 600 million live in deep poverty, 300 million live below the bread line. India's wide spread use of english gives the country a major advantage as its economy opens to the world. Politics: The world's largest functioning democracy. Independent from Britain in 1947. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi played major role for bringing freedom to India through non-violence. The RSS and the VHP (Hindu Extreme Nationalist Movements) have grown in strength and influence with their nationalist hindutva ideology, and with effective populist propaganda have infiltrated most of the power structures in India. On the strength of this, the hindu nationalist BJP party have gained political power, but cannot tame the fascist-inspired forces that facilitated this. Today intolerance in the name of religion is growing. India is once known as tolerant towards other religions, now turning violent by attacking minorities. Many fear the undermining of democracy at the emergence of an intolerant hindu dictatorship. Religion: India's constitution provides religious freedom to worship and witness for all religions. The rise of hindutva extremism resulted in a hate campaign against muslim in the early 1990's and against chrstians in the late 1990's as being followers of `foreign' religions. I hope our work ensure dignity and equality among the people of our country. As Indian christian it is my privilege to convince my fellow-brothern of various faiths that we all belong to the same nation which is known for its prestigious saying "Unity in Diversity". Anti-conversion legislation and imposing legal restrictions on christian activities has been strongly demanded. Some states have enacted such legislation and condoned a rising wave of violence and even murder of christian workers. Many are concerned at the practical erosion of guaranteed religious freedom. In the present climate persecution, for christians, statistics below are not given in full, but are representatives of what God is doing.

Plan of Action

PLAN OF ACTION EVANGELISM: Offcourse the main aim of the JMI will be Evangelism. The Telangana and Sironcha are the places where the christianity is very low. There are millions of people who did not hear the Gospel. While I was surveying a village in Telangana I asked a woman "Do you know Jesus Christ"? She said, "Who is Jesus, Where can I see Him, Is Jesus a man or a woman"? This statement of the lady kindled my heart and I realised the situation of my own people. Not even knowing the name of Jesus. Thousands are perishing whithout the Gospel. We as matured christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, but there are millions of people who did not know the first coming of Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to reach the unreached. Since, India has been closed to missionaries for decades and Telangana and Sironcha being the remote area JMI will be committed in equipping national evangelists, pastors, local churches to carry out the great commission. There is this pain and burning burden in the cave of my heart, to proclaim, to preach & to practice the love and holiness of Jesus Christ. EDUCATION: There is an urgent need of transforming the illiterates in Telangana & Sironcha through a various educational programmes. India is a suffering nation in regard to the education. India is now "THE MOST ILLITERATE NATION IN THE WORLD". 70% of the people in Telangana & Sironcha's villages cannot read or write. 80% - 90% of the women in rural areas are illiterate. The result of this illiteracy is making an illiterate often be cheated and abused socially. Disease, malnutrition and high infant mortality most always accompany illiteracy. Illiteracy prevents a person from earning a minimum wage in Telangana & Sironcha, which results the parents not affording to send their children to schools for the education. Illiteracy fosters extreme poverty that produces slavery, child labour, crushing debt, racism (Untouchability) and suicide. Illiterate christians also face many problems in regard to their spiritual life. They fall prey to false teachings when members cannot read the Bible. It will be very hard for them to refute lies about christianity. In huge sections of India the Bible cannot be read because lack of Education. Gospel in totality - Action oriented ministry among the needy & downtrodden will live always effectively. I believe that gospel is social and spiritual transformation. When people become christians they begin a life of social and spiritual productivity. As you observe closely you can't help but notice this heavy concentration of need in this region, no matter which 10/40 window criteria is used - - depth of poverty, percentage of literacy, total unreached population, presence of spiritual strong holds. Like a lazer beam, the spirit of God has been drawing us into a tighter and tighter focus on the areas critical to the completion of the task of evangelisation. Without supernatural intervention and significant mobilisation in this particular part of the world, the goal of a church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2005 will not be reached. This is also a duty to take care of the needy in social, economical, spiritual & political realms. I am confident that God created us in India to uplift the down-trodden and help the helpless. So as the servant chosen by God, I believe that I must work for Indian community.

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