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Tobby Tubby MB Church

P.O. Box 833, 28 CR 199 • Oxford, MS 38655 • United States • 662-236-6761 • Other

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Doctrinal Beliefs

We Believe in one God, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; the Creator, sustainer of the universe, revealing Himself to us in His word as Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Spirit). We Believe the Holy Bible to be the inerrant, infallible, living and abiding word of God, revealing the character, will and mind of God, disclosing His plans for the universe and man, the crown of His creation. We Believe that through the sin of Adams, the first man, all mankind is under a curse of sin and death, and is only saved through the atonement of Jesus Christ (the Last Adam). We Believe that through Jesus Christ we have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We also have through Him, all of the temporal provisions for our physical life, including healing of the body and mind and all material needs. We Believe that the church is the body of Christ; therefore, every Christian must identify with the church. We Believe in the sacraments of Water Baptism and Holy Communion. We Believe in the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost, enduing and empowering believers to have diverse gifts (preaching, teaching,healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, etc), but the same spirit to the members of the body of Christ. We Believe in the final judgment, with the resurrection of the righteous to eternal bliss and the wicked to eternal damnation. We are not a church that's caught up on denomination. For the word of God says, "One God, One Faith, and One baptism". To God Be the Glory


Saturday, August 24, 2002 - We will be having our "Fruits of the Spirit Banquet". This will be taking place at the North Oxford Baptist Church Christian Life Center (Hwy 7 North) @ 7pm. On this banquet you will be hearing from several dynamic Women of Faith such as: Evangelist Kimitria Marion, Minister Ethel Minor, Evangelist Debra Vance, Min. Marcia Cole, and others. Tickets are : $10 - single $18 - couple This is to bless our Youth and Mission Department Come and Be Blessed!!!! ADULT CHOIR DAY - September 8, 2002 @ 2:30pm Many choirs (local & surrounding counties) will be singing The Special Guest will be : The Mighty Stars of Harmony Everyone is invited!!!!!

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Our Services & Events

Worship Service-1st & 3rd Sun.

9:30 am

Worship Service-2nd & 4th Sun.

10:30 am

Sunday School - before 1st/3rd

Wed. @ 6pm

Bible Class-befor 2nd&4th Sun.

Wed. @ 6pm

Praise & Testimony Service-7pm

Fri. before 4th Sun.

YouthChoir Rehearsal Thurs.630

Adult Choir Mon. 630

Our Staff

Jerry Malone

Pastor •

Bro. John Price

Deacon •

Bro. William Love

Deacon •

Sarah McGlown

Missionary •

Bro. Derrick L. Dean

Minister of Music •