I am so grateful that you have taken a moment to enter our web page. I pray that your visit is a pleasant and anointed one. You can also find us at! Remember you always have an open invitation to worship with us at the BREAD OF HEAVEN . where we are always Building God's People For Success...Pass the Word!God Bless You, Dr. Potts
The Bread of HEAVEN Community Church, Inc. is not just a church but, a multi-faceted, multi-cultural, spirit-filled ministry for people from all walks of life. Each worship experience is a motivating move of God, as we worship Him in spirit and truth. Our Pastors' preach and teach, the Living Word of God to all ages. Join us in the Town Center, in the heart of Virginia Beach.
Come Worship With Us!
For more information check us out at!
Sunday School for All Ages
Prayer Ministry-Intercessory
Music & Arts Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Deacon and Trustee Board
Men of Valor (MOV)
Women of War (WOW)
Bible Study and Exciting Every Week!
Purposed Gener8Xtion
Pastor's Aide
We are handicap accessible,also.
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