Proverbs 29:18 says where there is no vision the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. God's Way Church Of God In Christ has a 5-Fold Vision. I. To have a productive spiritual and physical existence. II. To proclaim Jesus Christ throughout the world. III. To come to the needs of those that are less fortunate with physical and spiritual help. IV. To help the youth of this generation through guidance, counseling and prayer. V. Last but not least, to lift up the son of God, the only begotten, Jesus Christ.
You are welcome to a church that has found favor in the sight of God. You are welcome to a place where God abides and is doing great things through his people. We want you to know that you are welcome once, you are welcome twice, you are welcome three times. One for the father, one for the son and one for the Holy Ghost. You are welcome at God's Way Church of God in Christ. Come where the table is spreaded and the feast of the Lord is going on. The Pastor & First Lady welcomes you, the God's Way family welcomes you, the angels in heaven welcomes you. "Everyone is welcome at God's Way Church of God in Christ".
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