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The Salvation Army - Perth Corps

77 South Street, • Perth PH2 8PD, Scotland PH2 8PD • United Kingdom • 01738 440090 • SA

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A growing Christian fellowship welcomes you

Right in the heart of the Fair City of Perth (historic capital of Scotland) Perth Salvation Army has reached out in the name of Christ for over a century. Our mission is two fold: to know Christ and to make Christ known. This provides the enquirer to the Christian faith with our clear objective to grow the 'saints' and to reach out and point people to Christ's love for them.

Our building, on the corner of South Street and Kind Edward Street, has just been refurbished, enabling us to serve the local city centre population, providing us with the fantastic opportunity to run a pre-school community cafe (3: 16 Cafe)and charity shop (New to You Shop), whilst also providing us with a new 300 seater worship and community hall, and much needed drop-in-centre.

The Salvation Army in Perth is part of the city centre community and the public at large identifies it as 'the church with its sleeves rolled up'. Greater opportunities for serving the community are in place with The Salvation Army's partnership with Perth and Kinross Council at the Skinnergate Resettlement Unit. The corps and Skinnergate Resettlement Unit operate within a shared ministry covenant. We commit ourselves to work together in a shared ministry in order to create opportunities to present the Gospel relevantly, to nurture and encourage new believers in Jesus into Discipleship and Fellowship. To do this we share resources to further God's Kingdom within the City of Perth.

We are currently refurbishment the upper floors of our premises to provide much needed additional space for a homeless training suite and additional accommodation for use by the resettlement unit. This project requires funding before it commences. Any offers of donations would be greatly appreciated. Cheques can be sent C/O Captain Iain Hudson, 77 South Street, Perth PH2 8PD marked for Perth Corps. For more information about our resettlement unit contact the centre directly on +44 01738 624360

The corps runs a New to You Shop from 81 South Street 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday) from 9.45am - 4.00pm (Tel: 01738 629160) The premises allow us to provide a much needed and appreciated service and presence in the city centre. It is managed by two part-time managers - Mrs Pat Paskin and Mrs Irene Coulter

The corps runs a 3: 16 Cafe which caters for all groups but particularly runs for accommodate a lack of cafe catering for parents with pre-school children. Our cafe is a waitress service, offering a basic but varied menu. It boasts a large wide screen TV and offers the pre schoolers their own seating. It also has a toddler play area. It is accessed through 32 King Edward Street or through our main entrance at 77 South Street and runs from 9.30am until 4.00pm Monday-Saturday(Tel: 01738 440090) This is run by volunteers who are managed by Mr Larry Denyer our catering supervisor together with Mrs Sheena Bradbury our Community Manager.

Our aim and purpose for being in Perth is to carry out the work of Christ - saving souls, reaching out to those in need and growing the believers. We're a very much focussed on friendship evangelism believing the only way to effectively and lastingly win people for Christ is to 'be' rather than 'do'

We encourage members to develop their personal networks, and give time for this to take place. The gospel is preached every Sunday. We're pleased that God is saving souls through our corps fellowship.

Our Sunday meeting has a relaxed and informal approach, comprising worship, preaching the Word, testimony and fellowship. Our young people leave the Sunday morning meeting half way through for their own teaching in a separate hall. We cater for all ages, currently from babies to senior citizens. We have people worshipping who include students, postmen, electricians, medical staff, teachers, accountants, artists, salesmen, landscape gardeners and prison workers.

Our Sunday evening meeting is a more intimate affair, as we share in a meal, enjoy lively worship, receive teaching and participate in discussion. We are currently running an Alpha Course on Sunday evenings - a course that has been adopted by The Salvation Army as a tool for outreach and getting people saved. For more information click here

The Salvation Army in Perth is just one of the United Kingdom network of over 800 Corps (church groups) not to mention the wide and varied social service provision given. For a fuller UK wide picture of The Salvation Army click here

On Target!

The Salvation Army fellowship in Perth has a vision to be part of a city wide 'church' seeing those thousands of lost souls won for Christ.

To this end we reach upwards through constant individual prayer, keeping an alive relationship with God so that we are able to know God's voice speaking to us, directing our efforts for His glory. We meet on a monthly basis as a group to corporately pray specifically for our membership concerns, our city and national issues. This takes place on a Wednesday evening each month in the form of a half night of prayer between 8.00pm and 12 midnight. Our vision is to pray for unity in the churches believing that God will bring revival to our land. For more details contact Iain or Alison on +44 01738 440090.

During the month of September last year the corps engaged in the 24-7 prayer initiative whereby the hall was kept open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Reflections on 24-7 Prayer week - the week was marked by spending time in God's presence and feeling God's love surrounding us. Participation of other church leaders in the city, leading evening prayer concerts ensured that other congregations participated in prayer. This brought a shared vision of God's church in Perth - a church with NO barriers, Hallelujah!. Each night there was a structured event - Prayer Concert (with prayer walking the city), Bible School etc. The regular appearance of a number of 'new' people brought joy to the corps. A couple witnessed that they just had to keep coming back because 'we are so relaxed in our prayer and worship and so humble!!' A video highlighting revivals around the world that had started through unity of the churches in prayer, made a big impact upon us and brought hope to our fellowship working with the other local churches.

