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the church a living community

The church a living community We believe church is a living community We believe church is a tree or vine, a flock, a house hold or the bride of Christ. We believe the purpose of the church is to glorify God and carry out his purpose. We believe all believers have direct access to God. We believe all believers are priests to each other. We believe all believers are God?s priests in the World and every believer has some spritual gifts. We believe spiritual gifts guide the church in using her spiritual priesthood. We believe every believer is a servent and minister sharing leadeship talents eachother. We believe every believer will have the mission sprit to witness to the Lord. We believe the church it?s the body of Christ. It is the bride of Christ ; The flock of God ; The living temple of the holy sprit and living relationship of love between Jesus and the chruch. Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, the chruch is an indispenable part of the Gospel. The church is the people of God, it comprises all God?s people in all nations, including those who have new crossed the space ? time ? boundary and live in the immediate presence of God. Ministries of the chruch members 1. Ministry to the Lord ? Worship 2. Ministry to one another ? Service 3. Ministry to the world - Witness Worship ? prayer, praise, thanks giving Service ? Ministry to one another ?Serving and supporting? one another which means show love of Jesus in action, not by words but words into action. We are to help, love and take care of each other. We are to buildup each other amotionally and spirtualy. We are involved in supplying practical helping and support to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need for the Golry to God Spritul support - Emotional support - Finanacial support ? to each other to encouraging in Gods work. We believe this is Christ?s way of reach out in love to ministry to his people. Jesus comforts hurting people by using our arms to ambrace them. He lovingly touches them with our hands. He wants to speak to them through the lips the members of his body the church. Sharing life to another, around a common interest. Witness : Go into all the world. M.K 16:15 Go and spell ? what God has done for you as witness to the world for christ. Finishing the task India?s remaining unreached people groups. Matt 24:14 refers directly to the great commission in Matt 28:18-20. The lord command us, his church, to go into all the world and make desciples of all nations. From the day of pentecost till now , the church has been working to complete this task. Yet 2000 years later, this single task given to the cherch has not completed. The end has not yet come. Though every land has been reached with the Gospel, we are still driven to preach. The church is not an end in it self but God?s instrument to complete his purpose, make sure that you and your church are part of God?s historic purpose to add to the body of Christ those purchased with his blood Please pray for us and lift up us in your family, congrigational prayers and strengthn our hands in our Lords work. For more details of this task please visit our church evangilical wing bfecc mission activities web page

my ambition to preach the Gospe

It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known"-Rom 15:20 A MISSION TO THE UNREACHED PEOPLES IN INDIA MISSION THROUGH THE EVANGELISTS IN RURAL AREA We thank the Lord for our evangelists who make tremendous sacrifice to Stay and work in the Villages among the people coming from the non-Christian background. They walk and cycle 30/40 k.m. Every day in taking the Gospel to people very often they suffering by persecution for the Lord. Please continue to pray for them and their Families that the Lord will protect them from the evil one, meet their needs, encourage their hearts and use them mightily for his glory. OUR NATIVE MISSIONARY OUT REACH : We praise the Lord for enabling us to move forward in-line with the vision of planting cell Churches and having missionaries this year. We are receiving many letters from people expressing their desire and work with us as missionaries. We are waiting on the Lord to show us the people of his choice for his work . The Lord opening new village for us to go into. We could see people Gathering In small groups In remote villages to hear the word of God. Our co-workers are working with enthusiasm and are helping these dear Village folk to grow in the Lord, Please pray for these new belivers. Our goal is to start a cell Church when there are a minimum of 10 belivers who are firm in their faith and have holding witnessed in the waters of Baptism. Our co-workers cover these villages on foot and by bicycle and they move new villages, surrounded villages are mostly non-Christians. They listened to the Gospel intently. We have specified the villages where our goal is to start a cell Church in each place. Our co-workers are involves practical ministry and they are very happy to see the Lord at work in many lives. This is wondrful experience for most of them and they are truly excitant and expectantly to look to the Lord to use them as his effective instruments for his glory. The Lord does every thing perfectly, his works every thing truly and marvellous and with a meticulous plan. we work "work where God is working". Please pray that the Lord will help us to get a Video Projector with Christian Films alongwith a Jeep to go to the interior villages, and for these co-workers that where they do the follow-up work, the holyspirt will move the hearts of these people and that they will open their hearts to the Lord. We request you to pray specially for new villages. The opposition here is very great. Some of the villagers tried to stop our co-workers from preaching the Gospel. Please pray that Satan?s work may be nullified and that the Lord?s name may be glorified. Also pray for the opposition that they may come to know the true living God, and that truth will set them free. Thank God for this witness. And their Gods have fled before the Lord Jesus Christ. Mission of establishing prayer fellowship groups and planting Cell Churches. In obdience to plan of our lord in building his Church (Mt 16:18), our evangelical team is engaged in planting cell Churchs. First fellowship groups are formed among the new believers. These fellowship groups eventually become churches with their own spiritual leaders, which in turn reach out to unreached areas. Brothern pray for us (I thes 5:28) our hearts desire and prayer to God for India is that the people of the country may be saved. We are now engaged in this duty to the best of our ability by the mercies of God. Our team as a mission to the unreached peoples, Supported by the people of God. Pease pray for us that we may be found faithful in his sight and unceasingly labour for fulfilling the unfinished task in this part of his last command. MINISTRY THROUGH CAMPS AND CONFERENCES Discipleship camps, leadership meetings, gospel conventions are conducted edification of the new believers and comforting the suffering saints and challenging there to plant more cell chuches in these areas. Pray earnestly for this valuable ministry and do your best for the new believers. Much prayer is needed for those who have been going through persecution because of their faith on Jesus. Praise God for God?s faithfulness in our lives and in our ministry. The people who were trained to reach the unreached for the God. The prayer partners who support us and pray for us regularly. God opened the door to proclaimed the gospel in idol-worshipping villages. Already started cell Churchs Native Missionaries. Prayer to God for Programmes planed of the whole year. Much prayer needed for the programmes and new partners Tools of evangelism School of Evangelism & Mission Training. Provision of a DTP System, offset press a van and bicycles. PA system, vedio projector and slide projector with Christian Films, Slids and Megaphones. New Christain Helping Centres. Books, Magzines, Bibles, Tracts. Yours brothern in his everlasting mission Eva. SRINIVASACHARYULU TATOLU Bible Fellowship full gospel church D.No. 8-8-76, Gubbalavari Street, Narsapur-534 275, A.P., South India.

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Our Services & Events

sunday worship

10.30 a.m

thuseday fasting prayer

11 a.m

friday prayer for world

7.30 p.m

wednes day housevisitings

10.30 a.m

thursday out reach

10.30 a.m

monday outreach

10.30 a.m

Our Staff

Saibabu pulletikurthi

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rajkumar asapu

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syamalarao kalavaganti

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praveen varma

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immanuel mustimalla

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