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All Saints Orthodox Church

5824-118 Avenue, • Edmonton, AB T5W 1E4 • Canada • (780) 471-2781 • Orthodox

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ALL SAINTS ORTHODOX (CHRISTIAN) CHURCH has been in existence as a spiritual community since 1953, serving the needs of Orthodox Christians in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We are a "Canadian" Orthodox community serving the faith needs of all peoples, regardless of their ethnic, racial or social backgrounds in accord with Jesus' call to bring the "Good News" to all! The Liturgical and spiritual life of All Saints Orthodox is found within the framework of traditional Orthodoxy however, we are a community which responds to the needs of modern Christians. The venerable heritage we enjoy indicates that the Orthodox Christian faith has always grown and responded to the needs of it's faithful and All Saints continues this holy and Christ-centered practice. The basis of our response is found in Jesus' admonishment found in Matthew's Gospel,(7: 1-7) when Jesus asks who would give his son a stone if he asked for bread or a snake if he asked for a fish? Today's Christians are seeking spiritual food and nourishment and many ethnic and rigid Orthodox Christian jurisdictions are offering little or nothing to sustain the faith of Christian believers! ALL SAINTS ORTHODOX CHURCH has been blessed by God in it's holy work in the name of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit with a growth rate of 750% from 1998 to the present day. For an Orthodox Christian Church which truly reflects the cultural, racial and ethnic diversity of this great nation of Canada we invite you to become part of the fastest growing Orthodox Church in Canada! All of our Services are entirely in the English language, we utilize Hymns appropriate to our Sacraments and rites, we use the Gregorian Calendar and honor the ancient practice of the Julian calculation, provide a Christian, joyful and friendly atmosphere in which to pray and fellowship. We are respectful of the needs of all including the aged, families, youth and children! We are Christ-centered with Scripturally-based Holy Services and offer relevant, practical and action-provoking thought for Orthodox Christians in the New Millennium!


The foundation of our Orthodox Christian faith and practice consists of the Nicene Creed. Futhermore, we confess the one Person, the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, and believe and proclaim that Christ is one and the same in two natures after His incarnation, preserving those things which were in them and from them. Therefore, we also believe in two wills, in that each retains its own special will and its own action. We reverence, relatively, but not in the manner of worship, the divine images of first, Christ Himself, and then of the Most Holy Theotokos and of all the Saints, addressing to their originals the honor shown to them. We literally and truly confess our Most Holy Theotokos, Mary the Birth-Giver of God, as having borne in the flesh, He who is One of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, our God. We accept and confess the Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Canons, established by the Seven Holy Ecumenical Councils and the traditions of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church, it's rules and ordinances, and likewise, accept and understand Holy Scripture in accordance with the interpretation which the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church, hath held and doth hold. We believe and confess that there are seven sacraments of the New Testament: Baptism, Chrismation, the Holy Eucharist, Holy Confession/Repentance, Holy Orders, Marriage and the Anointing with Oil, instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, to the end that through their operation and reception we may receive every great and spiritual gift from on high unto salvation in Jesus Christ and eternal life. we believe and confess that in the Divine Liturgy, under the mystical forms of bread and wine, the faithful partake of the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, changed by the Holy Spirit, unto the remission of our sins and life everlasting. We ebelive and confess that it is proper to reverence and invoke the Saints who reign with Christ on high, according to the interpretation of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church and that their prayers and intercessions avail with the beneficient God unto our salvation. Likewise, that it is well-pleasing in the sight of God that we should do homage their earthly memory, glorified throughincorruption, as precious memorials of their virtues and their belief of salvation in Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that the holy images (icons)of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the Theotokos are worthy to be posessed and honored, not unto idolatry, but that through the contemplation of the life of that depicted thereof we may be incited to seek and find Christ in all things and that it serve for piety, holiness, and unto emulation of Jesus Christ Himself. We confess that the prayers of the faithful, which are offered up in worship to God for the salvation of those who have departed this life in the faith, are favorably received through God's great love and mercy which knows no bounds. We believe and confess that power has been given by Christ our Lord and Savior unto the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church to bind and to loose and by virtue of that power, is bound or loosed on earth will be bound or loosed in heaven. We believe and confess that the Foundation, Head and Great High Priest and Chief Shepherd of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church is our Lord Jesus Christ and that Patriarchs, Bishops, Priests, Teachers and all others called by their faith in Christ - to serve - are appointed by Him to do His will unpon the earth and that the Guide and Pilot is the Holy Spirit. We confess that therefore, the Church upon this earth is the Bride of Christ and in Christ alone is there salvation. We understand that rite follows place and not person and that Orthodox Christians conform to the rite and practices of the place they worship and attend, all equal, none greater than the other be they preaching salvation in Jesus Christ. We believe and confess this in the name of God who is Father, the Son who is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the Trinity, one in essence and undivided. Amen! We beleive and confess that Jesus Christ be glorified and honored in all that we do and in who we are unto salvation and life eternal! Amen!

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Our Services & Events

Divine Liturgy (All English)

Sundays: 10 A.M.

Scripture Study

Friday's: 7;00 P.M.

Youth/Young Adults

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Ladies (Sisterhood)

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Church/Sunday School

Sundays: 10:00 A.M.

Our Staff

Joseph Royer

Very Reverend •

William J. Popowich

Parish Board President •

Walter Mayowski

Parish Board Vice-President •

Nighisty Sium

Parish Youth Rep. •