Prayers were answered by young and old alike. Prodigals who had been prayed for showed up indicating more answers to prayer. A common thread mentioned by those 'passers by' who came in to pray was 'that it was lovely to have a church open for prayer'.

One feature in the prayer room that caught the eye of many who entered was the 'walk to the cross' A big cross, covered in names of prodigals was a central feature to the prayer room. However people were asked to draw round their feet, cut them out, write a significant scripture on the cut out feet, staple them to the card covered floor and draw a circle around them. The circle signified a quote from Gipsy Smith (a pioneer Salvation Army Officer of the 1890's)which was shared the previous Sunday when he was asked how revival starts. 'Draw a circle around yourself and prayer to God to send revival to everything in that circle.' It was moving to see many footprints and circles on the way to the cross. Our corps is moving back to a new hall at the turn of the year and it has been decided to make our 'cry room' double up as a prayer room. We are planning on another week of constrant prayer later in the year.

As well as building up through prayer, we make inroads into the shopping community of Perth, making friends and inviting them to listen to the good news of Jesus Christ and respond positively to it. New converts are already attracting new people and bringing them along to the fellowship - Hallelujah!!

Our third part of the vision is to build outwards from Perth Corps. We are planning to plant 3 new churches in surrounding towns - Crieff, Pitlochry and Auchterarder - giving Salvation Army expression to these communities. We praise God that a positive weekly presence and outreach is now taking place in Auchterarder with Brian Bradbury, a Perth member who is selling and distributing the War Cry each Saturday in this small town of Perthshire. God has given the leadership team positive indication that Crieff will be next Salvation Army expression to commence. If you are an intercessor, please pray for Auchterarder and Crieff as well as Pitlochry, where no significant leading has been forthcoming to date.

Thank you for visiting this website which attempts to give you information about our Salvation Army fellowship in Perth. We appreciate your interest and support and would welcome your prayers Do please get in touch if we can help you, or if you just want to say hello.

God bless you and your loved ones!


The Official Re-Opening - 9/10 March - Report

One hundred and nineteen years after the army commenced in Perth, a suite of extensively refurbished halls was opened by Territorial Commander, Commissioner Alex Hughes, and Commissioner Ingeborg Hughes. "Perth is evidence that miracles exist," commented East Scotland Divisional Commander Major Robert McIntyre at the commencement of the opening ceremony, prior to the commissioner cutting the ribbon with number 1 on the roll, YPSM (R) Mrs May Brash. "God inspires people to dream dreams but to make them come true you must take risks" said the commissioner. The corps officers, Captains Alison and Iain Hudson knew the truth of this. When appointed to Perth as newly commissioned officers they were told the corps was in great need of new premises. Seven years later the dream has been realised with a refurbished complex comprising a charity shop, a child friendly cafe with soft play area, a purpose built catering kitchen and a new worship hall built on. The upper floors are being developed with Salvation Army Social Services to provide a training suite for living skills and five self contained 'half way house' flats. Following a celebration tea, the commissioners were given a traditional Scottish welcome as they were piped into the hall. "It warmed the cockles of my tartan heart," acknowledged the commissioner. The evening meeting included, "Perth", specially composed for the weekend by Lieut-Col. Ray Steadman-Allen. This was played by the corps band augmented by friends and soldiers returning to their home corps for the occasion. The corps mission statement, 'to know Christ and make Christ know', was used by Commissioner Ingeborg Hughes as the basis for her testimony. Other testimonies were given by local officers, Corps Mission Secretary Brian Bradbury and Recruiting Sergeant Val MacGowan who had had a sponsored parachute jump for the building fund. Sunday began with the commissioners broadcasting on Radio Tay AM, followed by a corps prayer breakfast. During the morning meeting, in which Commissioner Ingeborg Hughes addressed the congregation on the personal journey of faith, two adherents, Bert and Pat Kidd were recognised. Both gave witness to the Lord leading them to the corps through the 24/7 Prayer initiative held last September. The weekend ended with an informal praise and testimony meeting led by the corps officers, in which members of the congregation shared Scripture promises and prayers for the future ministry of the corps.

To register your interest to be kept updated, contact Captain Iain Hudson at our e-mail address click to send mail here

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Our Services & Events

Family Meeting

10.30am each Sunday

Evening Meeting

6.30pm each Sunday

Perth City Club

2.00pm each Monday

First-timers Club

10.30am on Tuesday

Chapter One (Bible Study)

7.15pm on Wednesday

Family Circle

2.00pm on Thursday

Our Staff

Iain Hudson

Alison Hudson

Sheena Bradbury

Community Manager •

Tony Wigley

Resettlement Unit Manager •