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BARANGAY SUKAILANG, • SURIGAO CITY, SURIGAO DEL NORTE 8400 • Philippines • 09183332384 • Baptist

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The Christian Family Church is 15 minutes ride by land from the City of Surigao, it is located @ Barangay Sukailang. The Barangay is only 1,228 population. There are eight established churches three of them are evangelicals and one BAPTIST CHURCH the CHRISTIAN FAMILY BAPTIST CHURCH.


1. We believe that there is on God, eternally existing in three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is sovereign in all things, including Creation, Redemption and Final judgment.(Gen. 1:1; Mat 28:19;Isa.48:16;61:6;63:9-10). 2. We believe that God has revealed Himself in the scriptures of the Old & New testaments. inspired by God, they are wholly,trustworthy and the supreme and final authority in faith and life.(Jn 1:1) 3. We believe that man kind was created in the image of God to enjoy fellowship with Him. the universal disobedience and guilt of human nature since the fall has estranged all people from God and made them subject to His judgement and condemnation.(Gen.1:26;3:6-24;Rom 5:12,19) 4. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, God's own Son, was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived on earth a perfect and sinless human life. He died on the cross for our sins as our representative and substitute. He was raised bodily from the dead and is now exalted at the right hand of God, all authority in heaven and on earth having been given to Him. (Luke 1:28;Isa. 53:6; Heb. 2:9;1pet. 2:24;1Cor.15:1-8). 5. We believe that salvation is the gift of God's love and grace through the death of His Son. It is available to all who repentof their sins, by faith rceived Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and are born again of the Holy Spirit, therby becoming children of God. (Acts 8:36-38;Jn1:12;Jn.3:36;Eph 2:8-9) 6. We believe that all who trust Jesus Christ for Salvation are eternally secured in HIm and shall not perish. (Jn.3:36; Jn 5:24;Jn.10:27-28). 7. We believe that God deals with Believers as His children, that He chastise the disobedient, and that He reward the obedient.(Mat.16:27;Mat.25:14-23;Heb.12:5-11;2Jn 8;Rev.22:12) 8. We believe that the Holy Spirit brings individual to repent of their sin, to trust in Christ as Saviour and to live for Him as Lord.The Holy spirit indwells and empowers believers,reproducing by His fruit character of Jesus in their lives, and equipping them by His gift to do God's will on earth.(Acts 5:3) 9. We beleive that the Holy Spirit is the divine administrator for Jesus in His church. (Lk24:49;Jn 14;16-17;Acts 1:4-5,8;Acts 2:1-4). 10. We believe that the Church is the company of allwho have become Children of God by faith in Christ and have been formed by His Spirit into the one body of which He is the head. The church is commissioned to go into all the world to preach the Gospel to all people and make them disciples. (Mat.28:18-20). 11. We believe that there are two divinely appointed offices in a church; PASTOR & DEACONS, to filled by men whose qualifications are set forth in Titus an 1 Timothy. 12. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person to gather His elect who will be with Him forever, to manifest His kingdom in power and glory, and to judge the world in righteousness.(1Thess. 4:16-18). 13. We believe that Bible is the Inspired Word of God, is the fulcrum of the christian faith, it is the medium of God;s addressing man and the means of man's knowing of the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.(1Thess 2:13;2Tim3:15-17)

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Our Services & Events


7p.m.Mon,Tues& Thurs


7p.m. Wed, & Fri.


3p.m. Sunday


3p.m. Saturday


7a.m. - 8:a.m S.Sch

8:30 - 10: a.m. Worship

Our Staff

Rodolfo Uba, Sr.

Roy Mapait

Perfecto Badanoy,Jr.

Board of trusteess •

Luz Mapait

Youth Teacher •

Susan Dahilan

Children Sunday School teacher •