Greetings Believers!
Grace be to you through God Almighty, and peace be multiplied to you through Jesus in His Anointing!
I praise God for the time off (1 month) He has blessed me with to bond with my new child Praise Elizabeth. God truly understands the heart of man. I am back now with a clearer word from God. Please let me know if you have been blessed by these letters or not. Your praise reports and prayer request gives power to the Kingdom of God. Our angels are looking for your assignments to them so they can carry them out!
Praise God now that we have grabbed "Seven Powers of Momentum" I'd like to share an aspect of character building that can really push your chance of faith up stream. Faith is truly the ultimate force given to man. Love is what motivates us to use our faith. Faith takes is beyond the realm of reason. Reasoning surrounds our faith and slowly shurs the door to the anointing.
No word, equals no faith. No faith equals no anointing. No anointing means burdens and yokes remain throughout our generations.
If we want to see the blueprint of our hearts desire come to pass, there will be a need to perfect perseverence! Perseverence is defined as, "continuing in a state of enterprise, inspite of counter influences and opposition, or discouragement." Perfecting perserverence means to complete the actions you take to persevere. You may ask, when can I let up from persevering, or how long must I persevere to perfect it? The answer: When what you see in your heart is manifested in your hand then you can stop persevering.
Here is a good first step to perfecting perseverence: Your heart is the producer of the blueprint you plan to follow to success. This blueprint is very important to the Chief Architect(God). When God looks at the heart, He is looking for the earnest intense expectation. He wants to see what you are meditating on. He wants to see what you need Him to do. God has given every one gifts,(graces) to cultivate and bring answers to a dark world.
"A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: withersoever it turneth, it prospereth."
Prov. 17:8
You can discover your future by discovering your gifts. They are cultivated in your heart, and are designed to bring answers to the earth. You must therefore guard your heart. Your ears, eyes, and mouths are all gateways to your heart. You must be careful what you see, and say. Words produce thoughts, that produce imaginations which results in manifestation. Both God and satan need your heart to bring manifestation in your life...
"........and besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue;"
II Peter 1:5
Here are the cousins to perseverence. Give all diligence to add to your faith. Peter list 7 relatives to perseverence; virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly kindness, and charity. For the sake of time we will look at dilgence first.
Diligence is defined as 'steady, constant effort to acheive that which is undertaken.' So to perfect perseverence we must embrace diligence.
"The desire of the slothful killeth him: for his hands refuse to labour."
Prov. 21: 25
Don't be like the slothful man who wants things but is not 'willing' to work at his gift to make it valuable to others and become the answer to a problem that the earth needs. Don't worry you will not run out of steam in the process. Remember we are a people of faith. Our spirit will help us when all efforts seem to fall short of our expectancy.
"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear."
Prov. 18:17
"But if that same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised The Anointed One from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."
Rom. 8:11
God doesn't give this spiritual refreshing to master the remote control of your 52" flat screen T.V. He gives it to us to inject momentum into our lives. He gives it to us so that we can continue in a state of enterprise in spite of counter influences and opposition!
David understood this. In his worship to God he showed us how God was with him to persevere.
"Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; went through fire & through water, but thou brought us out into a wealthy place!"
Psalm 85:9
Remember this law of deliverence when it comes to perfecting perseverence in your life. God will deliver you out that He might bring you in. It is just as important to leave as it is to enter. Nothing shall be reframed from them that imagine to do. May God bless the blueprint of your heart in Jesus Name!
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