Welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ. Forrest City District#2 was founded under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Howard C. Smith Sr. In the Bible God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh so he would preach the Gospel of repentance. In the present day God impelled the Apostle Dr. Howard C. Smith Sr. to preach the Gospel of Salvation and Repentance of your sins. He was not the light, but sent to bear witness of the light.
God has blessed our district with a very gifted, virtuous, and talented missionary, by the name of Missionary Evelyn Smith. Missionary Evelyn Smith has proven to be very faithful and hardworking to God and Forrest City District #2. God Has truly anointed our district with many vessels used by God in every capacity of the body of Christ, and for this we give God the praise (2Cor. 4:7). Forrest City#2 has been apart of many community outreach programs, such as: Prison Ministries, Youth Programs, 24 hour Prayer/Counseling Service, and Infant/Child Care Services, etc. The Church has been and still is responsible for the success of many youth, elderly, and trouble addicts throughout the community. We hope and pray that you have an opportunity to visit and fellowship with us and receive what thou seek from the Lord. God Bless You!