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Doctrinal Statement Scripture is our authority and we are committed to this basic statement of faith. GOD: There is but one eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing and everywhere present Triune God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. JESUS CHRIST:He is God incarnate, yet human ie, perfect divinity and perfect manhood. He is born of a virgin lived a sinless life, died to make atonement for the sins of mankind,was bodily resurrected and is now mediator at the right hand of the Father. He is assuredly coming in power and glory for His believing followers and is the only saviour of men. SALVATION: JESUS CHRIST is the only way to receive Salvation. Salvation is the result of genuine repentance of sin and faith in the atoning work of Christ. It gives forgiveness to the penitent, makes him a partaker of the divine nature and gives peace with God. We call this new birth. For by Grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God: Not of works,lest any man should boast. THE BIBLE: The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God meaning they are infallible and authoritative and basis for all preaching. Ours is basically a small church having our worship and other services in turn at homes of believers who make up our congregation. We do not have a place of worship of our own. The only handicap is finance.Otherwise we could have rented a big building. The general rural population in our areas are Hindus with strong beliefs in idol worship and centuries old traditions. It is a very difficult task to educate these people with goodnews of the gospel. We need the support of our Brethren both prayer and financial to have a church of our own ( land & building). We simply try to do what Jesus did. Vision: Evangelism , soul-winning and church planting. Purpose: Salvation of souls. Motivation: (Mark 16: 15) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Our Work : Biblical counselling, caring for the poor, Soul winning, distribution of Christian Literature , Buying medicenes for the needy , Village Evangelism and praying for the sick. Most of the people here lack education, health care and most of all they have not heard the good news of the Gospel. Some of these areas are inaccessible and by the Grace of our Lord we are successfully reaching out these people towards the faith. We are not only spreading the gospel but also giving these people guidance in matters of sanitation, health care, education and career building. There is vast scope in this ministry. This responsibility is being carried out for the past several years with only the meagre domestic help from friends and relatives that we could generate. We are looking forward to link up with any Brethren Church / Organisation ONLY which can extend their help and guidance in this work of God. We welcome financial support from individuals, sponsoring agencies, churches and organisations of Brethren Community in carrying on this task. We believe and say that we are good ground to sow. We are also willing to be as their branch in India of any Brethren Church that contributes on regular basis to support: 1. Church Building of our own ( land and building ) 2. Bible School 3. Native Evangelists 4. Service Projects 5. Transport Needs 6. Needs of Outreach ministry 7. Gospel Crusades ? Expenses Continuing the work of Jesus in todays world, even with highly committed people costs something. We have been working independently so far but now as the ministry is growing we are unable to meet the expenditure. We have no foreign support or even committed local support. Hence your valued support both spiritual and financial is solicited. We will respond immediately on hearing from any donor / Church / Organisation to give more details of our ministry and ministerial needs. I need people to support me in prayer for the ministry.

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Worship Service

09.00 am Sunday

Intercessory Prayer

03.00 pm Friday

Fasting & Prayer

06.00 pm Saturday

Outdoor Evangelism

daylong weekly once

Our Staff

Sushil kumar

Founder & Pastor •

Narasimha Murthy

Sushil Barnabas & Murthy

Witness & Evangelism Connections •

Jayant & Rajasekhar

Youth Counsellors •