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New Day Ministries

1509 Dawson rd., • Thunder Bay, ON P7G 1H8 • Canada • 1 807 768 5024 • Non-denominational

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We are now in the "seventh day",this is a day of rest,not of works.If any man is found working,he shall be stoned to death. Stones are a type of doctrines. The "rest" is speaking the truth in love,by faith. Faith is unseen with the natural eye,we are not to walk by sight, but by faith. Our righteousness is by faith,we must declare that he has made us righteous, no matter what we or others see. The works of faith is this:"BELIEVE".That's it,nothing else will work any longer.We have had our 6 days[6 thousand years] of working this thing out.Now we can only rest in his word;by his stripes ye "were" healed.His blood "hath" cleansed you.You "are" sealed with the holy ghost.Now you must "believe". God is the word of love. He sent his word to us through his Son Jesus. Every word jot and tittle in the bible,old and new testament, is an expression of Gods love to us. The book of Revelation especially,for it is the unveiling of his love to us. We have taken a step back,and are taking a look at the whole picture. We have let go of our old traditional doctrines and are allowing God to build us up in love. The word revelation comes from two greek words,found in the "strongs exhaustive concordance". #575 apo- off #2572 kalupto- to cover or hide. Together they make the word apokalupsis,or to unveil. To really know Jesus Christ should be the desire of every christian.But to come into such an intimate relationship with him,would mean we also would have to be revealed. Jesus Christ is flawless,so in the bed chamber he has nothing to be ashamed of.But we are ashamed of ourselves,we are afraid to be exposed before the bridegroom. This is why God puts us through our tests and trials,the apostle Paul wrote:rejoice in the hope of glory and glory in your tribulation,tribulation worketh patience,patience worketh experience,experience worketh hope and hope makes us not ashamed. Jesus is not ashamed because he has been put through the firey test.He was exposed shamefully on the cross. The power of all of creation died the most shameful deaths imaginable.When I see paintings of Jesus hanging on the cross,I am reminded of how little people really understand of what he went through. When they say he was beaten for our transgressions,you have to understand he was "beaten". The flogger was a proffessional,he knew how to use the whip. The whip was split on the end,so that when the whip master struck his victim, the ends would go over each shoulder and strap even the chest of its victim. The ends had been dipped in,glue and then in pieces of broken glass.This would cause the flesh to tear with each stroke. When the whip struck the whip master would give a backward snap, causing the whip to tear the flesh even more.If the first strike would tear the skin open, can you imagine what he looked like after thirty nine.The glass would have cut easily to the rib cage.His upper body would have been nothing but a hunk of mangled flesh. How about his face?They ripped his beard out by the handfuls.I have had my beard pulled before.It's not the same as pulling the hair on your head.When they plucked off his beard,they would have been getting flesh with it. With a crown of thorns forced into his head,his face torn to pieces and his upper body ripped open,one would have to focus to determine if this indeed was a man. All his followers had believed he was the messiah,the saviour of the world.He was to take over the throne of King David and rule forever.He was their last hope of freedom from both the romans and their own oppressive leaders. Instead there he hung,stripped naked,beaten beyond recognition,being ridiculed by all their oppressors,as helpless as a little child.How their hopes must have been dashed. Some of them may have had a little hope left,but even theirs must have been broken when he cried out "My God,My God,why has thou forsaken me?" I know had I been there the scripture "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee"would have been ringing in my ears.Tears would have been rolling down my cheeks,an empty hole would have been lodged deep in my soul,hate for those who were responsible for this would soon start to swell up in me,for they had murdered my last hope. I would have walked away in disbelief,wondering, how could this man have performed all of those miracles and still not be the "Christ"?For if he had been the Christ,surely God would never have forsaken him. Today his name is still being mocked by his own.Most Christians say,"the next time he comes,he is coming in great power and fury,he is going to wipe out all the evil people and keep us goody twoshoes". Well I have some news for you, scorners.Jesus Christ is Lord.He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.Jesus Christ took his kingdomn that day on calvary.He was given all power both in heaven and in earth. The only place the devil has authority is in the children of disobedience. He wiped out an entire nation in one swipe.Now, no man can enter into eternal life, unless they believe in their hearts that he is "King of kings"(not that he is going to be). Jesus is as complete as he ever will be.It is not up to him to change,it's up to us.We can only change by believing that we also died on that hill,but we are alive and complete in him. The only thing to wait for now, is for this truth to be revealed to the whole world,including ourselves.

Our confession

There are : Things I know to be true, Things I believe to be true, Things I think to be true, The things that I know to be true are: God is "Love".He is the word of love to all of mankind. His word is always a word of love.No matter how we see it. To know him as we ought to know him is to have his love flowing through our veins. If his love is indeed flowing through our veins,than we would have a pure relationship with one another.The reason we have trouble communicating with one another is because his love is not perfected in us."perfect love casts out all fear". We will never "know" him,unless we can see him in one another. If we are not looking for him in one another,than how can we see him in one another? If Christ can't be seen in his own church,than how will he be manifested to the world?

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Eric Van Dine